This is an old revision of the document!
Speech reconstruction of PhotoPal dialogs
Manual annotation of the NAP corpus. What is it and what is it good for? Follow this link to get a two-screen intro with many pictures and minimum text and/or read a short paper.
The annotation progress can be checked here.
The data can be comfortably viewed (but not downloaded)here.
Note: this is actually also an SVN log. Also incomplete work is displayed. To view only complete data, mind to click only on files located in the folder “complete”. They are further sorted according to the respective annotators. One file might occur in two annotators' folders due to multiple annotation.
Manual for annotators (subject to minor revisions, new version scheduled for end 2008)
The data can be downloaded via SVN. To access the data, check out
Login: companions
Password: companions08
For any further reference contact Silvie Cinkova (cinkova @ ufal. mff.cuni. cz)