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courses:rg:2012:distributed-perceptron [2012/12/16 23:02]
courses:rg:2012:distributed-perceptron [2012/12/16 23:44] (current)
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   * You can use any structured input x (not just vector, sentence for example) and any structured output y (not just binary value, parse tree for example)   * You can use any structured input x (not just vector, sentence for example) and any structured output y (not just binary value, parse tree for example)
   * You need to have fuction f(x,y) which returns feature representation of candidate input-output pair   * You need to have fuction f(x,y) which returns feature representation of candidate input-output pair
-  * Using the Theorem 1, you can bound the number of mistakes made during the training (the computational time is therefore also bounded)+  * Using the Theorem 1, you can bound the number of mistakes made during the training 
 +    * The computational time is therefore also bounded
 +    * This holds only for linearly separable sets. 
 +  * Other remarks and discussed issues 
 +    * The perceptron training algorithm does not always return the same weights (unlike maximal margin). It depends on order of training data. 
 +    * How the inference is done in the difficult tasks like parsing? Iterating all possible y? Approximation?
 ==== 4 Distributed Structured Perceptron ==== ==== 4 Distributed Structured Perceptron ====
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 === 4.1 Parameter Mixing === === 4.1 Parameter Mixing ===
 +  * First attempt to map-reduce algorithm
 +  * Divide the training data into shards
 +  * In MAP step, train a perceptron on each shard
 +  * In REDUCE step, average the trained weight vectors
 === 4.2 Iterative Parameter Mixing === === 4.2 Iterative Parameter Mixing ===

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