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courses:rg:2011:deciphering_foreign_language [2012/01/07 14:20]
courses:rg:2011:deciphering_foreign_language [2012/01/08 22:27] (current)
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   - Gibbs sampling:  an algorithm that generates a sequence of samples from the joint probability distribution of two or more random variables.   - Gibbs sampling:  an algorithm that generates a sequence of samples from the joint probability distribution of two or more random variables.
 +Why did they experiment with Temporal expression corpus? This corpus has relatively small word types, it makes easier to compare Iterative EM with full EM.
 +==== Section 3 ====
 +Not many details of this section was presented, however, there are few discussions around this.
 +How to choose the best translation? After finishing parameter estimation, pick the final sample and extract the corresponding English translations for every for- eign sentence. This yields the final decipherment output.
 +Given another text (which is not in training data), how to translate it? Use MLE to find the best translation from the model.
 +==== Conclusion ====
 +This is an interesting paper, however, there is a lot of maths behind.  

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