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aldrov-2024 [2024/09/06 12:09]
hladka [Programme]
aldrov-2024 [2024/09/19 13:32] (current)
straka [Programme]
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 Don't forget to fill in a Travel Authorization form in the SIS system before your trip. Use 207-01/207PROV source or other source that you prefer (Lindat, ERC etc.). Don't forget to fill in a Travel Authorization form in the SIS system before your trip. Use 207-01/207PROV source or other source that you prefer (Lindat, ERC etc.).
 +**Don't forget to accept the TA approvals in SIS before the trip**.
 ===== Programme ===== ===== Programme =====
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 **Sunday**  **Sunday** 
 +| afternoon | Arrivals, check in |
 | 6:30 pm | Dinner | | 6:30 pm | Dinner |
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 | 8:00 am| Breakfast | | 8:00 am| Breakfast |
-| 9:00 am| Barbora Hladká -- ÚFAL head's report | +| 9:00 am| Iva Doušova - intro info, Barbora Hladká -- {{ :user:hladka:16.09.24.slides.pdf |ÚFAL head's report}} 
-| 9:30 am| Jan Hajič -- New projects, publications |+| 9:30 am| [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NgnlYtUu8B2BcqBD9xsGlwfkts90xl8xX8ycCmiHqo4/edit?usp=sharing|Rudolf Rosa -- a new LLM & dialogue systems project]], Jan Hajič -- New projects, publications |
 | 10:30 am| Coffee break | | 10:30 am| Coffee break |
-| 11:00 | Milan Straka -- Deep learning course offered within the microcredentials programme at CUNI| +| 11:00 am | Milan Straka -- The [[https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/courses/npfl138/2324-summer|Deep learning course]] offered within the [[https://cczv.cuni.cz/CCZVEN-521.html|microcredentials programme at CUNI]], {{ :2024_09_16_dl_as_microcredentials.pdf | slides}}
-| 11:15 | Jindra Helcl -- What did we learn from the first run of [[https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/courses/npfl140|our course on LLM]] ?| +| 11:15 am | Jindra Helcl -- What did we learn from the first run of [[https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/courses/npfl140|our course on LLM]]? [[https://quest.ms.mff.cuni.cz/class-quiz/timer/acl24_demo?minutes=2|quiz]] [[https://ufallab.ms.mff.cuni.cz/~helcl/teachers.jpg|p]]
-| 11:20 | Šárka Zikánová, Ondřej Bojar -- Future Thinking about Educational Goals and Activities of UFAL, part I+| 11:30 am | Šárka Zikánová, Ondřej Bojar --  {{ :user:hladka:ufal_seminar_2024_-_lsvsp.pdf |part I}}, [[http://tinyurl.com/ufal-teaching-2024|Future Thinking about Educational Goals and Activities of UFAL]]| 
-| 12:30 | Lunch |+| 12:00 am | Jindra Libovický -- [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lYBfj-TK7K_AUURS0y8-Pf_GrHQ5XWik8t9qGqHVmyw/edit?usp=sharing|Some insights from doing ÚFAL Twitter and some notes from an ACL tutorial]]
 +| 12:30 pm | Lunch 
 +| 3:00 pm | Walk |
 | 6:30 pm | Dinner | | 6:30 pm | Dinner |
 +| 8:00 pm | Emil Svoboda -- {{ :2024_pub_quiz.pdf | ÚFAL Pub Quiz}} |
 **Tuesday** **Tuesday**
-| 8:00 am| Breakfast |+| 8:00 am| Breakfast + check out |
 | 9:00 am| PhD session | | 9:00 am| PhD session |
-|  | Zdeněk Žabokrtský -- Consequences of the amendment of the Higher Education Act for Ph.D. studies| +|  | Zdeněk Žabokrtský -- Consequences of the amendment of the Higher Education Act for Ph.D. studies{{ ::pgs-vitkovice2.pdf |}} 
-|  | Dominik Macháček, Jiří Mayer -- JSALT 2024| +|  | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GcXLJKRdkTpXyhczaAB376QqiNoiUMKTVrA59riXQac/edit?usp=sharing|Dominik Macháček, Jiří Mayer -- JSALT 2024]]
-|  | Hana Hledíková and her internship in the U.S.|+|  | Hana Hledíková and her internship in the U.S. {{ ::presentation_hejnice.pdf |presentation_slides}}|
 | 10:30 am | Coffee break | | 10:30 am | Coffee break |
-| 11:00 am | The "AI in Context" group, aka Rudolf Rosa and any of his weird interdisciplinary projects (generating poetry; AI and theology; AI short story writing competitions; ...) | +| 11:00 am | Rudolf Rosa -- [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CXbRAgnvxG-FLGy45mFtApAbOd7zyCRot3ag_4PS4cQ/edit?usp=sharing|The "AI in Context" group, aka Rudolf his weird interdisciplinary projects (AI and theatre, poetry, theology...)]] 
-| 11:30 am | Jan Hajič jr. and his Prague Music Computing Group | +| 11:30 am | Jan Hajič jr. and his [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1p76vW_63z45piLLq2kBuLqjZk0zlEHbHswfdbq8801c/edit?usp=sharing|Prague Music Computing Group]] 
-| 12:30 am | Lunch |+| 12:00 am | Jindra Helcl -- [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qtSpxzsZRLY1MMfdq4jbnvg_DeNu08-xH3GjtjmVSFQ/edit?usp=sharing|MT Marathon 2024 in pictures]]| 
 +| 12:15 pm | Simone Balloccu and Tomasz Limisiewicz -- {{ :user:hladka:something_something_u-fal_u-fal.pdf |So long}} | 
 +| 12:30 pm | Lunch |
 === Round tables === === Round tables ===
-  * Emil SvobodaSomeone who understands how the Mamba architecture works (e.g. not me) explains how the Mamba architecture works to people who do not understand how the Mamba architecture works (e.g. me) +  * Emil Svoboda -- Someone who understands how the Mamba architecture works (e.g. not me) explains how the Mamba architecture works to people who do not understand how the Mamba architecture works (e.g. me) 
-  * Šárka Zikánová, Ondřej Bojar – Future Thinking about Educational Goals and Activities of UFAL, part II+  * 2 pm Šárka Zikánová, Ondřej Bojar – [[http://tinyurl.com/ufal-teaching-2024|Future Thinking about Educational Goals and Activities of UFAL]], part II
   * Dominik Macháček -- Why are we not among the top ranked universities in the world? Heat in the MS offices in summer? ...   * Dominik Macháček -- Why are we not among the top ranked universities in the world? Heat in the MS offices in summer? ...
 +  * 5 pm Jindřich Libovický -- Social media/dissemination/propagation
 +  * 5 pm Barbora Hladká -- Information from the propagation group at the Computer Science School (MFF)
 +  * Tomasz Limisiewicz -- Multimodal and multilingual LLMs. I want to learn about the former and can share my experience with the latter :)  

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