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Predicting Human Brain Activity Associated with the Meanings of Nouns
Tom M. Mitchell, Svetlana V. Shinkareva, Andrew Carlson, Kai-Min Chang, Vicente L. Malave, Robert A. Mason, Marcel Adam Just
Predicting Human Brain Activity Associated with the Meanings of Nouns
- authors present a computational model, which predicts the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of neural activation associated with words for which no fMRI data are available
- fMRI prediction for a word
is a two-step process:
- compute a vector of semantic features over a huge corpus
- Nečíslovaný seznam
Suggested Additional Reading
What do we like about the paper
What do we dislike about the paper
- authors selected 25 sensory-motor verbs as a basis for their co-occurence features. But they did not sufficiently explain what led them to pick exactly these ones.
Written by Michal Novák