===== Slovak (sk) ===== [[http://korpus.sk/|Slovak Treebank]] (part of Slovak National Corpus / Slovenský národný korpus) ==== Versions ==== * [[:format-pml|PML format]] as in Czech PDT 2.0 (.a, .m, .w files) ST is natively dependency-based, modeled after the Prague Dependency Treebank of [[cs|Czech]]. ==== Obtaining and License ==== ST has not been publicly released. Contact [[http://kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk/~garabik/|Radovan Garabík]] to inquire about availability and license terms. ST was created by members of the [[http://juls.savba.sk/|Ľudovít Štúr Language Institute]] (Jazykovedný ústav Ľudovíta Štúra), Panská 26, 81364 Bratislava, Slovakia. ==== References ==== * Website * http://korpus.sk/ (Slovenský národný korpus), not much about syntactic annotation * http://metashare.tilde.com/repository/browse/slovak-treebank/36e46d0a649311e292cd00163e00007874586ecb0acd48909e54babd7c5e7bc2/ (Short info at MetaShare) * https://metashare.korpus.sk/repository/browse/slovak-treebank/36e46d0a649311e292cd00163e00007874586ecb0acd48909e54babd7c5e7bc2/ * Data * //no separate citation// * Principal publications * Mária Šimková, Radovan Garabík: [[http://kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk/~garabik/publications/18/syntax.pdf|Синтаксическая разметка в Словацком национальном корпусе]] In: Tруды международной конференции Корпусная лингвистика – 2006. Sankt-Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press 2006, p. 389 – 394. ISBN 5-288-04181-4. * Documentation * [[http://korpus.sk/morpho.html|Morphological tagset of the Slovak National Corpus]] * [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/pdt/Corpora/PDT_1.0/Doc/anal.html|The analytical layer of the Prague Dependency Treebank]] ==== Domain ==== Mixed. ==== Size ==== The treebank reportedly contains about 50000 sentences. In HamleDT, we are currently experimenting with a subset that contains Annotator 1 annotations of documents that have manual morphological annotation, and of Wikipedia (for which the source of morphological annotation has not been confirmed). This subset contains 479473 tokens and 26149 sentences, yielding 18.34 tokens per sentence on average. We have not yet split the data into training and test parts. ==== Inside ==== The syntactic annotation scheme has been taken from analytical layer of the (Czech) Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0. The set of syntactic tags (dependency relation labels) is identical to the set of analytical functions (afuns) in PDT. Morphosyntactic tagset is that of the Slovak National Corpus. Use [[http://quest.ms.mff.cuni.cz/cgi-bin/interset/index.pl?tagset=sk::snk|DZ Interset]] to inspect the tagset. A significant part of the treebank (but not all) has been syntactically annotated in parallel by two independent annotators. (In the data we have for HamleDT these parallel annotations have not been merged.) The morphological analysis includes lemmas. The morphosyntactic tags and lemmas have been assigned manually only in part of the treebank: Orwell1984, MojaPrvaLaska, Mucska, MilosFerko, MilosFerko2, Patmos, PsiaKoza “and some others.” ==== Sample ==== Beginning of the file ''Orwell1984/bsnk01_jankal_dok.fsnew.w'' (I have selected this text because we have the same part of Orwell's 1984 as our sample of [[sl#Sample|Slovenian]]. csts 1 : ORWELL GEORGE deväťsto Tisíc osemdesiatštyri : Preklad Vojtek Juraj I . 1 a Bol deň aprílový ale jasný , chladný odbíjali hodiny trinástu The same sentence on the m-layer: cs manual w#w-.b.1
: Z
manual w#w-.b.2
orwell SSms1:r
manual w#w-.b.3
george SSms1:r
manual w#w-.b.4
deväťsto NX
manual w#w-.b.5
tisíc NX
manual w#w-.b.6
osemdesiatštyri NX
manual w#w-.c.1
: Z
manual w#w-.c.2
preklad SSis1
manual w#w-.c.3
vojtek SSms1:r
manual w#w-.c.4
juraj SSms1:r
manual w#w-.d.1
i 0
manual w#w-.d.2
. Z
manual w#w-.e.1
1 0
manual w#w-.f.1
a O
manual w#w-.f.2
byť VLesci+
manual w#w-.f.3
deň SSis1
manual w#w-.f.4
aprílový AAis1x
manual w#w-.f.5
ale O
manual w#w-.f.6
jasný AAis1x
manual w#w-.f.7
, Z
manual w#w-.f.8
chladný AAis1x
manual w#w-.f.9
odbíjať VLepcf+
manual w#w-.f.10
hodiny SSfp1
manual w#w-.f.11
trinásty NAfs4
manual w#w-.f.12
. Z
The same sentence on the a-layer: m#m-.b 0 m#m-.b.1 Coord 3 m#m-.b.2 ExD 1 2 m#m-.b.3 Atr 1 m#m-.b.4 ExD 1 5 m#m-.b.5 Atr 4 m#m-.b.6 Atr 6 m#m-.c 0 m#m-.c.1 Coord 2 m#m-.c.2 ExD 1 1 m#m-.c.3 ExD 1 4 m#m-.c.4 Atr 3 m#m-.d 0 m#m-.d.1 ExD 1 m#m-.d.2 AuxG 2 m#m-.e 0 m#m-.e.1 ExD 1 m#m-.f 0 m#m-.f.1 Coord 8 m#m-.f.2 Pred 1 1 m#m-.f.3 Pnom 7 m#m-.f.4 Atr 6 m#m-.f.5 Coord 4 m#m-.f.6 Atr 1 2 m#m-.f.7 AuxX 3 m#m-.f.8 Atr 1 5 m#m-.f.9 Pred 1 10 m#m-.f.10 Sb 9 m#m-.f.11 Obj 11 m#m-.f.12 AuxK 12 ==== Parsing ==== Nonprojectivities are relatively rare. 1.73 % of nodes are attached nonprojectively. Parsing results: we obtained a UAS of 80.73 % using Malt Parser with the stack-lazy algorithm. No other published parsing results are known to us.