Table of Contents

Sven Hartrumpf, Hagen

Paper Draft

Title ideas:
Supporting and Evaluating an Annotation Project for Semantics of Texts

Description of Annotation Project

aim: annotate a corpus of NNN sentences with MultiNet structures

qualities: correctness, consistency, reproducability

means for reaching qualities: use available resources for different languages,
mostly German, some English

Resources around MultiNet

The following subsections describe resources that can be helpful
for the annotation project.

English Lexicon

German Lexicon

German Parser

Annotation Editor

Tools for Annotators

Example Database

German lexicon: contains examples

Automatic parses, quality is controlled by …,
resulting networks are accessible over web browser

access via German forms (leads to matching c-ids),
or via English forms (realized by mapping from HaGenLex to HaEnLex)



