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This is a meeting point for ÚFAL members whose work relates to Universal Dependencies. Starting in January 2023, we will meet semi-regularly (approximately every 2–3 weeks) for discussions about each other's work and/or UD-related papers (reading group). Contact: Dan Zeman.

Reading group: One or two papers is planned for a meeting in advance. Everyone reads the paper at least quickly to know what it is about and to be able to discuss it. One person reads the paper more carefully, then presents it at the meeting. Slides are not required but may be used if it helps.

Future Plans

If there is interest, we can meet regardless of whether a semester is running (not necessarily with the same frequency).

Kira has tentatively booked Wednesday 2023-06-07 to present a paper about semantic roles on top of UD.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be 2023-05-03 9:00 in S510. Dan will present an overview of several parsers for UD. The papers below are relevant (the one by Stymne et al. has been already presented by Federica). We will focus more on how we can use the parsers rather than on implementation details, so this time it will look less like a reading group session. If you only feel like reading some of the papers, I suggest focusing on the newer ones (Trankit, Stanza, and Udify, in this order).

Papers to Read in the Future

Feel free to add your wishes to the list.

Past Meetings

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