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courses:rg:2012:longdtreport [2012/03/12 22:53]
courses:rg:2012:longdtreport [2012/03/12 22:59] (current)
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 ==== Decoding ==== ==== Decoding ====
-I. Exploiting Repetitive Queries+**I. Exploiting Repetitive Queries** 
 The method use cache to speed up the process The method use cache to speed up the process
 This simple implementation increase performance of 300% over conventional implementation This simple implementation increase performance of 300% over conventional implementation
-II. Exploiting Scrolling Queries+**II. Exploiting Scrolling Queries** 
 We can quickly form the context encoding of the next query by concatenating new words with saved offset from previous query We can quickly form the context encoding of the next query by concatenating new words with saved offset from previous query
 ==== Conclusion ==== ==== Conclusion ====
-All in all, it was a paper worth reading, well presented, and thoroughly +In summary, it was a worth reading paper, well presented, and thoroughly 
-discussed, bringing useful general ideas as well as interesting details. +discussed. Paper contain many detail techniques that definitely helpful for actual implementation.  

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