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courses:rg:2012:meant [2012/11/13 00:14]
rosa stlye
courses:rg:2012:meant [2012/11/13 16:25] (current)
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 ===== 4 Meta-evaluation methodology ===== ===== 4 Meta-evaluation methodology =====
-Here, we reminded the difference between Kendall's τ and Spearman's τ. Kendall's τ only takes the ranks into account, disregarding the actual scores, while Spearman's τ takes the scores into account. The formula for Kendall's τ is τ = (#same rank - #different rank) / #pairs.+Here, we reminded the difference between Kendall's τ and Spearman's τ. Kendall's τ only takes the ranks into account, disregarding the actual scores, while Spearman's τ takes the scores into account. The formula for [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendall%27s_tau|Kendall's τ]] is τ = (#same_ordered_pairs - #opposite_ordered_pairs) / #all_pairs.
 Martin also remarked that the authors use sentence-level BLEU to compute the correlation; however, BLEU was designed for whole documents, not for individual sentences, and therefore should preferably not be used on sentence level. Martin also remarked that the authors use sentence-level BLEU to compute the correlation; however, BLEU was designed for whole documents, not for individual sentences, and therefore should preferably not be used on sentence level.

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