====== NLG ====== Reiter - text planning, sentence planning, realization realizers: * PENMAN ted KPML by Bateman * [[SURGE/FUF]] by Elhadad and Robin * RealPro by Benoit Lavoie and Owen Rambow Lexically-driven realization * Shake and Bake [Whitelock 92] * bag generation from logical form [Phillips 93] * chart generation [Kay 96] Hierarchically structured input logical form * semantic head driven generation [Shieber et al 90] [Moore 02] Statistical approaches * MAGENTA [Hajič et al. 02] Rule-based approaches * [[DBMT]] [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~curin/mt/doc/eacl2003_dtbmt.pdf|Čmejrek, Cuřín, Havelka 03]] CZ -> EN [PCEDT BLEU dtest/etest: 0.1974 0.1704] * FUF/Surge [Elhadad 93, Elhadad and Robin 98] * KPML [Bateman 97] Hybrid approaches * NitroGen [Knight and Hatzivassiloglou 95] * [[http://www.isi.edu/publications/licensed-sw/halogen/|HaloGen]] [Langkilde and Knight 00] * Fergus [Bangalore and Rambow 00] * ARGENT [Dragomir Radev 02] ^ den ^ teplota ^ vlhkost ^ | 1.5. | 20°C | 53% | | 2.5. | 21°C | 53% | | 3.5. | 19°C | 53% | | 4.5. | 10°C | 53% | | 5.5. | 7°C | 53% | | 6.5. | 6°C | 53% | | 7.5. | 10°C | 53% | | 8.5. | 20°C | 53% | | 9.5. | 20°C | 53% |