This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
Foreign Visitors
draft version as of Feb 4, 2022
Contract at MFF
- Personal questionnaire (currently only Czech version available)
- Copy of diploma
- Čestné prohlášení(že v době trvání pracovního úvazku uzavřeného na MFF UK od … do ………. nebudu mít v rámci EU žádnou další pracovní smlouvu ani dohodu)
- Reception of Foreign Guests (Mrs. Brdickova)
- Contract of employment (when and where to sign it)
- zdravotní prohlídka u UK doktora (k tomu je třeba: an official medical certificate of the medical report and its translation into English, vyplnit “Application for a medical examination“ (Žádost o zdravotní proh
- Health insurance
- Registration with the Foreign Police (Address: Olšanská 2, 130 51 Praha 3)
- nahlášení u ČSSZ - EČP dostanou od ČSSZ a pak nahradit RČ, až ho pošle Ministerstvo vnitra
- Bank account: As for the bank account - that is the typical catch-22 you always run into when moving abroad; you need an address and a bank account to get a contract, you need a contract and an address to get a bank account, and you often need a contract and a bank account to get an apartment. Suggestion: temporarily use someone else’s phone number to get around the problem
- Accomodation
- Czech phome number