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hejnice-2023 [2023/08/27 18:20]
hladka [Programme]
hejnice-2023 [2024/08/19 12:58] (current)
hladka [Programme]
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    * Hejnice (Liberec Region),  https://klasterhejnice.cz/en/, [[https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franti%C5%A1k%C3%A1nsk%C3%BD_kl%C3%A1%C5%A1ter_(Hejnice)|Wikipedia]]    * Hejnice (Liberec Region),  https://klasterhejnice.cz/en/, [[https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franti%C5%A1k%C3%A1nsk%C3%BD_kl%C3%A1%C5%A1ter_(Hejnice)|Wikipedia]]
    * Sunday, September 17 – Tuesday, September 19    * Sunday, September 17 – Tuesday, September 19
-   * Please, fill in the Travel Authorization form in the SIS system before the trip ([[https://wiki.ufal.ms.mff.cuni.cz/internal:business-trips|How to]]). As usually, our institute will fund accommodation and food expenses for its employees and students.+   * Please, fill in the Travel Authorization form in the SIS system before the trip ([[https://wiki.ufal.ms.mff.cuni.cz/internal:business-trips|How to]]). As usual, our institute will fund accommodation and food expenses for its employees and students (see 207-01/207PROV in SIS). Of course, you can use other source that you prefer
 ==== Registration ==== ==== Registration ====
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-==== Programme ==== 
-  * What the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AI_boom|AI boom]] means for our teaching and reserach activities?(discussion+presentations) +===== Programme =====
-    * What we learned at this year's conferences +
-      * Jana Straková's notes from ACL 2023 ({{ :user:hladka:janas_acl_2023_notes.pdf |pdf}}) +
-      * ... +
-    * What we have learned while using the chatGPT API (O. Dušek?) +
-    * New course by Jindřich Libovický and Jindřich Helcl on Large Language Models ([[https://is.cuni.cz/studium/eng/predmety/index.php?id=8b206da9d1bc131a3352818fec5149d6&tid=&do=predmet&kod=NPFL140 | NPFL140]])  +
-    * ... +
-  * PhD students' session (presentations) +
-  * prg.ai Master programme (discussion, O. Bojar) +
-  * Digital humanities courses at ÚFAL (discussion, B. Hladká) +
-  * ...+
 +| 6:30 pm | Dinner |
 +| 8:00 am | Breakfast |
 +| 9:15 | Barbora Hladká: ÚFAL head's report ({{ :user:hladka:18.09.23.slides.pdf |pdf}})|
 +|      | Jan Hajič: OP JAK calls, Statistics on publications|
 +| 10:30 | Coffee break |
 +| 11:00 | What we have learned at this year's events: Jana Straková {{ :user:strakova:hejnice_2023_strakova.pdf |ACL 2023}}; Jan Hajič {{ :user:hajic:ijcai-info-ufalsem-2023.pdf |IJCAI 2023}} (IJCAI keynote recordings to be released in October); Ondřej Plátek - Speech Synthesis Workshop [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1D6lWDq_5uMQCinMOawD7L0ijohbg0J97KhQ5dag4CGo/edit|Slides]]  |
 +| 12:30 pm | Lunch |
 +| 2:00-3:00 pm| Ondřej Bojar: prg.ai Master programme (Zoom session)|
 +| 6:30 pm | Dinner |
 +| 7:30 pm | Emil Svoboda: Internal structure of compound words and Universal Dependencies -- informal talk |
 +| 8:00 am | Breakfast |
 +| 9:00 | PhD session |
 +|  | Patrícia Schmidtová et al: JSALT 2023 workshop [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14lPc7v0yunNu7xVuBzk4-oP4mVcGmIJHkbAtDNAQmLI/edit?usp=sharing|slides]] |
 +|  | Abishek Stephen: Modeling Morpheme Flow among Languages [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Vn9fUgiWrVweU-APT3AwrgqD85rYu2aDI_v_5ncJt64/edit?usp=sharing|slides]]|
 +|  | Josef Jon: internship at Google, Berlin, Germany |
 +|  | Emil Svoboda: internship at Harvard, Boston, USA |
 +|  | Peter Polák: internship at Carnegie Mellon University, USA ([[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ehDKCRg91BPsk9zDT4_b3bM6-AlpuMsZBls0O_kp8Nw/edit?usp=sharing|slides]]) |
 +| 10:30 | Coffee break |
 +| 11:00 | Dominik Macháček: internship at NICT, Japan ([[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Sgg7ISMounj-ioje2Z2UkSoliWpatHdc4Gz0hwkFpGE/edit?usp=sharing|slides]]) |
 +|  | Zdeněk Kasner: [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10RCKkY3y5ZI46ccJ1Jr3GndqZeOWu46iH2ujysKA_XE/edit?usp=sharing|internship at MILA]] + [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10Aa6GetWxI6lrkGr6Wjog0zUHEN2Q3fVq85cagwECes/edit?usp=sharing | GAUK ]]|
 +| 11:40 | Jindřich Libovický and Jindřich Helcl: a new course on Large Language Models ([[https://is.cuni.cz/studium/eng/predmety/index.php?id=2a418544b13f7e2bd9fa4f177407e68e&tid=&do=predmet&kod=NPFL140|NPFL140]]) |
 +| | Ondřej Dušek and his students: What we are learning when using the chatGPT API [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Q2Jk8UPkqSK653aZkMrG2-o9mFbTsQXRQbJn1xmwD4s/edit?usp=sharing|slides]]|
 +| 12:30 pm | Lunch |
 +  * What the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AI_boom|AI boom]] means for our teaching and research activities?
 +      * Reading
 +       * Weizenbaum’s nightmares: how the inventor of the first chatbot turned against AI ([[https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/jul/25/joseph-weizenbaum-inventor-eliza-chatbot-turned-against-artificial-intelligence-ai?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other&fbclid=IwAR2otqh41S3x7XjGkJmPKEpxIO0wDAyj2aURmsNZm3yrjxFTYdyfl3Yip0I|url]])
 +       * Petr Koubský: Co je pro vás lepší: GPT, Bard, nebo Bing? ({{ :user:hladka:co.je.pro.vas.lepsi.koubsky.27.07.2023.pdf |pdf}})
 +  * Digital humanities courses at ÚFAL (Barbora Hladká)
 +  * Bienále české lingvistiky a účast ÚFALu (diskuse)
 +  * Universal Derivations and the integration of compound structure (informal discussion; after dinner?, Emil Svoboda)
 +  * popularizační přednášky pro Didaktikon a fakultní školy (Barbora Hladká)
-==== How to get there ==== 

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