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spark:recipes:writing-text-files [2014/11/04 14:36]
straka created
spark:recipes:writing-text-files [2014/11/04 14:59] (current)
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 Text files can be written easily by Spark. Text files can be written easily by Spark.
-===== Reading Text Files by Lines =====+===== Writing Text Files by Lines =====
 To write an ''RDD'' to a text file, each element on a line, the method ''sc.writeTextFile'' can be used: To write an ''RDD'' to a text file, each element on a line, the method ''sc.writeTextFile'' can be used:
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 The ''output_path'' always specifies a directory in which several output files are created. If the output directory already exists, an error occurs. The ''output_path'' always specifies a directory in which several output files are created. If the output directory already exists, an error occurs.
-Several output files, named ''part-00000'', ''part-00001'', etc., are created in the output directory, one for+Several output files, named ''part-00000'', ''part-00001'', etc., are created in the output directory, one for every partition of ''RDD''.
 ==== Sorting Output ==== ==== Sorting Output ====
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 ==== One Output File ==== ==== One Output File ====
 +In many cases, only one output file is desirable. In that case, ''coalesce(1)'' method can be used, which merges all partitions into one.
 +<file python>
 +In case sorting is also used, use ''coalesce'' **after** the sorting, so that the sorting can be executed in parallel and the partitions are merged only before performing the output.
 +===== Writing Text Files by Paragraphs  =====
 +The ''saveAsTextFile'' method always writes one newline between elements. If you want to separate elements by two newlines, append a newline to every element manually:
 +<file python>
 +lines.map(lambda line: str(line) + "\n").saveAsTextFile("output_path")
 +<file scala>
 +lines.map(_.toString + "\n").saveAsTextFile("output_path")

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