====== Keith Hall: Multilingual Dependency Parsing ====== 23. 10. 2006 Keith Hall (Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University, USA) Multilingual Dependency Parsing and Applications [[ http://www.clsp.jhu.edu/~khall/talks/UFALSeminar.pdf | Slidy ]] [[ http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~bejcek/SFL/sfl_2006-10-23_Hall--dep_parsing.wma | audio ]] Abstract: Dependency parsing has recently come to the forefront of interest in the statistical parsing community, culminating in the 2006 CoNLL shared task on multilingual dependency parsing. Many of the competing teams made use of the Maximum Spanning Tree (MST) approach pioneered by McDonald and Ribarov (McDonald et al. '05). A disadvantage of the MST approach is that it requires structural scores to be derived from parent-child links. This constrains the parsing models to be based on very local structure; disallowing the explicit modeling of subcategorization and valency as well as far simpler constraints (compound adjectives, etc.). In this talk, I present a two-stage dependency parser which combines a K-best MST algorithm with a reranker. The advantage of such an approach is that the model used by the reranker includes features defined over entire tree structures. I present empirical results showing that "good" parses appear in the first 50 hypotheses generated by the heavily constrained MST models. Furthermore, I present reranking results that are competitive with the state-of-the-art parsers. Results are presented for a subset of the CoNLL competition languages as well as English. Finally, I will introduce a framework for the application of dependency parsing to tasks such as Speech Reconstruction and parsing of resource-poor languages.