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python [2017/10/17 09:19]
belohlavek [Virtual environments]
python [2023/02/14 11:13] (current)
jindra.helcl update
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 In this guide, I expect you are using Python3 (and ''pip3''), but (for old projects) you can use Python2 (and ''pip2'') as well.  In this guide, I expect you are using Python3 (and ''pip3''), but (for old projects) you can use Python2 (and ''pip2'') as well. 
-  * You can use the system Python (currently 2.7.6 and 3.4.3, in Ubuntu 14.04), but it is a bit old and will be changed when a new Ubuntu is installed at ÚFAL. +  * You can use the system Python 
-  * You can use any Python from ''/opt/python/'', e.g. for 3.6.add the following line to your .bashrc: <code>export PATH=/opt/python/3.6.3/bin:"${PATH}"</code> +  * You can use any Python from ''/opt/python/'', e.g. for 3.11.add the following line to your .bashrc: <code>export PATH=/opt/python/3.11.0/bin:"${PATH}"</code> 
-  * You can install modules with ''pip3''If you are not using any [[#virtual environments]], you must add the ''-''''-user'' option, so it is installed in your home. In this case, don't forget the executable scripts are installed in ''~/.local/bin/'', so add the following line to your .bashrc: <code>export PATH=~/.local/bin:"${PATH}"</code> +  * You can install modules with ''pip''It is recommended to use [[#virtual environments]] for installing new packages. If you are not using virtual environments, you must add the ''-''''-user'' option, so it is installed in your home. In this case, don't forget the executable scripts are installed in ''~/.local/bin/'', so add the following line to your .bashrc: <code>export PATH=~/.local/bin:"${PATH}"</code> 
-  * If you are using the system Python3 (3.4.3), note that it comes with a very old version of pip3 (1.5.4), so it is recommended to update it with <code>pip3 install --user --upgrade pip</code>+  * Both the system Python3 and the Python3 from ''/opt/python/'' come with an old version of pip3, so it is recommended to update it with <code>pip3 install --user --upgrade pip</code>
   * There are no UFAL-wide pre-installed Python modules. You need to install all modules you need yourself (with pip3).   * There are no UFAL-wide pre-installed Python modules. You need to install all modules you need yourself (with pip3).
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 You can use [[https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html|virtual environments]], e.g. one for each project (or a group of projects), so the version requirements of different projects do not collide. You can use [[https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html|virtual environments]], e.g. one for each project (or a group of projects), so the version requirements of different projects do not collide.
-Create a new virtual environment with+Create a new virtual environment with:
     python3 -m venv my-project-name     python3 -m venv my-project-name
 +or (for a specific version of python):
 +    /opt/python/$PYTHON_VERSION/bin/python3 -m venv my-project-name
 where ''my-project-name'' can be a relative or absolute path to a directory which will be created. where ''my-project-name'' can be a relative or absolute path to a directory which will be created.
-**Caveat:** the path to the directory should be rather short, there is a limit on shebang paths so you can get strange errors like ''ipython3: bad interpreter: No such file or directory'' if your ipython3 is installed in the venv starts with ''#!/..a..very..long..path..''+**Caveat1:** the path to the directory should be rather short, there is a limit on shebang paths so you can get strange errors like ''ipython3: bad interpreter: No such file or directory'' if your ipython3 is installed in the venv starts with ''#!/..a..very..long..path..'' 
 +**Caveat2:** If ''my-project-name'' is a relative path, it will be concatenated with ''pwd -P'', i.e. with your actual directory with all symlinks resolved. If you want symlinks in the path, you must provide absolute path as ''my-project-name''. Note that e.g. ''/net/work/people'' is currently (2018-06) resolved by ''pwd -P'' to ''/lnet/.nfs/spec/work/people/'', but this path does not work on machines with native Lustre support.)
 You can use any Python version for the new environment, e.g. ''/opt/python/3.5.4/bin/python3 -m venv my-project-name-python3.5'' You can use any Python version for the new environment, e.g. ''/opt/python/3.5.4/bin/python3 -m venv my-project-name-python3.5''
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 ==== IPython in virtual envs. ==== ==== IPython in virtual envs. ====
-When using virtuaenvs, ipython is (in some versions) confused uses incorrect python interpreter. The following alias fixes this issue:+When using virtuaenvs, ipython is (in some versions) confused and uses an incorrect python interpreter. The following alias fixes this issue:
 <code> <code>
 alias ipython="python -c 'import IPython; IPython.terminal.ipapp.launch_new_instance()'" alias ipython="python -c 'import IPython; IPython.terminal.ipapp.launch_new_instance()'"

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