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user:zeman:interset:how-to-write-a-driver [2009/09/08 17:55]
zeman Corrected number of Chinese tags.
user:zeman:interset:how-to-write-a-driver [2017/01/16 13:08] (current)
zeman Warning: obsolete.
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-====== How to write a driver ======+====== How to write a driver (THIS PAGE IS OBSOLETE—IT IS ABOUT INTERSET VERSION 1) ======
 Perl is the language to write a driver. A driver is a simple Perl module (.pm). It should implement the following functions: ''decode()'', ''encode()'', ''list()''. The ''tagset/common.pm'' module contains some code you may have use for, so your driver module should start with Perl is the language to write a driver. A driver is a simple Perl module (.pm). It should implement the following functions: ''decode()'', ''encode()'', ''list()''. The ''tagset/common.pm'' module contains some code you may have use for, so your driver module should start with

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