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aldrov-2024 [2024/08/21 15:21]
hladka [Programme]
aldrov-2024 [2024/09/19 13:32] (current)
straka [Programme]
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 Please, go to PAKT https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/pakt/ > Nepřítomnost > Vítkovice 2024 and fill in the form by September 5 2024. Please, go to PAKT https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/pakt/ > Nepřítomnost > Vítkovice 2024 and fill in the form by September 5 2024.
 +Don't forget to fill in a Travel Authorization form in the SIS system before your trip. Use 207-01/207PROV source or other source that you prefer (Lindat, ERC etc.).
 +**Don't forget to accept the TA approvals in SIS before the trip**.
 ===== Programme ===== ===== Programme =====
-=== Topics === + 
-  * Dominik Macháček, Jiří Mayer -- JSALT 2024 +**Sunday**  
-  Hana Hledíková and her internship in the U.S.+ 
 +| afternoon | Arrivals, check in | 
 +| 6:30 pm | Dinner | 
 +| 8:00 am| Breakfast | 
 +| 9:00 am| Iva Doušova - intro info, Barbora Hladká -- {{ :user:hladka:16.09.24.slides.pdf |ÚFAL head's report}} | 
 +| 9:30 am| [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NgnlYtUu8B2BcqBD9xsGlwfkts90xl8xX8ycCmiHqo4/edit?usp=sharing|Rudolf Rosa -- a new LLM & dialogue systems project]], Jan Hajič -- New projects, publications | 
 +| 10:30 am| Coffee break | 
 +| 11:00 am | Milan Straka -- The [[https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/courses/npfl138/2324-summer|Deep learning course]] offered within the [[https://cczv.cuni.cz/CCZVEN-521.html|microcredentials programme at CUNI]], {{ :2024_09_16_dl_as_microcredentials.pdf | slides}}| 
 +| 11:15 am | Jindra Helcl -- What did we learn from the first run of [[https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/courses/npfl140|our course on LLM]]? [[https://quest.ms.mff.cuni.cz/class-quiz/timer/acl24_demo?minutes=2|quiz]] [[https://ufallab.ms.mff.cuni.cz/~helcl/teachers.jpg|p]]| 
 +| 11:30 am | Šárka Zikánová, Ondřej Bojar --  {{ :user:hladka:ufal_seminar_2024_-_lsvsp.pdf |part I}}, [[http://tinyurl.com/ufal-teaching-2024|Future Thinking about Educational Goals and Activities of UFAL]]| 
 +| 12:00 am | Jindra Libovický -- [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lYBfj-TK7K_AUURS0y8-Pf_GrHQ5XWik8t9qGqHVmyw/edit?usp=sharing|Some insights from doing ÚFAL Twitter and some notes from an ACL tutorial]]| 
 +| 12:30 pm | Lunch | 
 +| 3:00 pm | Walk | 
 +| 6:30 pm | Dinner | 
 +| 8:00 pm | Emil Svoboda -- {{ :2024_pub_quiz.pdf | ÚFAL Pub Quiz}} | 
 +| 8:00 am| Breakfast + check out | 
 +| 9:00 am| PhD session | 
 +|  | Zdeněk Žabokrtský -- Consequences of the amendment of the Higher Education Act for Ph.D. studies{{ ::pgs-vitkovice2.pdf |}} | 
 +|  | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GcXLJKRdkTpXyhczaAB376QqiNoiUMKTVrA59riXQac/edit?usp=sharing|Dominik Macháček, Jiří Mayer -- JSALT 2024]]| 
 + Hana Hledíková and her internship in the U.S. {{ ::presentation_hejnice.pdf |presentation_slides}}| 
 +| 10:30 am | Coffee break | 
 +| 11:00 am | Rudolf Rosa -- [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CXbRAgnvxG-FLGy45mFtApAbOd7zyCRot3ag_4PS4cQ/edit?usp=sharing|The "AI in Context" group, aka Rudolf his weird interdisciplinary projects (AI and theatre, poetry, theology...)]] | 
 +| 11:30 am | Jan Hajič jr. and his [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1p76vW_63z45piLLq2kBuLqjZk0zlEHbHswfdbq8801c/edit?usp=sharing|Prague Music Computing Group]] | 
 +| 12:00 am | Jindra Helcl -- [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qtSpxzsZRLY1MMfdq4jbnvg_DeNu08-xH3GjtjmVSFQ/edit?usp=sharing|MT Marathon 2024 in pictures]]| 
 +| 12:15 pm | Simone Balloccu and Tomasz Limisiewicz -- {{ :user:hladka:something_something_u-fal_u-fal.pdf |So long}} | 
 +| 12:30 pm | Lunch | 
 +=== Round tables === 
 +  * Emil Svoboda -- Someone who understands how the Mamba architecture works (e.g. not me) explains how the Mamba architecture works to people who do not understand how the Mamba architecture works (e.g. me) 
 +  * 2 pm Šárka Zikánová, Ondřej Bojar – [[http://tinyurl.com/ufal-teaching-2024|Future Thinking about Educational Goals and Activities of UFAL]], part II 
 +  * Dominik Macháček -- Why are we not among the top ranked universities in the world? Heat in the MS offices in summer? ... 
 +  * 5 pm Jindřich Libovický -- Social media/dissemination/propagation 
 +  * 5 pm Barbora Hladká -- Information from the propagation group at the Computer Science School (MFF) 
 +  * Tomasz Limisiewicz -- Multimodal and multilingual LLMs. I want to learn about the former and can share my experience with the latter :)  

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