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courses:mapreduce-tutorial:step-15 [2012/01/26 23:19]
courses:mapreduce-tutorial:step-15 [2012/01/29 16:40] (current)
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 | ''/net/projects/hadoop/examples/inputs/points-large'' | 500000 | 200 | 200 | | ''/net/projects/hadoop/examples/inputs/points-large'' | 500000 | 200 | 200 |
-When dealing with iterative algorithms, each iteration is usually implemented as one Hadoop job. The Hadoop input_path contains the input data and each mapper also reads the current clusters. The reducers are used to aggregate the data and output new cluster centers. A controlling script is taking care of executing Hadoop jobs and stopping the iteration when the algorithm converges.+When dealing with iterative algorithms, each iteration is usually implemented as one Hadoop job. The Hadoop ''input_path'' should contain the input data and each mapper should also read the current clusters. The reducers are used to aggregate the data and output new cluster centers. A controlling script should take care of executing Hadoop jobs and stopping the iteration when the algorithm converges.
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