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user:zeman:interset:brainstorming [2007/10/03 13:32]
user:zeman:interset:brainstorming [2009/04/04 18:46]
zeman End of numeral survey.
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 Přivlastňovací musí zůstat samostatnou vlastností (nemůžeme ji slít se subpos), protože Přivlastňovací musí zůstat samostatnou vlastností (nemůžeme ji slít se subpos), protože
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 Prontype mostly encodes what we previously called definiteness. The definiteness feature would be retained. However, now it would be used only for definite/indefinite articles attached to nouns, adjectives etc. Similarly, lexical negativeness could be separated from prontype, although I am not sure about it. However, if negativeness of negative pronouns is encoded separately, I cannot think of any suitable prontype for these pronouns. Prontype mostly encodes what we previously called definiteness. The definiteness feature would be retained. However, now it would be used only for definite/indefinite articles attached to nouns, adjectives etc. Similarly, lexical negativeness could be separated from prontype, although I am not sure about it. However, if negativeness of negative pronouns is encoded separately, I cannot think of any suitable prontype for these pronouns.
-pos and subpos+==== pos and subpos ====
   * noun (personal pronouns, some demonstrative pronouns (alternating with adjectives))   * noun (personal pronouns, some demonstrative pronouns (alternating with adjectives))
   * possessive adjective (possessive pronouns)   * possessive adjective (possessive pronouns)
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   * other adverb (why)   * other adverb (why)
-poss+==== (pre)determiners ==== 
 +Now de-facto subposes of adjectives. Cannot collide with possessiveness; in fact, possessive pronouns (and possibly adjectives, too) replace determiners, which makes the system of adjectival subposes more coherent. It is not clear whether their definiteness should be shown by the definiteness feature, or the prontype (demonstrative vs. indefinite). Definiteness seems more suitable but the best would be to set both. 
 +  * det ... determiner 
 +  * pdt ... predeterminer 
 +==== poss ====
   * Now de-facto subpos of adjectives (normal or referencing).   * Now de-facto subpos of adjectives (normal or referencing).
 +==== reflex ====
   * Attribute of referencing (pronomial) nouns and adjectives. Means reflexive reference to itself. Does not apply to numerals and adverbs. Czech examples: sebe, se, sobě, si, sebou (personal), svůj (possessive), sám (demonstrative - as in "sám velký šéf", not in "zůstal tam sám").   * Attribute of referencing (pronomial) nouns and adjectives. Means reflexive reference to itself. Does not apply to numerals and adverbs. Czech examples: sebe, se, sobě, si, sebou (personal), svůj (possessive), sám (demonstrative - as in "sám velký šéf", not in "zůstal tam sám").
 +==== definiteness ====
 +Bulgarian seems to be the reason why we need to separate the lexical definiteness (or demonstrativeness) from the morphological one. Most Bulgarian nouns, adjectives and pronouns allow for suffixes (-at, -ta, -to, -te) that change the default indefinite word forms to definite ones. Even indefinite pronouns (lexical definiteness = indefinite) can distinguish the two states. Thus, we have lexically indefinite morphologically indefinite word forms (нещо, едно), and lexically indefinite morphologically definite word forms (едната, едното, едните, нещата). We also cannot use the morphological indefiniteness to recognize indefinite pronouns. There are morphologically indefinite possessive pronouns (i.e., they can have the definite suffix but they do not have it in these particular cases) мое, твое, свое, негово, нейно, наше, ваше, тяхно... Hence the (morphological) definiteness feature does not remain unset and cannot be used to distinguish possessives from indefinite pronouns. If we take the opposite approach and query the poss feature first, we will not successfully encode the tag "P Pf def=i|ref=p|num=p" of нечии (něčí, someone's). Similarly, indefinite numerals cannot be recognized by the value of definiteness because normal numerals can have this feature set. Example: any numeral expressed using ciphers ("1886", tag "M Mo gen=f|num=s|def=i").
 +On the other hand, definiteness is not the same as demonstrativeness. Although I currently do not have an example of a demonstrative that is clearly morphologically indefinite, and although most demonstratives are semantically definite, there are demonstratives that describe the referee without necessarily having one particular (definite) in mind. Example: Czech demonstrative pronouns takový (such), týž, tentýž (same as).
 +Since having two definitenesses creates room for confusion, we ought to set both in decoders of all "normal" tag sets (i.e. in those where lexical definiteness always matches the morphological one).
 +==== numtype ====
 +  * <empty> ... non-numeral adjective or adverb
 +  * card ... cardinal numbers (most special of all; resemble adjectives; but might deserve their own pos class)
 +    * digit ... arabic numbers, not words (special case of cardinals or ordinals)
 +    * roman ... roman numbers, not words (special case of ordinals, very rarely cardinals)
 +  * ord ... ordinal numbers (adjectives)
 +  * mult ... multiplicative numbers (adverbs: kolikrát, pokolikáté)
 +  * gen ... generic cardinals (kolikero) or adjectives (kolikerý)
 +  * frac ... fractions (nouns: polovina, čtvrtina, sedmina)
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   * dem ... demonstrative pronoun (this, that) or adverb (here, there, now)   * dem ... demonstrative pronoun (this, that) or adverb (here, there, now)
     * two to three levels of distance, similar to persons 1/2/3 (this/that, aqui/ahi/alli). Na rozdíl od neurčitých zájmen neumíme rozlišit (v češtině) mezi odpovědí na jaký, který a čí. Resp. ještě lze říct, že "takový" je odpověď na "jaký", zatímco "tenhle" je odpověď na "který" a odpověď na čí by musela znít "tohohle", což ale není samostatné přivlastňovací zájmeno, nýbrž pouhý genitiv od "tenhle". Je otázka, zda mám vůbec rozlišovat úrovně vzdálenosti, protože pro časová příslovce bych zase musel rozlišit minulost, přítomnost a budoucnost.     * two to three levels of distance, similar to persons 1/2/3 (this/that, aqui/ahi/alli). Na rozdíl od neurčitých zájmen neumíme rozlišit (v češtině) mezi odpovědí na jaký, který a čí. Resp. ještě lze říct, že "takový" je odpověď na "jaký", zatímco "tenhle" je odpověď na "který" a odpověď na čí by musela znít "tohohle", což ale není samostatné přivlastňovací zájmeno, nýbrž pouhý genitiv od "tenhle". Je otázka, zda mám vůbec rozlišovat úrovně vzdálenosti, protože pro časová příslovce bych zase musel rozlišit minulost, přítomnost a budoucnost.
-      * 0: distance neutral (?, to, takový, ten/onen, toho, tolik, ?, tehdy/předtím/teď/potom/pak, tak) +      * 0: distance neutral (?, to, takový, ten/onen, toho, tolik, ?, ?, ?, ?, tehdy/předtím/teď/potom/pak, odtehdy/odteď, dotehdy/doteď, tak/jinak
-      * 1: close to me (?, ?, takovýto/takovýhle, tento/tenhle, tohoto/tohohle, ?, tady, ?, takto/takhle)+      * 1: close to me (?, ?, takovýto/takovýhle, tento/tenhle, tohoto/tohohle, ?, tady, odtud/odsud, tudy, sem, ?, ?, ?, takto/takhle)
       * 2: close to you       * 2: close to you
-      * 3: close to none of us (?, ?, ?, tamten, tamtoho, ?, tam, ?, ?) +      * 3: close to none of us (?, ?, ?, tamten, tamtoho, ?, tam, tamodtud/tamodsud, tamtudy, tam, ?, ?, ?, ?) 
-      * 4: distance neutral, same as something (?, ?, tentýž/totéž/týž/stejný?, ?, ?, tamtéž, ve stejnou dobu, taktéž?/taky?/též?/rovněž?)+      * 4: distance neutral, same as something (?, ?, tentýž/totéž/týž/stejný?, ?, ?, tamtéž, ?, ?, ?, ve stejnou dobu, od stejné doby, do stejné doby, taktéž?/taky?/též?/rovněž?)
   * ind ... indefinite pronoun (somebody, something), selective adjective (některý), quality adjective (nějaký), possessive adjective (něčí), quantity adjective/cardinal number (několik, some), adverb (somewhere, sometimes, somehow)   * ind ... indefinite pronoun (somebody, something), selective adjective (některý), quality adjective (nějaký), possessive adjective (něčí), quantity adjective/cardinal number (několik, some), adverb (somewhere, sometimes, somehow)
     * couple of levels of how many out of the total are included (few, a few, some, several, many)     * couple of levels of how many out of the total are included (few, a few, some, several, many)
-      * none:  NEGATIVE PRONOUNS: no quantity (nikdo, nic, nijaký, žádný, ničí, nula, nikde, nikdy, nijak) +      * none:  NEGATIVE PRONOUNS: no quantity (nikdo, nic, nijaký, žádný, ničí, nula, nikde, odnikud, nikudy, nikam, nikdy, ?, ?, nijak) 
-      * few:   suggesting small quantity (málokdo, máloco, málojaký, málokterý, máločí, málo, málokde, málokdy, málojak/sotva) +      * few:   suggesting small quantity (málokdo, máloco, málojaký, málokterý, máločí, málo, málokde, ?, málokudy, málokam, málokdy, ?, ?, málojak/sotva) 
-      * some:  quantitatively neutral (někdo, něco, nějaký, některý, něčí, několik, někde, někdy, nějak) +      * some:  quantitatively neutral (někdo, něco, nějaký, některý, něčí, několik, někde, odněkud, někudy, někam, někdy, odněkdy, doněkdy, nějak) 
-      * many:  suggesting large quantity (leckdo, lecco, lecjaký, leckterý, lecčí, hodně/mnoho, leckde, leckdy, lecjak) +      * many:  suggesting large quantity (leckdo, lecco, lecjaký, leckterý, lecčí, hodně/mnoho, leckde, lecodkud, leckudy, leckam, leckdy, ?, ?, lecjak) 
-      * arb:   any you pick (not necessarily all at once, although the distinction is fuzzy) (kdokoli, cokoli, jakýkoli, kterýkoli, číkoli, kolik si vzpomenete, kdekoli, kdykoli, jakkoli) +      * any:   any (arbitrary) you pick (not necessarily all at once, although the distinction is fuzzy) (kdokoli, cokoli, jakýkoli, kterýkoli, číkoli, kolik si vzpomenete, kdekoli, odkudkoli, kudykoli, kamkoli, kdykoli, ?, ?, jakkoli) 
-      * all:   TOTALITY PRONOUNS: maximal quantity (všichni, všechno, všichni/každý, všichni/každý, všichni/každý, všichni?/oba?, všude, vždy, všemi způsoby)+      * all:   TOTALITY PRONOUNS: maximal quantity (všichni, všechno, všichni/každý, všichni/každý, všichni/každý, všichni?/oba?, všude, odevšad, všudy, všude, vždy, odevždy/odjakživa, ?, všemi způsoby)
   * col/tot ... collective/totality pronoun (everybody, everything), adjective (every), numeral (all), adverb (everywhere, every time)   * col/tot ... collective/totality pronoun (everybody, everything), adjective (every), numeral (all), adverb (everywhere, every time)
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   * Není jisté, zda také hodnota //synpos// u číslovek vždy vyplývá ze //subpos//. Zatím u číslovek rozlišujeme obojí.   * Není jisté, zda také hodnota //synpos// u číslovek vždy vyplývá ze //subpos//. Zatím u číslovek rozlišujeme obojí.
 +===== Zájmena a příslovce míry, resp. neurčité aj. číslovky =====
 +        # (Indefinite) quantifier pronoun or adverb.
 +        # independent pronouns: algo, tudo, nada
 +        # independent relative pronouns: todo_o_que
 +        # determiners (pronouns): algum, alguma, alguns, algumas, uns, umas, vários, várias,
 +        #    qualquer, pouco, poucos, muitos, mais,
 +        #    todo, todo_o, todos, todas, ambos, ambas
 +        # adverbs: pouco, menos, muito, mais, mais_de, quase, tanto, mesmo, demais, bastante, suficiente, bem
 +        # demonstrative adverbs: t~ao
 +        # This is not the class of indefinite pronouns. This class contains pronouns and adverbs of quantity.
 +        # The pronouns and adverbs in this class can be indefinite (algo), total (todo), negative (nada), demonstrative (tanto, tao),
 +        # interrogative (quanto), relative (todo_o_que). Many are indefinite, but not all.
 +Tohle celé by mohlo být zachyceno v nějakém rysu numtype (analogie k prontype), kde by bylo card, ord, mult atd. Přijde mi ale trochu divné označovat neurčité číslovky za kardinální čísla. Další možnost je advtype (popř. reftype), kde by bylo vedle loc, tim a man taky qnt (quantity). Problém s pojmenováním rysu tkví v tom, že v češtině máme druhové číslovky kolikerý apod., které moc nepoužíváme, zatímco v portugalštině se číslovka kolik často používá jako determinátor, který se shoduje s počítaným podstatným jménem v rodě a čísle (quantos, quantas). Zatím tedy budu podobná slova odlišovat pomocí subpos = card, ale výhledově vymyslím něco lepšího.
 +===== Numerals =====
 +===== Approaches taken in various tagsets =====
 +==== cs::pdt ====
 +Many types of numerals. Numeral types (e.g. cardinal vs. ordinal) and pronoun types (e.g. indefinite, interrogative) are mixed together. There are following subclasses:
 +''C='' = numerals written using digits ("14")
 +''C}'' = Roman numerals ("MCMLXXI")
 +''Cl'' = cardinal numbers ("jeden", "dva", "tři", "čtyři")
 +''Cn'' = cardinal numbers ("pět", "šest", "sedm", ...)
 +''C?'' = interrogative or relative ("kolik")
 +''Ca'' = indefinite ("několik", "mnoho", "málo", "kdovíkolik", "tolik")
 +''Cy'' = fraction denominators ("polovina", "třetina", "čtvrtina", "setina", "tisícina", ...)
 +''Cj'' = generic numerals ("čtvero", "patero", "desatero")
 +''Ck'' = generic numerals ("čtvery", "patery", "desatery")
 +''Cr'' = ordinal numbers ("první", "druhý", "třetí", "čtvrtý", "pátý", "stý", "tisící", ...)
 +''Cz'' = interrogative or relative ordinals ("kolikátý")
 +''Cd'' = generic numerals ("jedny", "dvojí", "desaterý")
 +''Ch'' = generic numerals ("jedny", "nejedny")
 +''Cw'' = indefinite ordinals ("nejeden", "tolikátý")
 +''Cv'' = multiplicative adverbial numerals ("jedenkrát", "dvakrát", "třikrát", "stokrát", ...)
 +''Cu'' = interrogative or relative multiplicative adverbial numerals ("kolikrát")
 +''Co'' = indefinite multiplicative adverbial numerals ("několikrát", "mnohokrát", "tolikrát", ...)
 +''C3'' = abbreviated numeral
 +==== cs::multext ====
 +There are two orthogonal sets of subclasses:
 +''Mc'' = cardinal numbers
 +''Mo'' = ordinal numbers
 +''Mm'' = multiplier numbers
 +''Ms'' = generic numerals ("desaterý", "dvojí", "jeden", "několikerý", "několikery", "obojí")
 +''M.1'' = definite1 ("jeden", "první")
 +''M.2'' = definite2 ("druhý", "dvojí", "dvojnásob", "dva", "nadvakrát", "oba", "obojí")
 +''M.3'' = definite34 ("čtvrtý", "čtyři", "potřetí", "tři", "třetí", "třikrát")
 +''M.f'' = definite ("1929", "čtrnáctý", "čtyřiapadesát", "dvoustý", "tucet", ...)
 +''M.d'' = demonstrative ("tolik", "tolikrát")
 +''M.i'' = indefinite ("bezpočet", "bezpočtukrát", "bůhvíkolik", "hodně", "málo", "mnohý", "mockrát", "několik", "několikerý", "několikrát", "nejeden", "pár", "vícekrát")
 +''M.q'' = interrogative ("kolik", "kolikrát")
 +''M.r'' = relative ("kolik", "kolikrát")
 +==== bg::conll ====
 +Interrogative, relative, indefinite and demonstrative numerals are treated as pronouns. In addition, there are the following classes of numerals.
 +''Mc'' = cardinal numbers
 +''Mo'' = ordinal numbers
 +''Md'' = adverbial numerals ("poveče", "malko", "mnogo", "măničko")
 +''My'' = fuzzy numerals about people ("malcina" = "few people", "mnozina" = "many people"); they resemble nouns
 +==== en::penn ====
 +Only cardinal numbers have their own tag. Ordinals ("first") are tagged as adjectives (''JJ'') or adverbs (''RB''), depending on context. So are generic numerals ("sevenfold"). Multiplier numerals ("twice") are adverbs. Fractions ("quarter") are nouns (''NN'').
 +''CD'' = cardinal numbers ("one", "two", "three", ...)
 +==== de::stts ====
 +Only cardinal numbers have their own tag. Ordinals ("zweite") are tagged as adjectives (''ADJA'') or ("zweitens") as adverbs (''ADV''). Multiplier numerals ("zweimal") are adverbs. Fractions ("Drittel") are nouns (''NN''). Interrogative numerals ("wieviel") are tagged as pronouns/determiners (''PWAT'', ''PWS'').
 +''CARD'' = cardinal numbers ("1986", "zwei", "fünf")
 +==== da::conll ====
 +No top-level class for numerals. They are tagged as a subclass of adjectives. Interrogative numerals are probably classified as pronouns.
 +''AC'' = cardinal numbers ("18.45", "tre", "fire", "seks")
 +''AO'' = ordinal numbers ("16.", "tredje", "anden", "fjerde")
 +''AN'' = normal adjectives
 +==== sv::hajic ====
 +''MC'' = cardinal numbers
 +''MO'' = ordinal numbers
 +==== sv::mamba ====
 +Interrogative numerals are probably tagged as pronouns.
 +''RO'' = numeral (cardinal or ordinal) other than "en", "ett" (one): "hundra", "24", "två", "fjärde", "sjätte"
 +''EN'' = indefinite article or numeral "en", "ett" (one)
 +==== pt::conll ====
 +Interrogative numerals ("quanto") are tagged as pronouns/determiners. Ordinal numbers are adjectives.
 +''num'' = number ("0,05", "cento_e_quatro", "cinco", "setenta_e_dois", "um", "zero")
 +''adj''...''<NUM-ord>'' = ordinal number ("primeiro")
 +==== ar::conll ====
 +The tag ''Q'' is used only for numbers written using digits. I do not know how numeral words are tagged, nor how ordinals and interrogatives are dealt with.
 +''Q'' = number written using digits ("1948")
 +==== zh::conll ====
 +Determiners and cardinal numbers are in the same group (''Ne''):
 +''Nep'' = anaphoric determiner ("this", "that")
 +''Neq'' = classifying determiner ("much", "half")
 +''Nes'' = specific determiner ("you", "shang", "ge"=every)
 +''Neu'' = numeric determiner ("yi" = "one", "er" = "two", "san" = "three")

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