This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
Subversion (svn
) je nástroj pro archivaci (a v případě potřeby obnovu) starších verzí softwaru, který vyvíjíte. Pokud se vás v jednom projektu hrabe víc, Subversion vám pomůže ohlídat, abyste si vzájemně neničili práci.
Subversion vám poskytuje různé možnosti, kde založit tzv. repozitář (tedy archív verzí vašeho projektu), a různé možnosti, jak k němu přistupovat. Lokální repozitář vám stačí, používáte-li Subversion pro archivaci projektu, na kterém pracujete pouze vy, případně i další členové ÚFALu, ale všem vám stačí přistupovat k repozitáři z terminálu či skriptů běžících na linuxových počítačích na ÚFALu. Lokální repozitář je prostě podstrom adresářové struktury na síťových discích (konkrétně v /net/work/public/SVN
, ale můžete si ho vytvořit i jinde). Když chcete s lokálním repozitářem pracovat, musíte mít na dané místo souborový přístup. Serverový repozitář využijete, jestliže potřebujete s repozitářem pracovat z počítače, ze kterého není přímo vidět disk, na kterém je repozitář uložen (např. z Windows, z domova) nebo pokud s vámi na projektu spolupracují lidé vně ÚFALu, kteří ani úplný přístup do naší sítě nemají. U serverového repozitáře je potřeba nakonfigurovat metody, jakými se k němu bude po síti přistupovat, a také přístupová práva uživatelů.
Pro projekty ÚFALu, na nichž chcete spolupracovat i s lidmi zvenku, (serverové repozitáře) použijte vyhrazený stroj Návod na konfiguraci najdete níže v kapitole Subversion Server. Návod na vytvoření jednoduchého lokálního repozitáře najdete níže v kapitole Lokální Subversion.
Subversion Server
Toto je Milanovo e-mailové shrnutí z 26.9.2007. Týká se konfigurace serverových repozitářů na serveru
Mili kolegove,
po diskusi s Ondrou Bojarem a drobnem vylepseni naseho serveru svn jeste jednou sepisuji co je potreba si projit a nastavit pri konfiguraci noveho projektu:
- nalogujete se na (= (ucty byly preneseny z
- pro vytvoreni projektu pouzijete skript (kteremu date jeste jmeno projektu):
/home/howto/ <jmeno_projektu>
- pak se rozhodnete kterymi cestami budete s projektem pracovat - nejlepsi je asi nakonfigurovat vsechny (viz. nize) - tedy svn, webovy pristup do svn a Trac (take webovy). Vsude jsou prednastaveny nejake zakladni ucty, ale nejlepsi je tyto veci upravit podle vlastnich potreb. Napriklad nemusite chtit, aby ufal/maly… mel rw prava ve vasem projektu, jak tomu defaultne je!
Konfigurace webového rozhraní SVN (preferováno)
Toto rozhraní je užíváno SVN klienty, kteří dostanou repository udanou ve tvaru
, tj. např.:
svn --username ufal checkout$PROJEKT
Co se tyce svn weboveho rozhrani, tak ten modul ma nasledujici konfiguraky (viz. /etc/httpd/conf.d/subversion.conf):
- uzivatele:
AuthUserFile /home/svn/users/passwords
(Ondrej tomu laicky rika .htaccess) - jejich opravneni:
AuthzSVNAccessFile /home/svn/permissions/svnauthz.conf
(zde se rika, zda RO nebo RW)
O zbytek se stara webovy modul subversion - ja mu jen rikam tohle.
Konfiguraky jsou globalni, tj. pro vsechny projekty spolecne.
O přidávání uživatelů a hesel viz níže.
Konfigurace protokolu SVN (raději nepoužívat, nekryptovaný přenos)
Toto rozhraní je užíváno SVN klienty, kteří dostanou repository udanou ve tvaru svn…
, tj. např.:
svn --username ufal checkout svn://$PROJEKT
Pristupova prava pro svn protokol se urcuji pro kazdy projekt nezavisle, v adresari conf v dane repository (jak je vytvorena mym skriptem), tj. napr.:
vim /home/svn/repos/$PROJEKT/conf/passwd # vytvořit uživatele vim /home/svn/repos/$PROJEKT/conf/authz # nastavit jim práva
Vzory nastaveni pristupu jsou zde: /home/svn/repos/default/conf
Pozor - hesla se tu nastavuji jako textove retezce, neni to htaccess! Po siti tedy tecou nekryptovane!
Konfigurace přístupu k systému Trac
Trac - pouziva take overovani vuci:
AuthUserFile /home/svn/users/passwords
Trac ma navic vlastni system prav. Trac vas rozpozna podle loginu, se kterym jste se prihlasili pri http autentizaci, ktera je pri pristupu vynucena. Pokud v danem projektu nejste zavedeni, tak se k nemu dostanete s nejakymi default pravy.
Takto spustíte konfigurační skript pro Trac vašeho projektu:
trac-admin /home/trac/$PROJEKT
Časté problémy
V tracu chybí tlačítko Browse Source
Ověřte, že v souboru /home/trac/PROJEKT/conf/trac.ini
máte nastavenu proměnnou repository_dir
na /home/svn/repos/PROJEKT
V prohlížení kódu se neukazuje Unicode
Ověřte, že v souboru /home/trac/PROJEKT/conf/trac.ini
máte nastavenu proměnnou default_charset
na utf-8
. Default je chybný, iso-8859-15.
Přidávání vlastních uživatelů pro webové přístupy (SVN i Trac)
Vlastni uzivatele pro webove pristupy pridate do centralniho souboru webovych hesel v /home/svn/users/passwords
(na coz prava mate) pomoci:
htpasswd -bs /home/svn/users/passwords <uzivatelske_jmeno> <heslo>
htpasswd -s /home/svn/users/passwords <uzivatelske_jmeno> # na heslo budete dotázáni, heslo se nezobrazí ani na terminálu
Lokální Subversion
(Z návodu ve wiki University of Maryland převzal a upravil Dan Zeman.)
Tento návod se týká lokálních repozitářů SVN, tedy takových, ke kterým budete přistupovat pouze z linuxových počítačů v síti ÚFALu.
You can use svn to keep track of your own code.
New svn repository can be created by
svnadmin create /net/work/public/SVN/$MY_PROJECT
where obviously $MY_PROJECT
should be replaced by the desired name for your project.
Beware! Do not use older versions (e.g. 1.1.4) of Subversion to create a repository! By default, they will use the Berkeley DB backend, which is not recommended. You may be able to “successfully” finish the repository creation but things are likely to get broken later! Check your version by running
svn --version
Version 1.3.1 and above should work fine.
Let's say you want to archive the directory /home/$USER/proj
and all its subdirectories. The following code puts your project in the proj
folder under version control. After executing the commands, your proj
folder will become a working copy of the files stored in the repository.
svnadmin create /net/work/public/SVN/proj cd /home/$USER mv proj proj.old mkdir tmp cd tmp mkdir proj cp -r /home/$USER/proj.old proj/trunk mkdir proj/branches mkdir proj/tags svn import proj file:///net/work/public/SVN/proj --message 'Initial import' cd .. svn checkout -q file:///net/work/public/SVN/proj/trunk proj rm -rf tmp rm -rf proj.old
Výše uvedený postup je možné po úpravách použít i pro vzdálený repozitář na serveru SVN. Předpokládáme, že jste si už vytvořili repozitář $REP
podle návodu uvedeného dříve, a že jste k němu nakonfigurovali přístupová práva. Řádek svnadmin create …
zde tedy vynecháváme.
cd /home/$USER mv $PROJ $PROJ.old mkdir tmp cd tmp mkdir $PROJ cp -r /home/$USER/$PROJ.old $PROJ/trunk mkdir $PROJ/branches mkdir $PROJ/tags svn --username $USER import $PROJ https:///$REP/$PROJ --message 'Initial import' cd .. svn checkout -q https:///$REP/$PROJ/trunk $PROJ rm -rf tmp rm -rf $PROJ.old
Pokud jste si jisti, že pro tento projekt nebudete nikdy potřebovat větve ani otagované verze, můžete pravděpodobně vynechat vytváření podsložek branches
a tags
a celý projekt posunout o patro výš. To jsem ale nezkoušel.
Přechod z lokálního repozitáře na serverový
Nepamatujete si, kde vlastně leží repozitář vašeho projektu? Nacházíte-li se ve své pracovní kopii projektu, příkazem svn info
to zjistíte:
10:58 zen:/export/home/zeman/projekty/interset> svn info Path: . URL: file:///net/work/public/SVN/interset/trunk Repository Root: file:///net/work/public/SVN/interset Repository UUID: 9edd2012-306b-417f-90a6-873db92f1308 Revision: 7 Node Kind: directory Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: zeman Last Changed Rev: 7 Last Changed Date: 2009-02-19 10:58:20 +0100 (Thu, 19 Feb 2009)
Přechod z CVS pod SVN
Rozmyslete si, zda chcete zachovat pouze aktuální verzi vašeho projektu, nebo i některé starší. Pokud chcete zachovat pouze aktuální verzi, vybalte si ji do nějaké pracovní složky pomocí cvs checkout
a postupujte podle výše uvedeného návodu pro přidání projektu pod SVN.
Pokud chcete zachovat i některé důležité starší verze, vybalte nejprve nejstarší z nich a podle výše uvedeného návodu ji zaveďte jako nový projekt pod SVN. Potom postupně vybalujte další verze, přepište jimi vaši pracovní kopii SVN projektu a uložte je do SVN pomocí svn commit
. Pozor na případy, kdy mezi dvěma verzemi přibyly nové soubory nebo naopak zmizely staré! Takové soubory můžete odhalit pomocí svn status
a zařadit nebo vyřadit pomocí svn add
, resp. svn remove
# Get version of August 16, 2004, from CVS. cvs checkout -D 2004/8/16 $USER/parser cd $USER/parser cvs status # Import this version to SVN. rm -rf CVS cd .. rm -rf CVS mv parser trunk mkdir branches mkdir tags cd .. mv $USER parser svnadmin create /net/work/public/SVN/parser svn import parser file:///net/work/public/SVN/parser --message 'Initial import' rm -rf parser svn checkout -q file:///net/work/public/SVN/parser/trunk parser # Tag this version of the project. svn copy -q file:///net/work/public/SVN/parser/trunk \ file:///net/work/public/SVN/parser/tags/disertace \ -m "Version from the dissertation" # Before checking out a new CVS version, remove all files but not the ''.svn'' folder. # (Note that better approach is needed if we have subfolders.) cd parser rm -f * rm -rf CVS cd .. # Check out the current CVS version of the project. ln -s . $USER cvs checkout $USER/parser rm -f $USER rm -rf CVS cd parser rm -rf CVS svn status # Add new files (status ?), remove obsolete files (status !) # Thereafter, added files have status A, removed D. svn rm obsolete-file # ! -> D svn add new-file # ? -> A svn status # Commit the changes, update working copy. svn commit -m 'Current version. Moving from CVS completed.' svn update
Ignoring unversioned files in svn status
Imagine that your makefile creates a tmp
file or directory. You do not want to version this file, because it can be any time recreated by calling make
. And you do not want to see the file listed in svn status
output. Then you need to edit the svn:ignore
property of the folder containing tmp
- Go to the folder containing
. - Call
svn propedit svn:ignore .
. - Enter files to be ignored, one per line. But you can use wildcards, as in
. Note that some files are ignored by default (e.g.*.o
). - Call
svn status
. Now you should not see the files you said should be ignored, but for now you will see the folder containing them. That's because this folder's property (svn:ignore
) has changed. - You need to call
svn commit
to make the property stored in the repository and available to other users.
Note that you just set property of one folder, not of a whole subtree of folders. That is, tmp
files in subfolders will not be ignored until you set the same property in the subfolders. In general, properties can be set recursively but it is not trivial with multi-line property values, which is the case of svn:ignore
Basic Ideas
The basic idea behind subversion is that it keeps multiple versions of entire directory trees
(Note that this differs from cvs, which deals in per-file revisions). You can store an entire snapshot of the directory tree at any time by committing
it to the repository. If you'd like to store a snapshot of something you're working on, but don't want to put it into the main development line just yet, you can store it as a branch
, and when you've finished working on your branch, you can merge
it into the main development line (trunk
You should 'never
' work directly on the live code that lives in /fs/clip-mteval/Programs
. Rather, you will always work on a local copy, called the working copy
of the code, which is a replica of some snapshot of the repository, with any local changes you have made. To propagate information from a working directory, you must commit changes to the repository, and then export
those changes to the live code directory.
Getting Started: Creating a Working Copy
To create a working copy of the repository, first make sure you are 'not
' logged in to csubmit01
or csubmit02
. Then cd
to some directory where you would like to work (preferably somewhere in your home directory path), and run the following commands:
svn checkout -q file:///fs/clip-mteval/svn/Programs/trunk Programs cd Programs make
(Ignore hundreds of compiler warnings.)
This will create a pristine copy of the latest repository version in your local directory. You can then proceed to make any changes you would like. (Note that the checkout
command does 'not
' imply locking.)
If you already have a working copy, you can use the following command to bring it up to date with changes made to the repository since you last checked the files out:
svn update
SVN access from non-UMIACS hosts
If you want to access to svn repository from a host outside the UMIACS network, you can do so via ssh from the remote machine:
svn checkout -q svn+ssh:// Programs
Note: for many operations, you may need to enter your UMIACS password multiple times. For example, checking out a client requires at least 3 password entries. This is due to the svn client establishing multiple ssh connections to the remote host.
Making Changes
Once you have a working copy that's up-to-date, you can proceed to make and test any changes that you are working on. It is important to remember that in subversion, a version of a project is a snapshot of an entire directory
. Therefore, if your change involved moving, copying, or renaming files, you need to make subversion aware of these changes. Rather than use the commands rm
, cp
, and mv
, you should use the subversion equivalents:
svn delete <file> svn copy <file-from> <file-to> svn move <file-from> <file-to>
Additionally, whenever you create a file in the directory, you'll want to use the command
svn add <file>
Note that these commands do not update the repository with the local copies of these files, if they've been modified since you checked them out; it only signals to the repository that you've made changes to the directory structure. These will become permanent only once you've committed
the files.
Changes that do not change the directory structure can be made in the working copy of the file directly using whatever method is appropriate.
Examining Your Changes
Before you commit your changes to the repository, you may need to examine them to see precisely what they are (in fact, in the case of conflicting changes committed by different users, subversion will 'require
' you to do this). To do this, run the command.
svn status
This will give you a listing of all the files in the working directory and their status with respect to the original repository version. If a file has changed and you want to see the changes, you can use
svn diff <file>
If you discover that you've made an error, you can undo it using
svn revert <file>
Note that reverting also works for add, move, copy, and delete operations as well!
Most importantly, svn status
will tell you if the changes that you've made in a working copy of a file are in conflict with the changes that another user has committed since you last checked out the file. If this happens, it will report:
C filename
You will not be able to commit changes to this file until you've fixed the conflict manually. This is described next.
'You should not even attempt to commit files to the main branch until you can run svn status without seeing conflicts
'. The group policy on regression and commits is as follows:
* When you begin a modification, checkout a fresh copy of the latest code
* Run a test on whatever portion of the code you plan to update. Store the results somewhere where you can look at them later.
* Make your modifications.
* Run a test of your modifications. Check your results against the ones you stored previously and make sure that the differences are the ones you intended.
* Run svn status and resolve any conflicts.
* Run svn update to retrieve modifications made by others.
* 'Run your test again
' to make sure that the results you intend from your modification have 'not
' been affected by other changes to the code.
* Repeat the last four steps as necessary until there are no more conflicts.
* Commit your changes.
Resolving Conflicts and Committing Your Changes
Before you check in files, you must first run svn update
to receive any non-conflicting updates from the repository. This will also, like svn status
, tell you if there are any conflicts with your intended changes. If this happens, subversion will inform you of the filename that is in conflict, and place two unversioned copies of it in your working directory: file.r<OLD>
and file.r<NEW>
, which are, respectively, the version of the file when you last checked it out, and the current version in the repository (<OLD>
and <NEW>
are the version numbers of these revisions). Coupled with your working version, you should determine the necessary changes, make them in your working copy, and then run:
svn resolved <file>
This will tell subversion that your working copy has successfully integrated the two versions. Now you can check them in using:
svn commit
Subversion will prompt you for a log message describing your changes.
Alternatively, you can specify a log message on the command line, using the -m
svn commit -m 'Replaced all perl scripts with python
You can review log messages from previous changes using
svn log
Using Code from the Repository
The version of the code that lives in /fs/clip-mteval/Programs
is 'not
' a working copy. The eventual expectation is that this directory will go away. Instead of running scripts from the Programs
directory, you will run code from a local copy that you have checked out or exported from the repository. When running experiments, you should make note of the code revision or tag that you used.
Note that once you checkout or export the codebase from the directory, you will need to run make
in the toplevel directory. This builds certain executables that are required. For the time being, this only seems to work correctly on the wine cluster.
Writing Code: Pathnames
Because you will always run code from a local directory, your programs and scripts should never
refer to the directory /fs/clip-mteval/Programs
. This is sure way to cause major debugging problems later. Instead, they should refer to the local directory where your script is run from. Since the directory differs for each user, your program will need to determine it at runtime. Let's suppose that you have a script foo
, from which you would like to call the script bar
. Here's an easy way to do this in perl:
#!/usr/bin/perl open(ROOT,"dirname $0|"); while (<ROOT>){ chomp; $root_dir = $_; } $cmd = "$root_dir/"; system($cmd);
In sh or bash:
#!/bin/sh ROOTDIR=`dirname $0` CMD=$ROOTDIR/ $CMD
In python:
#!/usr/bin/python import sys, os.path progname = sys.argv[0] root_dir = os.path.dirname(progname) cmd = os.path.join(root_dir, "") os.system(cmd)
Note that you only have to do this with pathnames that refer to things in the repository. It is perfectly fine to use absolute pathnames for other dedicated resources, such as things that reside in /fs/clip-mteval/Corpora
Branching and Merging
Branching in subversion is merely a matter of copying a directory version to a new name. For instance, if I want to work on a complicated branch, and still keep it under version control, I might create a new branch under my user name:
svn copy -q file:///fs/clip-mteval/svn/Programs/trunk \ file:///fs/clip-mteval/svn/Programs/branches/alopez \ -m "Personal development branch for alopez"
This creates a new branch called alopez
. I can then checkout and work with that branch:
svn checkout -q file:///fs/clip-mteval/svn/Programs/branches/alopez alopez cd alopez make
The changes I create will not affect the main branch of code (the ones in trunk
) until I explicitly merge them into the code. But, how do I do this? I cannot simply copy all of my modified files back into the main trunk, becuase I may clobber changes that have been made there since my branch. And I can't run svn update
to receive the changes from the main trunk into my own working copies, because svn status
only works on working copies that are in the same branch, not independent development branches. What I need to do is merge
the changes that I've made in my branch into the current revision of trunk. This is made possible with the svn merge
command. Suppose that I started my branch of the code at revision 250 of the trunk. I continued working on this up until revision 271. The code in the trunk was last modified at revision 274. To merge my changes into the trunk, I must first checkout the code from the trunk into a new working copy:
svn checkout -q file:///fs/clip-mteval/svn/Programs/trunk Programs
Now, the changes that I made occurred in the alopez
branch between revisions 250 and 271 (I must note the revisions manually). What svn merge
does is determine the differences between two objects in the repository, and then apply them to the working copy. So here's how I run merge:
svn merge file:///fs/clip-mteval/svn/Programs/tags/alopez@250 file:///fs/clip-mteval/svn/Programs/tags/alopez@271 Programs''
This command takes the differences between the alopez branch from rev. 250 to 271, and applies them to the working copy. Note that this may create conflicts! (To preview these, I can use the –dry-run
flag to svn merge
). Once I've successfully resolved any conflicts, merged the files, and run regression tests as described above, I can commit the files to the development trunk.
Tags are subversion's mechanism for creating special named
snapshots of particular directories. Essentially, a tag is just a copy of the directory from some particular revision (or combination of revisions). Tags are useful for creating releases. In general, you should not check out tagged versions of the project, because modifications should only be based on the trunk. Instead, you should export
them if you need a snapshot of the code at some particular point in time.
To tag the current version, use:
svn copy -q file:///net/work/public/SVN/project/trunk \ file:///net/work/public/SVN/project/tags/$TAGNAME \ -m "Version from the dissertation"
To export a tagged version, use:
svn export -q file:///net/work/public/SVN/project/tags/$TAGNAME \ ~/projects/project
Rolling Back Versions
What do you do if something is broken that wasn't broken before? You can simply check out a copy of the file (or the entire project) from a point before the problem arose. In order to see the revisions in which a particular file changed, you can run
svn log $FILE
This will show you the change log. Hopefully, this will be sufficiently informative as to when particular changes occurred, but if you aren't sure what happened in a particular revision, you can always run
svn diff $FILE -r $REVISION
To see the changes that have been made. Once you figure out which version you need, you can restore your working copy to that revision using
svn update $FILE -r $REVISION
Warning: If you update the whole project (svn update .
in the root of the working copy) this way, svn will behave as if the revisions after the one you rolled back to did not exist. For instance, it will not show you the renewed files as changed when you call svn status
. If you call svn log
, it will show only revisions up to the one you rolled back to. If you call svn commit
without making additional changes, nothing will happen. However, svn diff -r HEAD:BASE
will show the differences between your current (rolled-back) version and the most recent one in the repository. So how do we force svn to store the restored old revision as the newest one in the repository?
The following chapters from the SVN book have some answers:
The following code should undo the changes between the revisions 302 and 303 (note the minus sign before 303, meaning negative change) while keeping the other changes between 303 and HEAD.
svn merge -c -303$REPOSITORY/$PROJECT/trunk # alternatively: svn merge -r 303:302$REPOSITORY/$PROJECT/trunk svn status svn diff svn commit -m "Undoing change committed in r303."
Setting Up an Archive
You can use svn to keep track of your own code. Let's say you want to archive the directory /nfshomes/$USER/proj
and all its subdirectories. You can do so with the following commands.
' /usr/bin/svn
on the C cluster is version 1.1.4 (run svn –version
to confirm). 'Do not use this version
' to create a repository! By default, it will use the Berkeley DB backend, which is not recommended. You may be able to “successfully” finish the repository creation but things are likely to get broken later! /usr/local/bin/svn
on the wine cluster (e.g., the vouvray
machine) is version 1.3.1 and it should work fine, although 1.4 is already available.
cd /nfshomes/$USER mv proj proj.old svnadmin create svn mkdir tmp cd tmp mkdir proj cp -r /nfshomes/$USER/proj.old proj/trunk mkdir proj/branches mkdir proj/tags svn import . file:///nfshomes/$USER/svn --message 'Initial import' cd .. svn checkout -q file:///nfshomes/$USER/svn/proj/trunk proj rm -rf tmp rm -rf proj.old
See VersionControlSetup for the series of commands used to set up the MTEval archive.
Stupid Repository Tricks
You can accomplish virtually anything you can imagine with the repository, although it may not be immediately obvious how. For instance:
- Get the latest revision number of your current branch:
svn info -r HEAD
. You can also trysvn log | head -2
- View the logs of all changes to your current branch since you last updated:
svn log -r HEAD:BASE
- View all the differences between your working copy and the latest revision of your current branch:
svn diff -r HEAD .
- Merge into your current working copy the bug fixes checked in to r475 of the bittorrent branch (even if that's not your working branch):
svn merge -r 474:475 file:///fs/clip-mteval/svn/Programs/branches/bittorrent .
- Change your mind when you realize those bug fixes did more harm than good:
svn merge -r 475:474 file:///fs/clip-mteval/svn/Programs/branches/bittorrent .
If you get the message:
svn: Working copy path 'path/file' does not exist in repository
it means svn has screwed up. The only way I know to fix it is as follows:
* chmod path/.svn/entries u+w
* edit path/.svn/entries
* locate the entry for file
* locate the setting revision=“0”
* change the setting to something non-0 – the current version of this checkout should work
* save path/.svn/entries
* chmod path/.svn/entries u-w
* pray
Further Reading
All of the information in this tutorial comes directly from the online Subversion book. It is not necessary to read the entire book to get a good idea of how subversion works. In general, if you only have a limited period of time in which to get acquainted, you will get the most mileage out of the following parts of the book:
- Nečíslovaný seznam Chapter 2: Basic Concepts. This is an intro to version control concepts; if you are familiar with the basic ideas, you can probably skip this chapter. Covers concepts such as repositories, working copies, and copy-modify-merge version control.
- Section 3.5: Basic Work Cycle. Covers 90% of what you will need to know about using subversion, in about fifteen minutes. If you don't read anything else, read this section, and you'll be able to get started very quickly.
- Chapter 3: Guided Tour. Includes the above (Section 3.5) as well as some additional details. This is 95% of what you need to know.
- Chapter 4: Branching and Merging. This is the other 5%. If you are working on merging changes into the main branch of code, look here.
- Chapter 9: Subversion Complete Reference. Compact documentation on all of the command-line tools and their options. This isn't something you need to read front-to-back, but rather, where you should look if you can't remember a particular command-line option.
Most likely, this is all you will need to look at to do most of your work. Most of this material comes from Section 3.5.