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user:zeman:treebanks:ja [2012/01/03 22:47] zeman vytvořeno |
user:zeman:treebanks:ja [2014/04/22 16:49] (current) zeman Updated link. |
===== Japanese (ja) ===== | ===== Japanese (ja) ===== |
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[[|Tübingen Treebank of Spoken Japanese]] (TüBa-J/S, Verbmobil project) | [[|Tübingen Treebank of Spoken Japanese]] (TüBa-J/S, Verbmobil project) |
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==== Versions ==== | ==== Versions ==== |
==== Obtaining and License ==== | ==== Obtaining and License ==== |
| |
To obtain the treebank, download [[|the license agreement]], print it, fill it out and sign it, scan and send it back to Kathrin Beck (kbeck (at) sfs (dot) uni-tuebingen (dot) de). The license in short: | To obtain the treebank, download [[|the license agreement]], print it, fill it out and sign it, scan and send it back to Kathrin Beck (kbeck (at) sfs (dot) uni-tuebingen (dot) de). She will send you the password for the download page. The license in short: |
| |
* academic research usage | * academic research usage |
| |
* Website | * Website |
* (the old and no longer accessible website from <nowiki></nowiki> has been moved here) | * |
* Data | * Data |
* //no separate citation// | * //no separate citation// |
* Principal publications | * Principal publications |
* Matthias Trautner Kromann: [[|The Danish Dependency Treebank and the DTAG Treebank Tool]]. In: Proceedings of Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, Växjö, Sweden, 2003. | * Yasuhiro Kawata, Julia Bartels: Stylebook for the Japanese Treebank in Verbmobil, Report 240, September 29, 2000. |
| * Sabine Buchholz, Erwin Marsi: [[|CoNLL-X shared task on Multilingual Dependency Parsing]]. In: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-X), pp. 149-164, New York, USA, 2006. |
* Documentation | * Documentation |
* //see the left-hand-side links at the treebank website, eg.:// | * Yasuhiro Kawata, Julia Bartels: Stylebook for the Japanese Treebank in Verbmobil, {{:user:zeman:treebanks:report-240-00.pdf|Report 240}}, has been distributed together with the CoNLL 2006 version of the treebank (file ''doc/''). |
* [[|Dependency theory and list of dependency relation labels]] | |
* Britt Keson: [[|Vejledning til det danske morfosyntaktisk taggede PAROLE-korpus]] (morphosyntactic tags). Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab (DSL) | |
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==== Domain ==== | ==== Domain ==== |
| |
Unknown (the underlying PAROLE corpus “consists of quotations of 150-250 words from a wide range of randomly selected linguistically representative Danish texts from 1983-1992.”) | Spoken dialogues, negotiations about time and place of business meetings. That is why many sentences are relatively short (a frequent single-word sentence is //hai// = “yes”). |
| |
==== Size ==== | ==== Size ==== |
| |
The CoNLL 2006 version contains 100,238 tokens in 5512 sentences, yielding 18.19 tokens per sentence on average (CoNLL 2006 data split: 94386 tokens / 5190 sentences training, 5852 tokens / 322 sentences test). | The CoNLL 2006 version contains 157,172 tokens in 17753 sentences, yielding 8.85 tokens per sentence on average (CoNLL 2006 data split: 151,461 tokens / 17044 sentences training, 5711 tokens / 709 sentences test). |
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==== Inside ==== | ==== Inside ==== |
| |
The original morphosyntactic tags have been converted to fit into the three columns (CPOS, POS and FEAT) of the CoNLL format. There //should// be a 1-1 mapping between the [[|DDT positional tags]] and the CoNLL 2006 annotation. Use [[|DZ Interset]] to inspect the CoNLL tagset. | The text has been romanized and the original characters (kanji + kana) are not available. There should be a 1-1 mapping between the romanized text (rōmaji) and the Japanese script of hiragana. There is no indication though where katakana or kanji are preferred over hiragana. |
| |
The morphological analysis in the CoNLL 2006 version does not include lemmas (the original DTAG version does contain them). The morphosyntactic tags have been assigned (probably) manually. | The morphological analysis does not include lemmas. The part-of-speech tags have been assigned (probably) manually. Few morphosyntactic features are used. |
| |
Some multi-word expressions have been collapsed into one token, using underscore as the joining character. This includes adverbially used prepositional phrases (e.g. i_lørdags = on Saturdays) but not named entities. | |
| |
==== Sample ==== | ==== Sample ==== |
| |
The first sentence of DDT 1.0 in the DTAG format: | The first three sentences of the CoNLL 2006 training data: |
| |
<code xml><tei.2> | |
<teiHeader type=text> | |
<fileDesc> | |
<titleStmt> | |
<title>Tagged sample of: 'Jeltsins skæbnetime'</title> | |
</titleStmt> | |
<extent words=158>158 running words</extent> | |
<publicationStmt> | |
<distributor>PAROLE-DK</distributor> | |
<address><addrline>Christians Brygge 1,1., DK-1219 Copenhagen K.</address> | |
<date>1998-06-02</date> | |
<availability status=restricted><p>by agreement with distributor</availability> | |
</publicationStmt> | |
<sourceDesc> | |
<biblStruct> | |
<analytic> | |
<title>Jeltsins skæbnetime</title> | |
<author gender=m born=1925>Nikulin, Leon</author> | |
</analytic> | |
<monogr> | |
<imprint><pubPlace>Denmark</pubPlace> | |
<publisher>Det Fri Aktuelt</publisher> | |
<date>1992-12-01</date> | |
</imprint> | |
</monogr> | |
</biblStruct> | |
</sourceDesc> | |
</fileDesc> | |
<profileDesc> | |
<creation>1992-12-01</creation> | |
<langUsage><language>Danish</langUsage> | |
<textClass> | |
<catRef target="P.M2"> | |
<catRef target="P.G4.8"> | |
<catRef target="P.T9.3"> | |
</textClass> | |
</profileDesc> | |
</teiHeader> | |
<text id=AJK> | |
<body> | |
<div1 type=main> | |
<p> | |
<s> | |
<W lemma="to" msd="AC---U=--" in="9:subj" out="1:mod|2:mod|3:nobj|5:appr">To</W> | |
<W lemma="kendt" msd="ANP[CN]PU=[DI]U" in="-1:mod" out="">kendte</W> | |
<W lemma="russisk" msd="ANP[CN]PU=[DI]U" in="-2:mod" out="">russiske</W> | |
<W lemma="historiker" msd="NCCPU==I" in="-3:nobj" out="">historikere</W> | |
<W lemma="Andronik" msd="NP--U==-" in="1:namef" out="">Andronik</W> | |
<W lemma="Mirganjan" msd="NP--U==-" in="-5:appr" out="-1:namef|1:coord">Mirganjan</W> | |
<W lemma="og" msd="CC" in="-1:coord" out="2:conj">og</W> | |
<W lemma="Igor" msd="NP--U==-" in="1:namef" out="">Igor</W> | |
<W lemma="Klamkin" msd="NP--U==-" in="-2:conj" out="-1:namef">Klamkin</W> | |
<W lemma="tro" msd="VADR=----A-" in="" out="-9:subj|1:mod|2:pnct|3:dobj|12:pnct">tror</W> | |
<W lemma="ikke" msd="RGU" in="-1:mod" out="">ikke</W> | |
<W lemma="," msd="XP" in="-2:pnct" out="">,</W> | |
<W lemma="at" msd="CS" in="-3:dobj" out="2:vobj">at</W> | |
<W lemma="Rusland" msd="NP--U==-" in="1:subj|2:[subj]" out="">Rusland</W> | |
<W lemma="kunne" msd="VADR=----A-" in="-2:vobj" out="-1:subj|1:vobj|2:mod">kan</W> | |
<W lemma="udvikle" msd="VAF-=----P-" in="-1:vobj" out="-2:[subj]">udvikles</W> | |
<W lemma="uden" msd="SP" in="-2:mod" out="1:nobj">uden</W> | |
<W lemma="en" msd="PI-CSU--U" in="-1:nobj" out="2:nobj">en</W> | |
<W lemma=""" msd="XP" in="1:pnct" out="">"</W> | |
<W lemma="jernnæve" msd="NCCSU==I" in="-2:nobj" out="-1:pnct|1:pnct">jernnæve</W> | |
<W lemma=""" msd="XP" in="-1:pnct" out="">"</W> | |
<W lemma="." msd="XP" in="-12:pnct" out="">.</W> | |
</s></code> | |
| |
The first sentence of the CoNLL 2006 training data: | |
| |
| 1 | Samme | _ | A | AN | degree=pos<nowiki>|</nowiki>gender=common/neuter<nowiki>|</nowiki>number=sing/plur<nowiki>|</nowiki>case=unmarked<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=def/indef<nowiki>|</nowiki>transcat=unmarked | 0 | ROOT | _ | _ | | | 1 | kasahara | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | NAME | NAMEper | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 2 | HD | 2 | HD | |
| 2 | cifre | _ | N | NC | gender=neuter<nowiki>|</nowiki>number=plur<nowiki>|</nowiki>case=unmarked<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=indef | 1 | nobj | _ | _ | | | 2 | arisa | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | NAME | NAMEper | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 3 | COMP | 3 | COMP | |
| 3 | , | _ | X | XP | _ | 1 | pnct | _ | _ | | | 3 | desu | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | PV | PVfin | u | 0 | ROOT | 0 | ROOT | |
| 4 | de | _ | P | PD | gender=common/neuter<nowiki>|</nowiki>number=plur<nowiki>|</nowiki>case=unmarked<nowiki>|</nowiki>register=unmarked | 7 | subj | _ | _ | | | 4 | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 3 | PUNCT | 3 | PUNCT | |
| 5 | norske | _ | A | AN | degree=pos<nowiki>|</nowiki>gender=common/neuter<nowiki>|</nowiki>number=plur<nowiki>|</nowiki>case=unmarked<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=def/indef<nowiki>|</nowiki>transcat=unmarked | 4 | mod | _ | _ | | | |||||||||| |
| 6 | piger | _ | N | NC | gender=common<nowiki>|</nowiki>number=plur<nowiki>|</nowiki>case=unmarked<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=indef | 4 | nobj | _ | _ | | | 1 | kadowaki | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | NAME | NAMEper | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 2 | HD | 2 | HD | |
| 7 | tabte | _ | V | VA | mood=indic<nowiki>|</nowiki>tense=past<nowiki>|</nowiki>voice=active | 1 | rel | _ | _ | | | 2 | masakazu | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | NAME | NAMEper | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 3 | COMP | 3 | COMP | |
| 8 | med | _ | SP | SP | _ | 7 | pobj | _ | _ | | | 3 | desu | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | PV | PVfin | u | 0 | ROOT | 0 | ROOT | |
| 9 | i_lørdags | _ | RG | RG | degree=unmarked | 7 | mod | _ | _ | | | 4 | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 3 | PUNCT | 3 | PUNCT | |
| 10 | mod | _ | SP | SP | _ | 7 | pobj | _ | _ | | | |||||||||| |
| 11 | VMs | _ | N | NP | case=gen | 10 | nobj | _ | _ | | | 1 | kadowaki | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | NAME | NAMEper | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 2 | COMP | 2 | COMP | |
| 12 | værtsnation | _ | N | NC | gender=common<nowiki>|</nowiki>number=sing<nowiki>|</nowiki>case=unmarked<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=indef | 11 | possd | _ | _ | | | 2 | saN | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | P | PNsf | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 0 | ROOT | 0 | ROOT | |
| 13 | . | _ | X | XP | _ | 1 | pnct | _ | _ | | | 3 | omatase | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | N | VN | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 4 | COMP | 4 | COMP | |
| | 4 | shimashita | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | VS | VSfin | ta | 0 | ROOT | 0 | ROOT | |
| | 5 | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 4 | PUNCT | 4 | PUNCT | |
| |
The first sentence of the CoNLL 2006 test data: | The first three sentences of the CoNLL 2006 test data: |
| |
| 1 | To | _ | A | AC | case=unmarked | 10 | subj | _ | _ | | | 1 | tashiro | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | NAME | NAMEper | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 2 | HD | 2 | HD | |
| 2 | kendte | _ | A | AN | degree=pos<nowiki>|</nowiki>gender=common/neuter<nowiki>|</nowiki>number=plur<nowiki>|</nowiki>case=unmarked<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=def/indef<nowiki>|</nowiki>transcat=unmarked | 1 | mod | _ | _ | | | 2 | yasuko | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | NAME | NAMEper | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 3 | COMP | 3 | COMP | |
| 3 | russiske | _ | A | AN | degree=pos<nowiki>|</nowiki>gender=common/neuter<nowiki>|</nowiki>number=plur<nowiki>|</nowiki>case=unmarked<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=def/indef<nowiki>|</nowiki>transcat=unmarked | 1 | mod | _ | _ | | | 3 | desu | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | PV | PVfin | u | 0 | ROOT | 0 | ROOT | |
| 4 | historikere | _ | N | NC | gender=common<nowiki>|</nowiki>number=plur<nowiki>|</nowiki>case=unmarked<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=indef | 1 | nobj | _ | _ | | | 4 | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 3 | PUNCT | 3 | PUNCT | |
| 5 | Andronik | _ | N | NP | case=unmarked | 6 | namef | _ | _ | | | |||||||||| |
| 6 | Mirganjan | _ | N | NP | case=unmarked | 1 | appr | _ | _ | | | 1 | hayakawa | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | NAME | NAMEper | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 2 | HD | 2 | HD | |
| 7 | og | _ | C | CC | _ | 6 | coord | _ | _ | | | 2 | ryou | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | NAME | NAMEper | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 3 | COMP | 3 | COMP | |
| 8 | Igor | _ | N | NP | case=unmarked | 9 | namef | _ | _ | | | 3 | desu | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | PV | PVfin | u | 0 | ROOT | 0 | ROOT | |
| 9 | Klamkin | _ | N | NP | case=unmarked | 7 | conj | _ | _ | | | 4 | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 3 | PUNCT | 3 | PUNCT | |
| 10 | tror | _ | V | VA | mood=indic<nowiki>|</nowiki>tense=present<nowiki>|</nowiki>voice=active | 0 | ROOT | _ | _ | | | |||||||||| |
| 11 | ikke | _ | RG | RG | degree=unmarked | 10 | mod | _ | _ | | | 1 | hayakawa | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | NAME | NAMEper | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 2 | COMP | 2 | COMP | |
| 12 | , | _ | X | XP | _ | 10 | pnct | _ | _ | | | 2 | saN | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | P | PNsf | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 6 | ADJ | 6 | ADJ | |
| 13 | at | _ | C | CS | _ | 10 | dobj | _ | _ | | | 3 | ima | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | N | Ntmp | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 6 | ADJ | 6 | ADJ | |
| 14 | Rusland | _ | N | NP | case=unmarked | 15 | subj | _ | _ | | | 4 | chotto | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | ADV | ADV | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 6 | ADJ | 6 | ADJ | |
| 15 | kan | _ | V | VA | mood=indic<nowiki>|</nowiki>tense=present<nowiki>|</nowiki>voice=active | 13 | vobj | _ | _ | | | 5 | ojikaN | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | N | NN | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 6 | SBJ | 6 | SBJ | |
| 16 | udvikles | _ | V | VA | mood=infin<nowiki>|</nowiki>voice=passive | 15 | vobj | _ | _ | | | 6 | yoroshii | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | ADJ | ADJifin | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 7 | COMP | 7 | COMP | |
| 17 | uden | _ | SP | SP | _ | 15 | mod | _ | _ | | | 7 | desu | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | PV | PVfin | u | 0 | ROOT | 0 | ROOT | |
| 18 | en | _ | P | PI | gender=common<nowiki>|</nowiki>number=sing<nowiki>|</nowiki>case=unmarked<nowiki>|</nowiki>register=unmarked | 17 | nobj | _ | _ | | | 8 | ka | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | PS | PSE | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 7 | MRK | 7 | MRK | |
| 19 | " | _ | X | XP | _ | 20 | pnct | _ | _ | | | 9 | chotto | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | ADV | ADV | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 16 | ADJ | 16 | ADJ | |
| 20 | jernnæve | _ | N | NC | gender=common<nowiki>|</nowiki>number=sing<nowiki>|</nowiki>case=unmarked<nowiki>|</nowiki>def=indef | 18 | nobj | _ | _ | | | 10 | doitsu | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | NAME | NAMEloc | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 11 | COMP | 11 | COMP | |
| 21 | " | _ | X | XP | _ | 20 | pnct | _ | _ | | | 11 | no | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | P | Pgen | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 12 | ADJ | 12 | ADJ | |
| 22 | . | _ | X | XP | _ | 10 | pnct | _ | _ | | | 12 | shucchou | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | N | VN | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 13 | COMP | 13 | COMP | |
| | 13 | no | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | P | Pgen | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 14 | COMP | 14 | COMP | |
| | 14 | koto | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | N | NF | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 15 | COMP | 15 | COMP | |
| | 15 | de | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | P | P | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 16 | ADJ | 16 | ADJ | |
| | 16 | gosoudaN | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | N | VN | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 17 | COMP | 17 | COMP | |
| | 17 | shitai | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | VADJ | VADJi | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 18 | COMP | 18 | COMP | |
| | 18 | no | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | N | NF | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 19 | COMP | 19 | COMP | |
| | 19 | desu | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | PV | PVfin | u | 20 | COMP | 20 | COMP | |
| | 20 | ga | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | PS | PSSb | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 0 | ROOT | 0 | ROOT | |
| | 21 | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>.</nowiki> | <nowiki>_</nowiki> | 20 | PUNCT | 20 | PUNCT | |
| |
==== Parsing ==== | ==== Parsing ==== |
| |
Nonprojectivities in DDT are not frequent. Only 988 of the 100,238 tokens in the CoNLL 2006 version are attached nonprojectively (0.99%). | Nonprojectivities in TüBa-J/S are not frequent. Only 1736 of the 157,172 tokens in the CoNLL 2006 version are attached nonprojectively (1.1%). |
| |
The results of the CoNLL 2006 shared task are [[|available online]]. They have been published in [[|(Buchholz and Marsi, 2006)]]. The evaluation procedure was non-standard because it excluded punctuation tokens. These are the best results for Danish: | The results of the CoNLL 2006 shared task are [[|available online]]. They have been published in [[|(Buchholz and Marsi, 2006)]]. The evaluation procedure was non-standard because it excluded punctuation tokens. These are the best results for Japanese: |
| |
^ Parser (Authors) ^ LAS ^ UAS ^ | ^ Parser (Authors) ^ LAS ^ UAS ^ |
| MST (McDonald et al.) | 84.79 | 90.58 | | | Basis (John O'Neil) | 90.57 | 93.16 | |
| Malt (Nivre et al.) | 84.77 | 89.80 | | | Nara (Yuchang Cheng) | 89.91 | 93.12 | |
| Riedel et al. | 83.63 | 89.66 | | | Malt (Nivre et al.) | 91.65 | 93.10 | |
| |