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user:zeman:interset:features [2017/07/11 11:12]
zeman [aspect]
user:zeman:interset:features [2021/03/01 08:37] (current)
zeman [variant]
Line 101: Line 101:
 | digit | number written using digits ("14") | | digit | number written using digits ("14") |
 | roman | number written using Roman numerals ("XIV") | | roman | number written using Roman numerals ("XIV") |
 +| combi | number written using digits and a suffix ("2009-ųjų") |
 ===== numvalue ===== ===== numvalue =====
Line 397: Line 398:
 | del | delative | Used, chiefly [[http://www.hungarianreference.com/Nouns/r%C3%B3l-rol-delative.aspx|in Hungarian]], to express the movement from the surface of something (like "moved off the table"). hu: az asztalról = off the table. Směr "z, od", ale používá se i v jiných významech (např. "o něčem"). hu: Budapestről vagyok = jsem, přicházím z Budapešti | | del | delative | Used, chiefly [[http://www.hungarianreference.com/Nouns/r%C3%B3l-rol-delative.aspx|in Hungarian]], to express the movement from the surface of something (like "moved off the table"). hu: az asztalról = off the table. Směr "z, od", ale používá se i v jiných významech (např. "o něčem"). hu: Budapestről vagyok = jsem, přicházím z Budapešti |
 | lat | lative | Denotes movement towards/to/into/onto something. Similar case in Basque is called directional allative (Spanish //adlativo direccional//). However, lative is typically thought of as a union of allative, illative and sublative, while in Basque it is derived from allative, which also exists independently. eu: beherantz = down (behe = low) | | lat | lative | Denotes movement towards/to/into/onto something. Similar case in Basque is called directional allative (Spanish //adlativo direccional//). However, lative is typically thought of as a union of allative, illative and sublative, while in Basque it is derived from allative, which also exists independently. eu: beherantz = down (behe = low) |
 +| per | perlative | Denotes movement along something. Used in Warlpiri: yurutu = road; yurutuwana = along the road. Andrews (pp. 161-164) in Shopen: Language Typology vol. 1 |
 | tem | temporal | Určuje čas. hu: hétkor = v sedm, éjfélkor = o půlnoci, karácsonykor = o Vánocích | | tem | temporal | Určuje čas. hu: hétkor = v sedm, éjfélkor = o půlnoci, karácsonykor = o Vánocích |
 | ter | terminative | Specifies where something ends in space or time. Similar case in Basque is called terminal allative (Spanish //adlativo terminal//). ee: jõeni = down to the river; ee: kella kuueni = till six o'clock; hu: a házig = up to the house; hu: hat óráig = till six o'clock; eu: erdiraino = up to the half (erdi = half) | | ter | terminative | Specifies where something ends in space or time. Similar case in Basque is called terminal allative (Spanish //adlativo terminal//). ee: jõeni = down to the river; ee: kella kuueni = till six o'clock; hu: a házig = up to the house; hu: hat óráig = till six o'clock; eu: erdiraino = up to the half (erdi = half) |
Line 403: Line 405:
 | cau | causative / motivative | Noun in this case is the cause of something. hu: Hálás leszekérte. eu: jokaeragatik = because of behavior (jokaera = behavior) | | cau | causative / motivative | Noun in this case is the cause of something. hu: Hálás leszekérte. eu: jokaeragatik = because of behavior (jokaera = behavior) |
 | ben | benefactive / destinative | Corresponds to the preposition "for". eu: mutilarentzat = for boys (mutil = boy) | | ben | benefactive / destinative | Corresponds to the preposition "for". eu: mutilarentzat = for boys (mutil = boy) |
 +| cns | considerative | Denotes something that is given in exchange for something else. Used in Warlpiri: miyi = food; miyiwanawana = in exchange for food. Andrews (pp. 161-164) in Shopen: Language Typology vol. 1 |
 | equ | equative | “X-like”, “similar to X”, “same as X”. It marks the standard of comparison and it differs from the equative degree, which marks the property being compared. tr: bence = like me (ben = I) | | equ | equative | “X-like”, “similar to X”, “same as X”. It marks the standard of comparison and it differs from the equative degree, which marks the property being compared. tr: bence = like me (ben = I) |
 | cmp | comparative | “than X”. It marks the standard of comparison and it differs from the comparative degree, which marks the property being compared. It occurs in Dravidian and Northeast-Caucasian languages. | | cmp | comparative | “than X”. It marks the standard of comparison and it differs from the comparative degree, which marks the property being compared. It occurs in Dravidian and Northeast-Caucasian languages. |
Line 446: Line 449:
 | **Value** | **Description** | | **Value** | **Description** |
 +| 0 | zero / impersonal construction |
 | 1 | first (I, we) | | 1 | first (I, we) |
 | 2 | second (you) | | 2 | second (you) |
 | 3 | third (he, she, it, they) | | 3 | third (he, she, it, they) |
 +| 4 | fourth (i.e. another third person, morphologically distinguished from the main third person) |
 Note that this feature is used also for possessive pronouns, where it means the person of the possessor. E.g. "my" has person=1, "your" has person=2, "their" has person=3. Note that this feature is used also for possessive pronouns, where it means the person of the possessor. E.g. "my" has person=1, "your" has person=2, "their" has person=3.
Line 460: Line 465:
 | 2 | second (your) | | 2 | second (your) |
 | 3 | third (his, her, its, their) | | 3 | third (his, her, its, their) |
 +===== clusivity =====
 +| **Value** | **Description** |
 +| in | inclusive we = I + you (+ optionally they) (Indonesian "kita") |
 +| ex | exclusive we = I + they (excluding you) (Indonesian "kami") |
 ===== polite ===== ===== polite =====
Line 532: Line 543:
 | aor | aorist | | aor | aorist |
 | imp | imperfect | | imp | imperfect |
-| nar | narrative (Turkish //miş//-past) | 
 | pqp | pluperfect | | pqp | pluperfect |
Line 555: Line 565:
 | rcp | reciprocal (Turkish "karıştı", "tutuştular") | | rcp | reciprocal (Turkish "karıştı", "tutuştular") |
 | cau | causative (Turkish "karıştırıyor" ("is confusing")) | | cau | causative (Turkish "karıştırıyor" ("is confusing")) |
 +| antip | antipassive |
 +| dir | direct |
 +| inv | inverse |
 {{:user:zeman:treebanks:ttbankkl.pdf|Documentation}} of the METU Sabanci treebank classifies causative as voice (page 26). Note that this is a feature of verbs. There are languages that have also the causative case of nouns. {{:user:zeman:treebanks:ttbankkl.pdf|Documentation}} of the METU Sabanci treebank classifies causative as voice (page 26). Note that this is a feature of verbs. There are languages that have also the causative case of nouns.
 +===== evident =====
 +Evidentiality: what is the speaker's source of information?
 +| **Value** | **Description** |
 +| fh | firsthand |
 +| nfh | nonfirsthand |
 ===== abbr ===== ===== abbr =====
Line 603: Line 623:
 | **Value** | **Description** | | **Value** | **Description** |
 | yes | typo, bad spelling, error | | yes | typo, bad spelling, error |
 +===== strength =====
 +Distinguishes between strong and weak forms of adjectives or pronouns. Used e.g. in Romanian UD. See also the ''variant'' feature. Some tagsets use ''variant=long'' instead of ''strength=strong'', and ''variant=short'' instead of ''strength=weak''. However, the ''strength'' feature has been tentatively added to Interset because it is slightly more specific and also because we want to be able to seamlessly read the features from the UD corpora that use it.
 +| **Value** | **Description** |
 +| weak   | weak form    |
 +| strong | strong form  |
 ===== variant ===== ===== variant =====
Line 621: Line 649:
 | 8 | variant form 8 | | 8 | variant form 8 |
 | 9 | variant form 9 | | 9 | variant form 9 |
 +| a | variant form a (abbreviation in PDT-C) | 
 +| b | variant form b (abbreviation in PDT-C) | 
 +| c | variant form c (abbreviation in PDT-C) |
 ===== tagset, other ===== ===== tagset, other =====

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