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master-thesis-at-ufal [2024/08/28 10:21] lopatkova [Selection of topic and official assignment] |
master-thesis-at-ufal [2024/10/13 00:44] (current) dousova [Preparation of the thesis and its submission] |
This should be done before the recommended deadline announced for each academic year (typically first half of Febryary – look for “Academic Calendar” at <del>The student office will later send back the hardcopy stamped and signed by the vicedean. Ms. Brdičková will keep it until the end of the academic year. The student will then have to pick it up and include it in one of the printed copies of the thesis (mandatory part, this copy goes to the faculty library).</del> | This should be done before the recommended deadline announced for each academic year (typically first half of Febryary – look for “Academic Calendar” at <del>The student office will later send back the hardcopy stamped and signed by the vicedean. Ms. Brdičková will keep it until the end of the academic year. The student will then have to pick it up and include it in one of the printed copies of the thesis (mandatory part, this copy goes to the faculty library).</del> |
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When the student plans their classes for the academic year (and has them registered in SIS), they should also register for the three pseudo-courses reflecting their work on the thesis: NSZZ023 Diploma Thesis I, NSZZ024 Diploma Thesis II and NSZZ025 Diploma Thesis III. At the end of the summer semester they will (hopefully) get the credits (in SIS) from their supervisor. This is not directly connected with the fact that the thesis will be (can be) defended. The credits just reflect the fact that the student has invested significant time and effort into doing the research and preparing the thesis. The supervisor will not be able to award the credits if SIS does not know that the student wants them, i.e. if the student has not registered for these pseudo-courses! While the registration can be completed just before the submission of the thesis, it may complicate the situation because the assistance of the student office is needed, the staff may be out of office (vacation time!), you may be traveling from the other end of Europe, trying to find all the people and get all the signatures within one afternoon etc. | When the student plans their classes (and has them registered in SIS, typically February of their second year), they should also register for the three pseudo-courses reflecting their work on the thesis: NSZZ023 Diploma Thesis I, NSZZ024 Diploma Thesis II and NSZZ025 Diploma Thesis III. At the end of the summer semester they will (hopefully) get the credits (in SIS) from their supervisor. This is not directly connected with the fact that the thesis will be (can be) defended. The credits just reflect the fact that the student has invested significant time and effort into doing the research and preparing the thesis. The supervisor will not be able to award the credits if SIS does not know that the student wants them, i.e. if the student has not registered for these pseudo-courses! While the registration can be completed just before the submission of the thesis, it may complicate the situation because the assistance of the student office is needed, the staff may be out of office (vacation time!), you may be traveling from the other end of Europe, trying to find all the people and get all the signatures within one afternoon etc. |
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===== Preparation of the thesis and its submission ===== | ===== Preparation of the thesis and its submission ===== |
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There are official templates and instructions, see, especially **Guidelines for Writing a Master Thesis** (this page also summarizes links with respective **university regulations**). If you order the binding in Prague, the stores typically know how the product should look like, so they will only ask you your name and the name of the faculty. You will have to submit <del>three</del> two hardcopies of the thesis: <del>one for the supervisor, one for the opponent and one of them for the library. The hardcopy for the library</del> One of them must also contain the original assignment, signed and stamped from the dean's office (at this time it is probably being kept for you by Ms. Brdičková – see above). | There are official templates and instructions, see, especially **Guidelines for Writing a Master Thesis** (this page also summarizes links with respective **university regulations**). Note that in Computer Science, **no hard copy is required** (i.e., only the electronic version is submitted)!<del>If you order the binding in Prague, the stores typically know how the product should look like, so they will only ask you your name and the name of the faculty. You will have to submit <del>three</del> two hardcopies of the thesis: <del>one for the supervisor, one for the opponent and one of them for the library. The hardcopy for the library</del> One of them must also contain the original assignment, signed and stamped from the dean's office (at this time it is probably being kept for you by Ms. Brdičková – see above). |
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The hardcopies typically also contain a **CD/DVD** with the electronic version of the text (PDF) and all data and software that you created during the work, including documentation and possibly third-party software, if it is relevant and redistributable. | <del>The hardcopies typically also contain a **CD/DVD** with the electronic version of the text (PDF) and all data and software that you created during the work, including documentation and possibly third-party software, if it is relevant and redistributable. |
TODO: is this still true in 2021? The standard way is a zip attachment in SIS (plus a link to GitHub/Lindat/etc.). | TODO: is this still true in 2021? The standard way is a zip attachment in SIS (plus a link to GitHub/Lindat/etc.).</del> |
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The **submission deadline** is specified in the Academic calendar . The hardcopies are submitted to Ms. Brdičková (secretary of ÚFAL); you must also upload the electronic version to the SIS (and all uploads are time-stamped, so any violation of the deadlines will be visible there). The deadline for the hardcopies is slightly less strict. If the official deadline is Friday, you have to upload the electronic version to SIS at or before 23:59 that day; however, bringing the hardcopies to ÚFAL at Friday evening does not make sense, there won't be anybody here anyway. If you are not able to come earlier, ask Ms. Brdičková whether you can bring the hardcopies on Monday morning. | The **submission deadline** is specified in the Academic calendar An electronic version of the thesis should be submitted to SIS. The electronic file (with attachments) should not exceed 850 MB in size (and all uploads are time-stamped, so any violation of the deadlines will be visible there). <del>The hardcopies are submitted to Ms. Brdičková (secretary of ÚFAL).</del> |
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**Note that you have to finish all your courses and get necessary credits before you are allowed to submit your diploma thesis and/or registered for the state exam.** | **Note that you have to finish all your courses and get necessary credits before you are allowed to submit your diploma thesis and/or registered for the state exam.** |
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