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user:zeman:interset:features [2018/02/18 14:10]
zeman [case] Citace.
user:zeman:interset:features [2021/03/01 08:37] (current)
zeman [variant]
Line 101: Line 101:
 | digit | number written using digits ("14") | | digit | number written using digits ("14") |
 | roman | number written using Roman numerals ("XIV") | | roman | number written using Roman numerals ("XIV") |
 +| combi | number written using digits and a suffix ("2009-ųjų") |
 ===== numvalue ===== ===== numvalue =====
Line 622: Line 623:
 | **Value** | **Description** | | **Value** | **Description** |
 | yes | typo, bad spelling, error | | yes | typo, bad spelling, error |
 +===== strength =====
 +Distinguishes between strong and weak forms of adjectives or pronouns. Used e.g. in Romanian UD. See also the ''variant'' feature. Some tagsets use ''variant=long'' instead of ''strength=strong'', and ''variant=short'' instead of ''strength=weak''. However, the ''strength'' feature has been tentatively added to Interset because it is slightly more specific and also because we want to be able to seamlessly read the features from the UD corpora that use it.
 +| **Value** | **Description** |
 +| weak   | weak form    |
 +| strong | strong form  |
 ===== variant ===== ===== variant =====
Line 640: Line 649:
 | 8 | variant form 8 | | 8 | variant form 8 |
 | 9 | variant form 9 | | 9 | variant form 9 |
 +| a | variant form a (abbreviation in PDT-C) | 
 +| b | variant form b (abbreviation in PDT-C) | 
 +| c | variant form c (abbreviation in PDT-C) |
 ===== tagset, other ===== ===== tagset, other =====

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