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courses:rg:2012:encouraging-consistent-translation [2012/10/17 13:48]
courses:rg:2012:encouraging-consistent-translation [2012/10/23 11:04] (current)
popel my remarks
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   * It's true that choosing just document works well for news articles, but not for most of the content we wish to translate   * It's true that choosing just document works well for news articles, but not for most of the content we wish to translate
   * Domain feature, topic modelling or word classes should be worth trying   * Domain feature, topic modelling or word classes should be worth trying
 +===== Our conclusion =====
 +Nice paper with a very good idea that probably can improve translations, but with several arguments that are not backed up by sufficient evidence or clearly misleading. The initial analysis is done in a very precise and detailed way. The actual translation experiments show that adding new features helps, but lack some obvious steps, such as significance checking or actually proving that BLEU is wrong by using METEOR or similar metric.
 +===== Martin's remarks =====
 +  * The approach (without modifications) does not seem to be suitable for translating to a morphologically rich language. Different forms of the same lemma would be considered different senses (if not grouped together due to 1/2 of character being same), so the system would produce e.g. only nominatives.
 +  * Also, there should be a modification for source-side words with more possible PoS. E.g. "book" as a noun should be translated differently than as a verb and you can easily find both in one document.

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