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logo-ufalu [2019/09/17 11:12]
logo-ufalu [2024/04/29 15:07] (current)
ufal [Loga a symboly fakulty a univerzity] pridavam odkaz na nove logo UK
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 ====== ÚFAL logo ====== ====== ÚFAL logo ======
-UFAL logo in the original vector versions as well as many other logos in many versionsare all available at the  [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/milan-fucik/seafile-ufals-private-data-cloud|internal Seafile cloud store]]. After logging-in you will find it in the menu "Shared with all" → "Loga"+UFAL logo in the original vector versions as well as many other logos in many versionsare all available at the  [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/milan-fucik/seafile-ufals-private-data-cloud|internal Seafile cloud store]]. After logging-in you will find it in the menu "Shared with all" → [[https://storage.ms.mff.cuni.cz/library/dc0f5999-5349-4f3a-b083-bed3131f8cc9/Loga/|"Loga"]]
Line 12: Line 12:
 bitmapa 600 dpi: [[https://wiki.ufal.ms.mff.cuni.cz/_media/logo_ufal_600dpi.png]] bitmapa 600 dpi: [[https://wiki.ufal.ms.mff.cuni.cz/_media/logo_ufal_600dpi.png]]
-Základní informace o barevnosti {{:internal:logo_ufal_zakladni_informace_barevnost.pdf|zde}}.+Základní informace o barevnosti {{:internal:logo_ufal_zakladni_informace_barevnost.pdf|zde}}. Oranžová barva je #F47B20.
 Webové verze: Webové verze:
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 {{ ::hlav_papiry.zip | šablony}} {{ ::hlav_papiry.zip | šablony}}
 +An attempt at a Latex version of the MFF letterhead; feel free to improve; it is not very good: https://www.overleaf.com/8411917482htxbfqtmmrvw
 ====== Loga a symboly fakulty a univerzity ====== ====== Loga a symboly fakulty a univerzity ======
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 {{:internal:uk.zip|Balíček s logem UK (bílá a černá verze) ve formátech eps, pdf a svg}} {{:internal:uk.zip|Balíček s logem UK (bílá a černá verze) ve formátech eps, pdf a svg}}
 +[[https://pr.cuni.cz/PR-76.html | Nové logo (korunka) a další ofic. materiály UK ]]

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