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Danish (da)

Danish Dependency Treebank (DDT)


The original DDT is based on Discontinuous Grammar. It natively encodes dependencies and other relations such as anaphora. The CoNLL version contains only the dependency relations.

Obtaining and License

DDT is available under the GNU General Public License version 2. Download the original distribution (DTAG + TIGER-XML formats) from Download the CoNLL 2006 conversion from The license in short:

DDT was created by members of the Department of International Language Studies and Computational Linguistics, Copenhagen Business School (Handelshøjskolen i København), Dalgas Have 15, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark. The underlying PAROLE corpus (morphologically annotated) was created by the Society for Danish Language and Literature (Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab), Christians Brygge 1, DK-1219 København K, Denmark.



Unknown (the underlying PAROLE corpus “consists of quotations of 150-250 words from a wide range of randomly selected linguistically representative Danish texts from 1983-1992.”)


The CoNLL 2006 version contains 100,238 tokens in 5512 sentences, yielding 18.19 tokens per sentence on average (CoNLL 2006 data split: 94386 tokens / 5190 sentences training, 5852 tokens / 322 sentences test).


The original morphosyntactic tags have been converted to fit into the three columns (CPOS, POS and FEAT) of the CoNLL format. There should be a 1-1 mapping between the DDT positional tags and the CoNLL 2006 annotation. Use DZ Interset to inspect the CoNLL tagset.

The morphological analysis in the CoNLL 2006 version does not include lemmas (the original DTAG version does contain them). The morphosyntactic tags have been assigned (probably) manually.

Some multi-word expressions have been collapsed into one token, using underscore as the joining character. This includes adverbially used prepositional phrases (e.g. i_lørdags = on Saturdays) but not named entities.


The first sentence of DDT 1.0 in the DTAG format:

  <teiHeader type=text>
        <title>Tagged sample of: 'Jeltsins skæbnetime'</title>
      <extent words=158>158 running words</extent>
         <address><addrline>Christians Brygge 1,1., DK-1219 Copenhagen K.</address>
         <availability status=restricted><p>by agreement with distributor</availability>
            <title>Jeltsins skæbnetime</title>
            <author gender=m born=1925>Nikulin, Leon</author>
              <publisher>Det Fri Aktuelt</publisher>
        <catRef target="P.M2">
        <catRef target="P.G4.8">
        <catRef target="P.T9.3">
<text id=AJK>
<div1 type=main>
<W lemma="to" msd="AC---U=--" in="9:subj" out="1:mod|2:mod|3:nobj|5:appr">To</W>
<W lemma="kendt" msd="ANP[CN]PU=[DI]U" in="-1:mod" out="">kendte</W>
<W lemma="russisk" msd="ANP[CN]PU=[DI]U" in="-2:mod" out="">russiske</W>
<W lemma="historiker" msd="NCCPU==I" in="-3:nobj" out="">historikere</W>
<W lemma="Andronik" msd="NP--U==-" in="1:namef" out="">Andronik</W>
<W lemma="Mirganjan" msd="NP--U==-" in="-5:appr" out="-1:namef|1:coord">Mirganjan</W>
<W lemma="og" msd="CC" in="-1:coord" out="2:conj">og</W>
<W lemma="Igor" msd="NP--U==-" in="1:namef" out="">Igor</W>
<W lemma="Klamkin" msd="NP--U==-" in="-2:conj" out="-1:namef">Klamkin</W>
<W lemma="tro" msd="VADR=----A-" in="" out="-9:subj|1:mod|2:pnct|3:dobj|12:pnct">tror</W>
<W lemma="ikke" msd="RGU" in="-1:mod" out="">ikke</W>
<W lemma="," msd="XP" in="-2:pnct" out="">,</W>
<W lemma="at" msd="CS" in="-3:dobj" out="2:vobj">at</W>
<W lemma="Rusland" msd="NP--U==-" in="1:subj|2:[subj]" out="">Rusland</W>
<W lemma="kunne" msd="VADR=----A-" in="-2:vobj" out="-1:subj|1:vobj|2:mod">kan</W>
<W lemma="udvikle" msd="VAF-=----P-" in="-1:vobj" out="-2:[subj]">udvikles</W>
<W lemma="uden" msd="SP" in="-2:mod" out="1:nobj">uden</W>
<W lemma="en" msd="PI-CSU--U" in="-1:nobj" out="2:nobj">en</W>
<W lemma="&quot;" msd="XP" in="1:pnct" out="">"</W>
<W lemma="jernnæve" msd="NCCSU==I" in="-2:nobj" out="-1:pnct|1:pnct">jernnæve</W>
<W lemma="&quot;" msd="XP" in="-1:pnct" out="">"</W>
<W lemma="." msd="XP" in="-12:pnct" out="">.</W>

The first sentence of the CoNLL 2006 training data:

1 Samme _ A AN degree=pos|gender=common/neuter|number=sing/plur|case=unmarked|def=def/indef|transcat=unmarked 0 ROOT _ _
2 cifre _ N NC gender=neuter|number=plur|case=unmarked|def=indef 1 nobj _ _
3 , _ X XP _ 1 pnct _ _
4 de _ P PD gender=common/neuter|number=plur|case=unmarked|register=unmarked 7 subj _ _
5 norske _ A AN degree=pos|gender=common/neuter|number=plur|case=unmarked|def=def/indef|transcat=unmarked 4 mod _ _
6 piger _ N NC gender=common|number=plur|case=unmarked|def=indef 4 nobj _ _
7 tabte _ V VA mood=indic|tense=past|voice=active 1 rel _ _
8 med _ SP SP _ 7 pobj _ _
9 i_lørdags _ RG RG degree=unmarked 7 mod _ _
10 mod _ SP SP _ 7 pobj _ _
11 VMs _ N NP case=gen 10 nobj _ _
12 værtsnation _ N NC gender=common|number=sing|case=unmarked|def=indef 11 possd _ _
13 . _ X XP _ 1 pnct _ _

The first sentence of the CoNLL 2006 test data:

1 To _ A AC case=unmarked 10 subj _ _
2 kendte _ A AN degree=pos|gender=common/neuter|number=plur|case=unmarked|def=def/indef|transcat=unmarked 1 mod _ _
3 russiske _ A AN degree=pos|gender=common/neuter|number=plur|case=unmarked|def=def/indef|transcat=unmarked 1 mod _ _
4 historikere _ N NC gender=common|number=plur|case=unmarked|def=indef 1 nobj _ _
5 Andronik _ N NP case=unmarked 6 namef _ _
6 Mirganjan _ N NP case=unmarked 1 appr _ _
7 og _ C CC _ 6 coord _ _
8 Igor _ N NP case=unmarked 9 namef _ _
9 Klamkin _ N NP case=unmarked 7 conj _ _
10 tror _ V VA mood=indic|tense=present|voice=active 0 ROOT _ _
11 ikke _ RG RG degree=unmarked 10 mod _ _
12 , _ X XP _ 10 pnct _ _
13 at _ C CS _ 10 dobj _ _
14 Rusland _ N NP case=unmarked 15 subj _ _
15 kan _ V VA mood=indic|tense=present|voice=active 13 vobj _ _
16 udvikles _ V VA mood=infin|voice=passive 15 vobj _ _
17 uden _ SP SP _ 15 mod _ _
18 en _ P PI gender=common|number=sing|case=unmarked|register=unmarked 17 nobj _ _
19 _ X XP _ 20 pnct _ _
20 jernnæve _ N NC gender=common|number=sing|case=unmarked|def=indef 18 nobj _ _
21 _ X XP _ 20 pnct _ _
22 . _ X XP _ 10 pnct _ _


Nonprojectivities in DDT are not frequent. Only 988 of the 100,238 tokens in the CoNLL 2006 version are attached nonprojectively (0.99%).

The results of the CoNLL 2006 shared task are available online. They have been published in (Buchholz and Marsi, 2006). The evaluation procedure was non-standard because it excluded punctuation tokens. These are the best results for Danish:

Parser (Authors) LAS UAS
MST (McDonald et al.) 84.79 90.58
Malt (Nivre et al.) 84.77 89.80
Riedel et al. 83.63 89.66