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user:hladka:playcoref [2009/03/02 09:52]
user:hladka:playcoref [2009/09/24 10:07]
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 +====== Play the Language: Play Coreference ======
 +====== Aktuality ======
 ====== Motivace ====== ====== Motivace ======
Line 21: Line 25:
   * [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~hladka/PlayCoref/sentences_PlayCoref.html|ukázky anotovaných souborů]] ## ještě k těmto výpisům doplním tektogramatické stromy - někdy jsou k pochopení barviček důležité. Nicméně už z těchto ukázek vyplývá, že budeme muset začít s beletrií a podle zkušeností zkusit noviny.   * [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~hladka/PlayCoref/sentences_PlayCoref.html|ukázky anotovaných souborů]] ## ještě k těmto výpisům doplním tektogramatické stromy - někdy jsou k pochopení barviček důležité. Nicméně už z těchto ukázek vyplývá, že budeme muset začít s beletrií a podle zkušeností zkusit noviny.
   * Projekt anotace rozšířené textové koreference a bridging vztahů v PDT. (Anja Nedolužko: [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~hladka/PlayCoref/projekt_anotace.pdf|Technická zpráva]])   * Projekt anotace rozšířené textové koreference a bridging vztahů v PDT. (Anja Nedolužko: [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~hladka/PlayCoref/projekt_anotace.pdf|Technická zpráva]])
Line 30: Line 36:
 ====== Automatické určování koreference v českých datech - přehled ====== ====== Automatické určování koreference v českých datech - přehled ======
   * Experiments with Czech so far   * Experiments with Czech so far
 +     - Kučová L., Žabokrtský Z.: Anaphora in Czech: Large Data and Experiments with Automatic Anaphora Resolution. TSD 2005. **Available:**  [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~zabokrtsky/papers/tsd2005-coref.pdf|pdf]]
      - Nguy Giang Linh: Návrh souboru pravidel pro analýzu anafor v českém jazyce (A set of rules for anaphora resolution in Czech), MFF UK 2006. **Available:** [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~hladka/ML/aca-diplomka.pdf|pdf]]      - Nguy Giang Linh: Návrh souboru pravidel pro analýzu anafor v českém jazyce (A set of rules for anaphora resolution in Czech), MFF UK 2006. **Available:** [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~hladka/ML/aca-diplomka.pdf|pdf]]
      - Nguy Giang Linh; Žabokrtský, Z.: Rule-based approach to pronominal anaphora resolution applied on the Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0 data. In Proceedings of DAARC 2007 (6th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium). **Available:** [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~zabokrtsky/papers/daarc-2007.pdf|pdf]]      - Nguy Giang Linh; Žabokrtský, Z.: Rule-based approach to pronominal anaphora resolution applied on the Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0 data. In Proceedings of DAARC 2007 (6th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium). **Available:** [[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~zabokrtsky/papers/daarc-2007.pdf|pdf]]
Line 93: Line 100:
      - POS tagger      - POS tagger
      - coreference resolution procedure      - coreference resolution procedure
Line 107: Line 126:
      * Anja's data    ## // PDT data that are currently being annotated for the extended coreference //      * Anja's data    ## // PDT data that are currently being annotated for the extended coreference //
      * **JM**: It would be nice if the players could choose a domain of the texts to play on (science-fiction, fantasy, thriller, romance, ...), maybe even the author or the very title. The available resources of free electronic books in Czech are scarce but there are plenty of free electronic books in English and other languages, e.g. [[http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page|Project Gutenberg]]. **BH**: It is a very nice idea but I would postpone it till the next versions of the PlayCoref game. However, we have already selected more user-friendly texts into the LGame db - see [[http://ufallab2.ms.mff.cuni.cz/lgame/|this page]]. So we can use them for the PlayCoref game as well.       * **JM**: It would be nice if the players could choose a domain of the texts to play on (science-fiction, fantasy, thriller, romance, ...), maybe even the author or the very title. The available resources of free electronic books in Czech are scarce but there are plenty of free electronic books in English and other languages, e.g. [[http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page|Project Gutenberg]]. **BH**: It is a very nice idea but I would postpone it till the next versions of the PlayCoref game. However, we have already selected more user-friendly texts into the LGame db - see [[http://ufallab2.ms.mff.cuni.cz/lgame/|this page]]. So we can use them for the PlayCoref game as well. 
-      * **---JM TO DO---** na datech od Anji zjistit pro nas zajimave statistiky typu +     ***JM (6/3/09)**: Predelal jsem data pro playcoref, ted obsahuji jenom koreference mezi uzly s tagy N nebo P. Data jsou v adresari: ''/net/work/projects/playlang/playcoref/data/02_bridging_playcoref/train-1''. Spocital jsem tabulku, ve ktere jsou tyto soubory z train-1 serazeny sestupne podle pomeru (pocet koref. sipek)/(pocet slov)[[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~hladka/PlayCoref/_text_coref_proportions.txt|Tabulka je tady]] ( prvni sloupec je  pomer (pocet koref. sipek)/(pocet slov), druhy sloupec je nazev souboru, treti sloupec je pocet koref. sipek, ctvrty sloupec je pocet slov.) 
-vety/dokument; sipky_noun_noun-noun_pronoun-pronoun-pronoun/document; ... +      ***BH (16/3/09)**. Zajmena filtrovat i podle subPOS: **POVOLIT**: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, H, J, K, P, S  **ZAMKNOUT**: D,E,L, O, Q, W, Y, Z 
    * **EN**    * **EN**
-      * search the data that are available+      * search the data that are available; **BH (11/3/09)** Z dokumentace dat, ktera bychom meli mit, jsem nasla MUC6, ale nevidim tam data s koreferenci. Jirka zjisti, jestli jsou nekde jinde nebo jak jinak se k nim muzeme dostat.
 === Coding === === Coding ===
   * utf-8   * utf-8
Line 125: Line 143:
    * sentence by sentence    * sentence by sentence
    * supervised selection of documents for a session     * supervised selection of documents for a session 
 ===== Scoring ===== ===== Scoring =====
-   * ''pts_of_player_A = w1*(player_A's_output vs. automatic_annotation) + w1*(player_A's_output vs. player_B's_output) + speed_pts''+   * ''pts(A) = w1*ICA(A, acr) + w2*ICA (A,B) + speed_pts(A)''
 **JM**: **JM**:
Line 136: Line 157:
 **BH**: Jirka ma pravdu. Pocitani skore musi byt objektivni. Proto jsem vzorecek upravila tak, ze nebude pocitat shodu hrace vzhledem k rucni anotaci. **BH**: Jirka ma pravdu. Pocitani skore musi byt objektivni. Proto jsem vzorecek upravila tak, ze nebude pocitat shodu hrace vzhledem k rucni anotaci.
Line 150: Line 172:
       * document(s)       * document(s)
       * number of corrections by player_A and by player_B (**JM**: I do not see the point in this)       * number of corrections by player_A and by player_B (**JM**: I do not see the point in this)
-      * corrections by player_A and by player_B (**JM**: and maybe nor in this) (**BH**: I am interested in the manner of the players. Maybe the corrections will be total mess, but we have to see the data at least from the very first sessions. )+      * corrections by player_A and by player_B (**JM**: and maybe nor in this) (**BH**: I am interested in the players' behaviour. Maybe the corrections will be total mess, but we have to see the data at least from the very first sessions. ) 
 ===== Design ===== ===== Design =====
Line 163: Line 186:
       * arrows (**JM**: to avoid too many arrows on the screen, possibly only if the mouse pointer hovers over a word, arrows that start or end at the word would be displayed)       * arrows (**JM**: to avoid too many arrows on the screen, possibly only if the mouse pointer hovers over a word, arrows that start or end at the word would be displayed)
       * ...       * ...
 ===== Tools needed ===== ===== Tools needed =====
    * tagger ## tool_chain (CAC2.0)    * tagger ## tool_chain (CAC2.0)
-   * Linh's coreference resolution procedure **---PS TO DO---** What type of input data the Linh's procedure works with? ''tool_chain'' is going to be extended by the ''S'' option enabling to run Vasek Klimes' t-parser in basic version, i.e. just t-tree and functors. See more info [[https://wiki.ufal.ms.mff.cuni.cz/user:hladka:playcoref#automaticke-urcovani-koreference-v-ceskych-datech-prehled]]. +   * Linh's coreference resolution procedure - see TectoMT - **JM** 
-  * conversion: csts <-> pml m_coref scheme +      * vyzkouset trenink test na datech Anji 
 +   * conversion: csts <-> pml m_coref scheme
 +===== Pro toho, kdo bude hru implementovat =====
 ====== ACL - IJCNLP2009 ====== ====== ACL - IJCNLP2009 ======
    * [[http://www.acl-ijcnlp-2009.org/|Suntec Singapore, August 2-7, 2009]]    * [[http://www.acl-ijcnlp-2009.org/|Suntec Singapore, August 2-7, 2009]]
-   * [[http://www.acl-ijcnlp-2009.org/main/callforpapers.html#shortpapers|Short papers]], deadline: April 26, 2009. Predposledni verze clanku musi byt hotova do 12. dubna. Nasledne clanek posleme vybranym kolegum, aby meli na precteni a okomentovani tyden. Nam pak bude zbyvat tyden do terminu.+   * [[http://www.acl-ijcnlp-2009.org/main/callforpapers.html#shortpapers|Short papers]], deadline: April 26, 2009. Predposledni verze clanku musi byt hotova do 12. dubna. Nasledne clanek posleme vybranym kolegum (Fred Jelinek, ....), aby meli na precteni a okomentovani tyden. Nam pak bude zbyvat tyden do terminu.
    * pracovni adresar ''/net/work/projects/playlang/doc/ACL-IJCNLP2009/''    * pracovni adresar ''/net/work/projects/playlang/doc/ACL-IJCNLP2009/''
 +   * 23/3/09 - castecne jsem rozmyslela osnovu, podivejte se prosim na to a sve pripominky psat primo do latexovskeho zdrojaku

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