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user:zeman:interset:drivers [2014/03/01 12:40]
zeman Slovenský národný korpus.
user:zeman:interset:drivers [2014/07/17 16:32] (current)
zeman hr::multext
Line 45: Line 45:
 Most of the time was dedicated to extracting, transcribing and translating examples in an effort to understand the tag classes. Most of the time was dedicated to extracting, transcribing and translating examples in an effort to understand the tag classes.
 +===== Croatian (hr) =====
 +==== Multext ====
 +The tagset of the MULTEXT-EAST project as used in the SETimes.HR corpus. Documentation lists 1291 tags, we removed one wrong tag and kept 1290.
 +Work started: 16.7.2014
 +Work finished: 17.7.2014
 +Total work time: 5:45 h
 +This is the second Multext-East tagset covered by DZ Interset. Adding it was not too difficult because much of the previous effort on ''cs::multext'' could be reused.
 ===== Czech (cs) ===== ===== Czech (cs) =====

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