- After reading the first three chapters: * list the main parts/components/structures of the model. * Is their creation dependent on other components? - Thinking about the scripts: * What is the main reason (the biggest advantage) of using scripts? What kind of information does it bring? (Hint: page 2, page 8) * The authors don't get the "knowledge" of scripts straightforwardly. How is that "knowledge" represented in the model and which (four) ways are used to get it? - In the last paragraph of Section 3, a method is described that enhances the robustness of the model (binarization of all association weights w^z_i). Answer one of the following questions (choose one): * Why does it work? (=> Why should it work best?) * Do you have any idea how to do it differently? - Experiments: Which "tricks"/"parts of processing" enhanced the //Attribute recognition// and //Composite activity classification// tasks "the most"? Try to answer why. ====== Answers ====== - First set * list components [[https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/12wIoIDVDV3b6EbJAVVIzZn9h0ymIgHRHi_sTauGM08A/edit|(Google doc graph)]] * dependance of components (the same graph) - Scripts * reason?: Cheap source of training data, Many combinations, unseen variants, “decsriptions” of the same thing * four ways: 2x2: 1) direct use of words from data or 2) mapping word classes from WordNet X 3) simple word frequency or 4) TF*IDF - There was a discussion about 3rd set of question. We are not sure why authors do that. There was strongly supported opinion that autohors do a lot unnecessary work, which is lost by binarization. - 4th: Majority people in aswers nominated the use of TF*IDF in case of no training data as the best idea.