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Table of Contents
Progress Report
Progress Report - dal jsem to na zvlastni stranku, abysme si nelezli do zeli
Description of Czech Companion November Prototype
The Czech version of Companion deals with the Reminiscing about User's Photos scenario taking advantage of data recorded in first phase of the project. The basic architecture is same as of the English version, i.e. set of modules communicating through the Inamode Relayer (TID) backbone;
however the set of modules differs (see Figure 1). Regarding the physical settings: the Czech version runs on two notebook computers connected by local network; one can be seen as a Speech Client, running modules dealing with ASR,TTS and ECA, second as an NLP Server.
photopal domena, nahranej korpus, ze na to sou dafy (reusing SHEFF DM intergrated through Inamode Relayer (TID)) vhodny, moreover reusable for expected pomdp DM from UOX (reuse states, let pomdp's do the topology and handle the states transitions, post november work),
typy odpovedi a zpusob jejich implementace,
NLP server s tectomt, ASR/TTS/SR client, connected over network
advances in Czech NLU (on reconstructed spoken data): 300-500vet(?) rucne anotovat pos, a-tree, t-tree, IE predicates, Named Entities, DA pro eval in-domain testy after Nov.
pos ? analyzovat, generovat a kontrolovat 'jen' kde je rozdil ve forme?
Automatic Speech Recognition (WP 5.1)
features: improved language models, real-time speaker adaptation
performance indicator: WER
Speech Reconstruction (WP 5.1 ???)
features: omit filler phrases, remove irrelevant speech events, handle false starts, repetitions, and corrections, polish word ordering
performance indicator: BLEU score between actual output and manually reconstructed sentences from corpora (T5.2.1), baseline: Moses with default settings
Morphology Analyzer and POS tagging (WP 5.2)
features: coverage of photo-pal domain, domain adapted tagger (XXX prida nam Jarka OOV slova co najdeme, bude PDTSC rucne oznackovane - do listopadu?)
performance indicator: OOV rate, accuracy
Syntactic Parsing (WP 5.2)
features: induce dependencies and labels
performance indicator: accuracy (correctly induced edges, labels)
v tipu je natrenovat MacDonnalda na dialog datech, ten task je do M42, ted ne.
Semantic Parsing (WP 5.2)
features: assignment of semantic roles (69 roles), coordinations, argument structure, partial ellipsis resolution, pronominal anaphora resolution, post parsing detection of ungrammatical edges (caused by long utterances)
performance indicator: accuracy (correctly induced edges, labels)
Information Extraction (WP 5.2)
features: template based identification of predicates
covering predicates from before-mentioned set of DAFs.
performance indicator: accuracy
Named Entities Recognition (WP 5.2)
features: detect person names, geographical locations, organizations
performance indicator: f-measure
Dialog Act Tagging (WP 5.2)
features: tailored tagset DAMSL-SWBD
performance indicator: accuracy
Sentiment Analysis (WP 5.2)
features: za tohle bych vydaval klasifikator, co rozhoduje ,jestli se rekne 'To je smutné/veselé'. Tem adjektivum rucne priradim negative/positive sentiment.
performance indicator: f-measure
Complete System Evaluation
T5.2.7 tohle zminuje, nick webb to pro nas asi neudela
performance indicator: number of tokens in user reply utterances, post-session questionare
Dialog Manager (WP 5.3)
features: reply types, using (language independed) predicates (prakticky to znamena, ze pojmenuju testy na prechodech v dafech anglicky)
Handmade DAF covering following topics: Person_Retired, Person_in_productive_age, Child, Husband, Wife, Wedding, Christmas, Handle_stalled_dialog
performance indicator: rucni hodnoceni prijatelnosti vybrane akce
Natural Language Generation (WP 5.4)
features: variations, underspecified input (dott format), emotional markup (natvrdo v dafech a templatech u hodnoticich vet)
performance indicator: BLEU score