====== How to create a node (concept or function) ====== * For creating a new **concept** node: Click the{{:projects:content-annotation:tools:annotation-tool:edit_add.png|:projects:content-annotation:tools:annotation-tool:edit_add.png}}button on the toolbar or press //Insert// key * For creating a new **function** node: Click the{{:projects:content-annotation:tools:annotation-tool:edit_add.png|:projects:content-annotation:tools:annotation-tool:edit_add.png}}button on the toolbar while pressing //Shift// key The function nodes' IDs start with ''F'' while concepts with ''C''. Function arguments are connected to the function with dashed arrows. The tool first looks whether a node is selected. If no node is selected, the new node will appear in the left top corner and nothing else happens. If a node is selected, the new node **will appear underneath the selected node** and they will be connected by a newly created relation going from the old one to the new one. The direction of the relation can be reversed by right-clicking the center of the relation and choosing //Reverse// from the pop-up menu.