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cost-training-school-2017 [2017/02/10 12:10] ufal |
cost-training-school-2017 [2017/02/14 12:04] (current) ufal |
{{:restaurants.pdf|Restaurants (PDF)}} | {{:restaurants.pdf|Restaurants (PDF)}} |
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| === Slides === |
{{:ts2_welcoming_web.pdf|TS2 Opening speech}} (Jiří Mírovský) | {{:ts2_welcoming_web.pdf|TS2 Opening speech}} (Jiří Mírovský) |
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{{:data_analysis_for_linguistics.pdf|Silvie Cinková's slides}} | {{:data_analysis_for_linguistics.pdf|Silvie Cinková's slides}} |
{{:explor_pdt30_pages.pdf|Silvie Cinková's lab notes (1)}} | {{:explor_pdt30_pages.pdf|Silvie Cinková's lab notes (1)}} |
{{:solvedtextlink_labnotes_01.pdf|Silvie Cinková's lab notes (4)}} | {{:solvedtextlink_labnotes_01.pdf|Silvie Cinková's lab notes (4)}} |
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=== Materials for the ELAN class === | {{:graphanno.pdf|Volker Gast's slides}} |
{{:handout.pdf|Handout}} (in pdf) | {{:handout.pdf|Elena Pascual's handout for the lab class}} |
| {{:prezi_presentation.pdf|Elena Pascual's slides for the lab class}} |
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| Vera Demberg's and Merel Scholman's slides ({{:trainingschool_lecture_1.pdf|1}}, {{:trainingschool_lecture_2.pdf|2}}) |
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