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projects:content-annotation:relations:ctxt [2006/12/08 13:23]
projects:content-annotation:relations:ctxt [2007/10/04 18:32] (current)
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 **Definition**: The expression ''(s CTXT c)'' is used to restrict the persistence or validity of a situation ''s'' to a certain context ''c ∈ {o ∪ si}''. In contrast to ''CIRC'', the relation ''CTXT'' has a semantically restrictive character. **Definition**: The expression ''(s CTXT c)'' is used to restrict the persistence or validity of a situation ''s'' to a certain context ''c ∈ {o ∪ si}''. In contrast to ''CIRC'', the relation ''CTXT'' has a semantically restrictive character.
 +   some success in trade diplomacy
MultiNet (Multilayered Extended Semantic Networks) is developed and maintained
by Intelligent Information and Communication Systems Department of FernUniversität in Hagen.

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