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perlbrew [2015/02/16 23:14] popel UNIVERSAL::DOES fixed |
perlbrew [2016/11/25 12:34] (current) ufal |
source /net/work/projects/perlbrew/init | source /net/work/projects/perlbrew/init |
eval "$(bash-complete setup)" | eval "$(bash-complete setup)" |
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The second line is optional, but it enables [[https://metacpan.org/pod/Bash::Completion|Bash Completion]] for [[http://perlbrew.pl/|perlbrew]], [[https://metacpan.org/pod/App::cpanminus|cpanm]] and treex (if the respective ''Bash::Completion::Plugins::XY'' modules are installed). | The second line is optional, but it enables [[https://metacpan.org/pod/Bash::Completion|Bash Completion]] for [[http://perlbrew.pl/|perlbrew]], [[https://metacpan.org/pod/App::cpanminus|cpanm]] and treex (if the respective ''Bash::Completion::Plugins::XY'' modules are installed). |
source /net/work/projects/perlbrew/init | source /net/work/projects/perlbrew/init |
| |
(You probably have this in your ''~/.bashrc'', so you don't need to run it again.) This will issue some warnings because perlbrew is not installed, but it will set the variables PERLBREW_ROOT and PERLBREW_HOME, so the following installation goes to the shared directory (''/net/work/projects/perlbrew/$ARCHITECTURE''). | (You probably have this in your ''~/.bashrc'', so you don't need to run it again.) This will issue some warnings because perlbrew is not installed, but it will set the variables PERLBREW_ROOT and PERLBREW_HOME, so the following installation goes to the shared directory (''/net/work/projects/perlbrew/$ARCHITECTURE''). We need to source it once again below, so ''$PERLBREW_ROOT/etc/bashrc'' is sourced after perlbrew is installed. |
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wget -O - http://install.perlbrew.pl | bash | wget -O - http://install.perlbrew.pl | bash |
| source /net/work/projects/perlbrew/init |
perlbrew install-cpanm | perlbrew install-cpanm |
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