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user:zeman:treebanks:hr [2014/07/17 20:59]
zeman Size and Inside.
user:zeman:treebanks:hr [2014/07/28 16:31] (current)
zeman Documentation of syntactic tags.
Line 28: Line 28:
   * Documentation   * Documentation
     * [[http://nlp.ffzg.hr/data/tagging/msd-hr.html|Multext-East v5 Croatian Tagset]], 2013.     * [[http://nlp.ffzg.hr/data/tagging/msd-hr.html|Multext-East v5 Croatian Tagset]], 2013.
 +    * A discussion of the syntactic tags is in Danijela Merkler, Željko Agić, Ana Agić: [[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042813041931#|Babel Treebank of Public Messages in Croatian]]. In: Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 95, pp. 490-497, 2013.
 ==== Domain ==== ==== Domain ====
Line 38: Line 39:
 The improved pre-release version contains 83640 tokens in 3736 sentences, yielding 22.39 tokens per sentence on average. The improved pre-release version contains 83640 tokens in 3736 sentences, yielding 22.39 tokens per sentence on average.
 +There is no official training-test division of the original data. For HamleDT, we have split the data 90:10, i.e. the first 3362 sentences (75236 tokens) for training and the remaining 374 sentences (8404 tokens) for testing.
 ==== Inside ==== ==== Inside ====
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 All sentences in the improved pre-release version are manually annotated on morphological and syntactic levels. The officially available version 1 is a mixture of manual and automatic annotation, see the section on sizes above. All sentences in the improved pre-release version are manually annotated on morphological and syntactic levels. The officially available version 1 is a mixture of manual and automatic annotation, see the section on sizes above.
-==== XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ==== +The treebank is distributed in the [[:format-conll|CoNLL 2006]] file format. Multext-East morphosyntactic tags appear in both the CPOS and POS columns, while the FEAT column is empty.
-==== Sample ====+
-The first three sentences of the CoNLL 2006 training data:+In Version 1, if there is a token that has empty ("_") value of the DEPREL column, then the sentence has not been syntactically annotated (even though there //are// numbers in the HEAD column; these are fake head links, typically they refer to the same node).
-| 1 | Глава | _ | N | Nc | _ | 0 | ROOT | 0 | ROOT | +All sentences in the improved pre-release contain dependency information; however, at a few places there are errors introduced by the annotation software that result in a cyclic graph (not a tree).
-| 2 | трета | _ | M | Mo | gen=f<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i | 1 | mod | 1 | mod | +
-| |||||||||| +
-| 1 | НАРОДНО | _ | A | An | gen=n<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i | 2 | mod | 2 | mod | +
-| 2 | СЪБРАНИЕ | _ | N | Nc | gen=n<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i | 0 | ROOT | 0 | ROOT | +
-| |||||||||| +
-| 1 | Народното | _ | A | An | gen=n<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=d | 2 | mod | 2 | mod | +
-| 2 | събрание | _ | N | Nc | gen=n<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i | 3 | subj | 3 | subj | +
-| 3 | осъществява | _ | V | Vpi | trans=t<nowiki>|</nowiki>mood=i<nowiki>|</nowiki>tense=r<nowiki>|</nowiki>pers=3<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s | 0 | ROOT | 0 | ROOT | +
-| 4 | законодателната | _ | A | Af | gen=f<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=d | 5 | mod | 5 | mod | +
-| 5 | власт | _ | N | Nc | _ | 3 | obj | 3 | obj | +
-| 6 | и | _ | C | Cp | _ | 3 | conj | 3 | conj | +
-| 7 | упражнява | _ | V | Vpi | trans=t<nowiki>|</nowiki>mood=i<nowiki>|</nowiki>tense=r<nowiki>|</nowiki>pers=3<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s | 3 | conjarg | 3 | conjarg | +
-| 8 | парламентарен | _ | A | Am | gen=m<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i | 9 | mod | 9 | mod | +
-| 9 | контрол | _ | N | Nc | gen=m<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i | 7 | obj | 7 | obj | +
-| 10 | | _ | Punct | Punct | _ | 3 | punct | 3 | punct |+
-The first three sentences of the CoNLL 2006 test data:+The syntactic tags (DEPREL) are simplistic but somewhat inspired by the Prague Dependency Treebank, there are only 15 of them:
-Единственото An gen=n<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=d | 2 | mod mod +^ Tag ^ Percent ^ Example ^ Description ^ 
-решение | _ | Nc gen=n<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i ROOT | 0 | ROOT |+Adv  5% Kosovu adverbial modifier | 
 +Ap |  3% | Esat | appositional modifier, incl. first name attached to last name | 
 +| Atr |  26% | privatizacije | attribute modifying a noun phrase | 
 +| Atv |  2% | iskoristiti | ? | 
 +| Aux |  7% | se | ? | 
 +| Co |  3% | a | conjunction as coordination head (Prague-style coordinations) | 
 +| Elp |  0.6% | Proces | ellipsis | 
 +| Obj |  7% | privatizacije | object of a verb | 
 +| Oth |  2% | Barem | other | 
 +| Pnom |  2% | složen | nominal predicate attached to copula | 
 +| Pred |  10% | analizira | predicate (verbal) | 
 +| Prep |  10% | na | preposition | 
 +| Punc |  13% | . | punctuation | 
 +| Sb |  7% | Kosovo | subject | 
 +| Sub |  4% | da | subordinating conjunction | 
 +(The sum of the percentages exceeds 100% because of rounding.) 
 +=== Cycles === 
 +Eight dependency graphs in the pre-release version contain cycles. Most of the time these are individual nodes attached to themselves (according to Željko, this is the default in the annotation software, thus the annotator probably just forgot to attach the nodes). Five of them are punctuation nodes and fixing the attachment should be relatively easy. The only complicated case is the sentence #25 in the test file. Its dependency graph is wrong at multiple spots. 
 +Analitičari upozoravaju na kosovski trend: osnivanje novih političkih stranaka neposredno prije izbora, a od strane ljudi iz već postojećih političkih stranaka ili nekog drugog aspekta javnog života. 
 +"Ne možemo mnogo učiniti kako bismo je spriječili da ide malo šetati ili plivati. 
 +U međuvremenu, troškovi života porasli su: najamnina za mali stan u Podgorici iznosi oko 200 eura mjesečno -- što mnogima otežava spajanje kraja s krajem. 
 +"Nije riječ o tome da imamo jednu političku opciju koja tvrdi kako piramidu ne bi trebalo uništiti, dok druga smatra da je treba uništiti. 
 +"Moramo biti svjesni kako se kod naroda stvara strah", izjavio je čelnik stranke ORA Veton Surroi kosovskom dnevniku Express, piše Reuters. 
 +Ulaganja u Srbiji dosegnula su rekordnih 1,5 milijardi eura u 2005. godini, priopćila je u srijedu vlada, izražavajući očekivanja glede nastavka rasta i u sljedećoj godini. 
 +One more Punc-CYCLE:1 occurred somewhere else. 
 +Rezultat je toga da je artikulacija praktičnih zajedničkih interesa postala teža, kao i definiranje konkretnih misija. 
 +Překlad s pomocí Google Translate: 
 +Důsledek toho je, že členění praktických společných zájmů se stalo těžší, jakož i vymezení konkrétních misí. 
 +Tohle je asi jediný zajímavý případ. Nejde o pověšení uzlu na sebe sama. "Rezultat" visí na "postala", "postala" na "da", "da" na "toga" a "toga" chtěli pověsit opět na "Rezultat". Je tam k tomu i celkem divoká neprojektivita. Celá ta věta je podle mě rozebraná špatně (je tam několik dalších chyb) a chtělo by to, abychom ji v průběhu harmonizace úplně předělali. 
 +V té větě train/006#247 nahoře: "političkih stranaka", "političkih" je označeno jako apozice. Opravit chybu. Pokud je jako apozice přídavné jméno, které visí na následujícím podstatném jméně a shoduje se s ním v rodě, čísle a pádě, není to Apposition, ale Atr. 
 +Věta test/001#1 má v kořeni pomocné sloveso "je" a jeho deprel není Pred, ale Aux! 
 +==== Sample ==== 
 +The first three sentences of the improved pre-relase version: 
 +| 1 | Proces | proces | Ncmsn | Ncmsn | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 0 | Elp | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
 +| 2 | privatizacije privatizacija Ncfsg | Ncfsg | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 1 | Obj | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
 +na na | Sl | Sl | <nowiki>_</nowiki> Prep | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
 +| 4 | Kosovu | Kosovo | Npnsl | Npnsl | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 3 | Adv | <nowiki>_</nowiki><nowiki>_</nowiki> | 
 +| 5 | pod | pod | Si | Si | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 0 | Prep | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki>
 +| 6 | povećalom | povećalo | Ncnsi | Ncnsi | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 5 | Elp | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> |
 | |||||||||| | ||||||||||
-| 1 | Ерик | _ | Np gen=m<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i ROOT | 0 | ROOT +| 1 | Kosovo Kosovo | Npnsn | Npnsn | <nowiki>_</nowiki> Sb | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
-Франк Np gen=m<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i mod mod +| 2 | ozbiljno | ozbiljno | Rgp | Rgp | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 3 | Adv <nowiki>_</nowiki><nowiki>_</nowiki> | 
-| 3 | Ръсел | _ | Hm gen=m<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i mod mod |+| 3 | analizira | analizirati | Vmr3s | Vmr3s | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 0 | Pred | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
 +proces proces Ncmsan Ncmsan | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 3 | Obj | <nowiki>_</nowiki> <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 
 +| 5 | privatizacije | privatizacija | Ncfsg | Ncfsg | <nowiki>_</nowiki>Atr <nowiki>_</nowiki> <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
 +| 6 | u | u | Sl | Sl | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 3 | Prep <nowiki>_</nowiki> <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 
 +| 7 | svjetlu | svjetlo | Ncnsl | Ncnsl | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 6 | Obj <nowiki>_</nowiki> <nowiki>_</nowiki>
 +| 8 | učestalih | učestao | Agpfpg | Agpfpg <nowiki>_</nowiki>Atr <nowiki>_</nowiki> <nowiki>_</nowiki>
 +| 9 | pritužbi | pritužba | Ncfpg | Ncfpg | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 7 | Atr | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki>
 +| 10 | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | Z | Z | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 0 | Punc | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> |
 | |||||||||| | ||||||||||
-| 1 | Пълен Am gen=m<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i | 2 | mod mod +| 1 | Barem barem Rgp Rgp | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 2 | Oth | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
-мрак | _ | Nc gen=m<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i ROOT ROOT +| 2 | na na Sl | Sl | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 5 | Prep | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
-и Cp | _ | conj conj +papiru papir | Ncmsl | Ncmsl | <nowiki>_</nowiki> Obj | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
-пълна Af gen=f<nowiki>|</nowiki>num=s<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=i mod mod +| 4 | <nowiki>,</nowiki> | <nowiki>,</nowiki><nowiki>_</nowiki> 2 | Punc | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
-самота Nc | _ | conjarg conjarg +izgleda izgledati Vmr3s Vmr3s <nowiki>_</nowiki> Pred <nowiki>_</nowiki> <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
-| . | Punct Punct | _ | punct punct |+kao kao Cs Cs | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 8 | Oth | <nowiki>_</nowiki> <nowiki>_</nowiki>
 +| 7 | odlična | odličan | Agpfsn | Agpfsn <nowiki>_</nowiki>Atr <nowiki>_</nowiki> <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
 +ideja ideja Ncfsn Ncfsn <nowiki>_</nowiki> Adv <nowiki>_</nowiki> <nowiki>_</nowiki> 
 +<nowiki>.</nowiki> <nowiki>.</nowiki> <nowiki>_</nowiki> Punc <nowiki>_</nowiki> <nowiki>_</nowiki> |
 ==== Parsing ==== ==== Parsing ====
-Nonprojectivities in BTB are rare. Only 747 of the 196,151 tokens in the CoNLL 2006 version are attached nonprojectively (0.38%). +Nonprojectivities in SETimes.HR are rare. Only 461 of the 83640 tokens in the pre-release version are attached nonprojectively (0.55%).
- +
-The results of the CoNLL 2006 shared task are [[http://ilk.uvt.nl/conll/results.html|available online]]. They have been published in [[http://aclweb.org/anthology-new/W/W06/W06-2920.pdf|(Buchholz and Marsi, 2006)]]. The evaluation procedure was non-standard because it excluded punctuation tokens. These are the best results for Bulgarian: +
- +
-^ Parser (Authors) ^ LAS ^ UAS ^ +
-| MST (McDonald et al.) | 87.57 | 92.04 | +
-| Malt (Nivre et al.) | 87.41 | 91.72 | +
-| Nara (Yuchang Cheng) | 86.34 | 91.30 |+
 +//Are there any published parsing results on this corpus?//

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