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courses:mapreduce-tutorial:step-10 [2012/01/25 19:33]
courses:mapreduce-tutorial:step-10 [2012/01/31 09:38] (current)
straka Change Perl commandline syntax.
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 Sometimes the reduce is a binary operation, which is associative and commutative, e.g. ''+''. In that case it is inefficient to produce all the (key, value) pairs in the mappers and send them through the network. Sometimes the reduce is a binary operation, which is associative and commutative, e.g. ''+''. In that case it is inefficient to produce all the (key, value) pairs in the mappers and send them through the network.
-Instead, reducer can be executed right after the map, on //some portion// of values belonging to the same key. Only the results are then sent through the network.+Instead, reducer can be executed right after the map, on //some portion// of values belonging to the same key. Only the aggregated results are then sent through the network.
-A Hadoop job can have such locally executed reducer, called //combiner//. If a combiner is specified, the output of a mapper is processed by a combiner before sending the pairs to reducer. The combiner may be invoked 0, 1 or multiple times, usually when the data are written to disk.+A Hadoop job can have such locally executed reducer, called //combiner//. If a combiner is specified, the output of a mapper is processed by a combiner before sending the pairs to reducer. The combiner may be invoked 0, 1 or multiple times, usually when the data are written to disk.
 Typically, the combiner is the same as the reducer of a MR job. Typically, the combiner is the same as the reducer of a MR job.
-<code perl> +<file perl> 
-package Mapper;+package My::Mapper;
 ... ...
-package Reducer;+package My::Reducer;
 ... ...
-package Main;+package main;
 use Hadoop::Runner; use Hadoop::Runner;
 my $runner = Hadoop::Runner->new( my $runner = Hadoop::Runner->new(
-  mapper => Mapper->new(), +  mapper => My::Mapper->new(), 
-  combiner => Reducer->new(), # Specify the combiner. +  combiner => My::Reducer->new(), # Specify the combiner. 
-  reducer => Reducer->new(),+  reducer => My::Reducer->new(),
   input_format => 'KeyValueTextInputFormat');   input_format => 'KeyValueTextInputFormat');
 ... ...
-===== Excersise =====+===== Exercise =====
-Compare the effect of adding the combiner to a MR job which counts occurences of words of ''/home/straka/wiki/cs-text'': {{:courses:mapreduce-tutorial:step-5-solution1.txt|wc-without-combiner.pl}} and {{:courses:mapreduce-tutorial:step-10.txt|wc-with-combiner.pl}}.+Compare the effect of adding the combiner to a MR job which counts occurrences of words in ''/home/straka/wiki/cs-text-medium'': {{:courses:mapreduce-tutorial:step-5-solution1.txt|step-10-wc-without-combiner.pl}} and {{:courses:mapreduce-tutorial:step-10.txt|step-10-wc-with-combiner.pl}}. 
 +  wget --no-check-certificate 'https://wiki.ufal.ms.mff.cuni.cz/_media/courses:mapreduce-tutorial:step-5-solution1.txt' -O 'step-10-wc-without-combiner.pl' 
 +  # $EDITOR step-10-wc-without-combiner.pl 
 +  rm -rf step-10-out-wout; time perl step-10-wc-without-combiner.pl /home/straka/wiki/cs-text-medium/ step-10-out-wout 
 +  wget --no-check-certificate 'https://wiki.ufal.ms.mff.cuni.cz/_media/courses:mapreduce-tutorial:step-10.txt' -O 'step-10-wc-with-combiner.pl' 
 +  # $EDITOR step-10-wc-with-combiner.pl 
 +  rm -rf step-10-out-with; time perl step-10-wc-with-combiner.pl /home/straka/wiki/cs-text-medium/ step-10-out-with
 How would you explain the results? How would you explain the results?
 +<table style="width:100%"> 
 +<td style="text-align:left; width: 33%; "></html>[[step-9|Step 9]]: Hadoop properties.<html></td> 
 +<td style="text-align:center; width: 33%; "></html>[[.|Overview]]<html></td> 
 +<td style="text-align:right; width: 33%; "></html>[[step-11|Step 11]]: Initialization and cleanup of MR tasks, performance of combiners.<html></td> 

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