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courses:mapreduce-tutorial:step-29 [2012/02/05 19:04] straka |
courses:mapreduce-tutorial:step-29 [2012/02/05 19:14] (current) straka |
job.setGroupingComparatorClass(IntPair.FirstOnlyComparator.class); | job.setGroupingComparatorClass(IntPair.FirstOnlyComparator.class); |
</code> | </code> |
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| ====== Exercise ====== |
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| Improve the [[.:step-28#exercise-1|inverted index exercise]] from the previous step to create for each word a //sorted// list of ''DocWithOccurrences<Text>''. |
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| Use the same approach as with the ''IntPair'' -- create a type ''TextPair'', which stores two values of type ''Text'' and let the mapper create ''(TextPair, DocWithOccurrences<Text>'' pairs, where the ''TextPair'' contains the word and then the document. Provide a ''FirstOnlyComparator'' which compares two ''TextPair''s using only the word (hint: use [[http://hadoop.apache.org/common/docs/r1.0.0/api/org/apache/hadoop/io/Text.Comparator.html#compare(byte[],%20int,%20int,%20byte[],%20int,%20int)|Text.Comparator.compare]] when defining the byte version ''FirstOnlyComparator.compare'') and use it as a grouping comparator. |
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