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user:zeman:treebanks:sk [2014/03/03 11:50]
zeman Size.
user:zeman:treebanks:sk [2014/03/03 12:20]
zeman Sample.
Line 39: Line 39:
 ==== Inside ==== ==== Inside ====
-The original morphosyntactic tags have been converted to fit into the three columns (CPOS, POS and FEAT) of the CoNLL formatThere //should// be a 1-1 mapping between the [[http://www.bultreebank.org/TechRep/BTB-TR03.pdf|BTB positional tags]] and the CoNLL 2006 annotation. Use [[http://quest.ms.mff.cuni.cz/cgi-bin/interset/index.pl?tagset=sl::conll|DZ Interset]] to inspect the CoNLL tagset.+The syntactic annotation scheme has been taken from analytical layer of the (CzechPrague Dependency Treebank 2.0. The set of syntactic tags (dependency relation labels) is identical to the set of analytical functions (afuns) in PDTMorphosyntactic tagset is that of the Slovak National Corpus. Use [[http://quest.ms.mff.cuni.cz/cgi-bin/interset/index.pl?tagset=sk::snk|DZ Interset]] to inspect the tagset.
-The morphological analysis includes lemmas. The morphosyntactic tags have been assigned (probably) manually.+A significant part of the treebank (but not all) has been syntactically annotated in parallel by two independent annotators. (In the data we have for HamleDT these parallel annotations have not been merged.) 
 +The morphological analysis includes lemmas. The morphosyntactic tags and lemmas have been assigned manually only in part of the treebank: Orwell1984, MojaPrvaLaska, Mucska, MilosFerko, MilosFerko2, Patmos, PsiaKoza “and some others.
 ==== Sample ==== ==== Sample ====
-The first sentence of the treebank in the TEI-compliant XML format:+Beginning of the file Orwell1984/bsnk01_jankal_dok.fsnew.w (I have selected this text because we have the same part of Orwell's 1984 as our sample of [[sl#Sample|Slovenian]]. 
 +<code xml><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
 +<wdata xmlns="http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/pdt/pml/"> 
 + <head> 
 +  <schema href="wdata_schema.xml" /> 
 + </head> 
 + <meta> 
 +  <original_format>csts</original_format> 
 + </meta> 
 + <doc continues="1"> 
 +  <docmeta></docmeta> 
 +  <para> 
 +   <othermarkup origin="csts/doc/p/@n">1</othermarkup> 
 +   <w id="w-.b.1"> 
 +    <token>:</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.b.2"> 
 +    <token>ORWELL</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.b.3"> 
 +    <token>GEORGE</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.b.4"> 
 +    <token>deväťsto</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.b.5"> 
 +    <token>Tisíc</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.b.6"> 
 +    <token>osemdesiatštyri</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.c.1"> 
 +    <token>:</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.c.2"> 
 +    <token>Preklad</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.c.3"> 
 +    <token>Vojtek</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.c.4"> 
 +    <token>Juraj</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.d.1"> 
 +    <token>I</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.d.2"> 
 +    <token>.</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.e.1"> 
 +    <token>1</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.f.1"> 
 +    <token>a</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.f.2"> 
 +    <token>Bol</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.f.3"> 
 +    <token>deň</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.f.4"> 
 +    <token>aprílový</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.f.5"> 
 +    <token>ale</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.f.6"> 
 +    <token>jasný</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.f.7"> 
 +    <token>,</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.f.8"> 
 +    <token>chladný</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.f.9"> 
 +    <token>odbíjali</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.f.10"> 
 +    <token>hodiny</token> 
 +   </w> 
 +   <w id="w-.f.11"> 
 +    <token>trinástu</token> 
 +   </w></code>
-<code xml>    <text id="Osl." lang="sl"> +The same sentence on the m-layer:
-      <body> +
-        <div type="part" id="Osl.1"> +
-          <div type="chapter" id="Osl.1.2"> +
-            <p id="Osl.1.2.2"> +
-              <s id="Osl."> +
-                <w id="s1t1" afun="Pred" parallel="Co" dep="s1t8" lemma="biti" ana="Vcps-sma">Bil</w> +
-                <w id="s1t2" afun="AuxV" dep="s1t1" lemma="biti" ana="Vcip3s--n">je</w> +
-                <w id="s1t3" afun="Atr" parallel="Co" dep="s1t4" lemma="jasen" ana="Afpmsnn">jasen</w> +
-                <c id="s1t4" afun="Coord" dep="s1t7">,</c> +
-                <w id="s1t5" afun="Atr" parallel="Co" dep="s1t4" lemma="mrzel" ana="Afpmsnn">mrzel</w> +
-                <w id="s1t6" afun="Atr" dep="s1t7" lemma="aprilski" ana="Aopmsn">aprilski</w> +
-                <w id="s1t7" afun="Sb" dep="s1t1" lemma="dan" ana="Ncmsn">dan</w> +
-                <w id="s1t8" afun="Coord" dep="root" lemma="in" ana="Ccs">in</w> +
-                <w id="s1t9" afun="Sb" dep="s1t11" lemma="ura" ana="Ncfpn">ure</w> +
-                <w id="s1t10" afun="AuxV" dep="s1t11" lemma="biti" ana="Vcip3p--n">so</w> +
-                <w id="s1t11" afun="Pred" parallel="Co" dep="s1t8" lemma="biti" ana="Vmps-pfa">bile</w> +
-                <w id="s1t12" afun="Obj" dep="s1t11" lemma="trinajst" ana="Mcnpnl">trinajst</w> +
-                <c id="s1t13" afun="AuxK" dep="root">.</c> +
-              </s></code>+
-The first sentence of the CoNLL 2006 training data:+<code xml><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-| 1 | Bil | biti | Verb | <nowiki>Verb-copula</nowiki<nowiki>VForm=participle|Tense=past|Number=singular|Gender=masculine|Voice=active</nowiki| 8 | Pred | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +<mdata xmlns="http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/pdt/pml/"> 
-| je | biti | Verb | <nowiki>Verb-copula</nowiki<nowiki>VForm=indicative|Tense=present|Person=third|Number=singular|Negative=no</nowiki| 1 | AuxV | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| + <head> 
-| jasen | jasen | Adjective | <nowiki>Adjective-qualificative</nowiki<nowiki>Degree=positive|Gender=masculine|Number=singular|Case=nominative|Definiteness=no</nowiki| 4 | Atr | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +  <schema href="mdata_schema.xml" /> 
-<nowiki>,</nowiki<nowiki>,</nowiki| PUNC | PUNC | <nowiki>_</nowiki| 7 | Coord | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +  <references> 
-| mrzel | mrzel | Adjective | <nowiki>Adjective-qualificative</nowiki<nowiki>Degree=positive|Gender=masculine|Number=singular|Case=nominative|Definiteness=no</nowiki| 4 | Atr | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +   <reffile id="w" name="wdata" href="bsnk01_jankal_dok.fsnew.w" /> 
-| aprilski | aprilski | Adjective | <nowiki>Adjective-ordinal</nowiki<nowiki>Degree=positive|Gender=masculine|Number=singular|Case=nominative</nowiki| 7 | Atr | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +  </references> 
-| 7 | dan | dan | Noun | <nowiki>Noun-common</nowiki<nowiki>Gender=masculine|Number=singular|Case=nominative</nowiki| Sb | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| + </head> 
-| 8 | in | in | Conjunction | <nowiki>Conjunction-coordinating</nowiki<nowiki>Formation=simple</nowiki| 0 | Coord | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| + <meta> 
-| 9 | ure | ura | Noun | <nowiki>Noun-common</nowiki<nowiki>Gender=feminine|Number=plural|Case=nominative</nowiki| 11 | Sb | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +  <lang>cs</lang> 
-| 10 | so | biti | Verb | <nowiki>Verb-copula</nowiki<nowiki>VForm=indicative|Tense=present|Person=third|Number=plural|Negative=no</nowiki| 11 | AuxV | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| + </meta> 
-| 11 | bile | biti | Verb | <nowiki>Verb-main</nowiki<nowiki>VForm=participle|Tense=past|Number=plural|Gender=feminine|Voice=active</nowiki| Pred | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| + <s id="m-.b"> 
-| 12 | trinajst | trinajst | Numeral | <nowiki>Numeral-cardinal</nowiki<nowiki>Gender=neuter|Number=plural|Case=nominative|Form=letter</nowiki11 | Obj | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +  <m id="m-.b.1"> 
-| 13 | <nowiki>.</nowiki<nowiki>.</nowiki| PUNC | PUNC | <nowiki>_</nowiki| 0 | AuxK | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki|+   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.b.1</w.rf> 
 +   <form>:</form
 +   <lemma>:</lemma> 
 +   <tag>Z</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.b.2"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.b.2</w.rf> 
 +   <form>ORWELL</form> 
 +   <lemma>orwell</lemma> 
 +   <tag>SSms1:r</tag
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.b.3"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.b.3</w.rf> 
 +   <form>GEORGE</form> 
 +   <lemma>george</lemma> 
 +   <tag>SSms1:r</tag
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.b.4"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.b.4</w.rf> 
 +   <form>deväťsto</form> 
 +   <lemma>deväťsto</lemma> 
 +   <tag>NX</tag
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.b.5"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.b.5</w.rf> 
 +   <form>Tisíc</form> 
 +   <lemma>tisíc</lemma> 
 +   <tag>NX</tag
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.b.6"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.b.6</w.rf> 
 +   <form>osemdesiatštyri</form> 
 +   <lemma>osemdesiatštyri</lemma> 
 +   <tag>NX</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 + </s> 
 + <s id="m-.c"> 
 +  <m id="m-.c.1"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.c.1</w.rf> 
 +   <form>:</form> 
 +   <lemma>:</lemma> 
 +   <tag>Z</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.c.2"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.c.2</w.rf> 
 +   <form>Preklad</form> 
 +   <lemma>preklad</lemma> 
 +   <tag>SSis1</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.c.3"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.c.3</w.rf> 
 +   <form>Vojtek</form
 +   <lemma>vojtek</lemma> 
 +   <tag>SSms1:r</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.c.4"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.c.4</w.rf> 
 +   <form>Juraj</form> 
 +   <lemma>juraj</lemma> 
 +   <tag>SSms1:r</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 + </s> 
 + <s id="m-.d"> 
 +  <m id="m-.d.1"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.d.1</w.rf> 
 +   <form>I</form> 
 +   <lemma>i</lemma
 +   <tag>0</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.d.2"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.d.2</w.rf> 
 +   <form>.</form
 +   <lemma>.</lemma> 
 +   <tag>Z</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 + </s> 
 + <s id="m-.e"> 
 +  <m id="m-.e.1"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.e.1</w.rf> 
 +   <form>1</form
 +   <lemma>1</lemma> 
 +   <tag>0</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 + </s> 
 + <s id="m-.f"> 
 +  <m id="m-.f.1"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.f.1</w.rf> 
 +   <form>a</form> 
 +   <lemma>a</lemma> 
 +   <tag>O</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.f.2"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.f.2</w.rf> 
 +   <form>Bol</form> 
 +   <lemma>byť</lemma> 
 +   <tag>VLesci+</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.f.3"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.f.3</w.rf> 
 +   <form>deň</form> 
 +   <lemma>deň</lemma> 
 +   <tag>SSis1</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.f.4"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.f.4</w.rf> 
 +   <form>aprílový</form
 +   <lemma>aprílový</lemma> 
 +   <tag>AAis1x</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.f.5"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.f.5</w.rf> 
 +   <form>ale</form> 
 +   <lemma>ale</lemma> 
 +   <tag>O</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.f.6"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.f.6</w.rf> 
 +   <form>jasný</form> 
 +   <lemma>jasný</lemma> 
 +   <tag>AAis1x</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.f.7"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.f.7</w.rf> 
 +   <form>,</form> 
 +   <lemma>,</lemma> 
 +   <tag>Z</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.f.8"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.f.8</w.rf> 
 +   <form>chladný</form> 
 +   <lemma>chladný</lemma
 +   <tag>AAis1x</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.f.9"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.f.9</w.rf> 
 +   <form>odbíjali</form> 
 +   <lemma>odbíjať</lemma> 
 +   <tag>VLepcf+</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.f.10"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.f.10</w.rf> 
 +   <form>hodiny</form> 
 +   <lemma>hodiny</lemma> 
 +   <tag>SSfp1</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.f.11"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.f.11</w.rf> 
 +   <form>trinástu</form> 
 +   <lemma>trinásty</lemma
 +   <tag>NAfs4</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 +  <m id="m-.f.12"> 
 +   <src.rf>manual</src.rf> 
 +   <w.rf>w#w-.f.12</w.rf> 
 +   <form>.</form> 
 +   <lemma>.</lemma> 
 +   <tag>Z</tag> 
 +  </m> 
 + </s></code>
-The first sentence of the CoNLL 2006 test data:+<code xml><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-| 1 | Na | na | Adposition | <nowiki>Adposition-preposition</nowiki<nowiki>Formation=simple|Case=locative</nowiki| 5 | AuxP | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +<adata xmlns="http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/pdt/pml/"> 
-| 2 | hrbtu | hrbet | Noun | <nowiki>Noun-common</nowiki<nowiki>Gender=masculine|Number=singular|Case=locative</nowiki| Adv | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| + <head> 
-| je | biti | Verb | <nowiki>Verb-copula</nowiki<nowiki>VForm=indicative|Tense=present|Person=third|Number=singular|Negative=no</nowiki| 5 | AuxV | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +  <schema href="adata_schema.xml" /> 
-| lahko | lahko | Adverb | <nowiki>Adverb-general</nowiki<nowiki>Degree=positive</nowiki| 5 | AuxY | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +  <references> 
-| čutil | čutiti | Verb | <nowiki>Verb-main</nowiki<nowiki>VForm=participle|Tense=past|Number=singular|Gender=masculine|Voice=active</nowiki| 0 | Pred | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +   <reffile id="m" name="mdata" href="bsnk01_jankal_dok.fsnew.m" /> 
-<nowiki>,</nowiki<nowiki>,</nowiki| PUNC | PUNC | <nowiki>_</nowiki| 7 | AuxX | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +   <reffile id="w" name="wdata" href="bsnk01_jankal_dok.fsnew.w" /> 
-| 7 | da | da | Conjunction | <nowiki>Conjunction-subordinating</nowiki<nowiki>Formation=simple</nowiki| 5 | AuxC | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +  </references> 
-| 8 | vsi | ves | Pronoun | <nowiki>Pronoun-general</nowiki<nowiki>Gender=masculine|Number=plural|Case=nominative|Syntactic-Type=nominal</nowiki| 9 | Sb | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| + </head> 
-| 9 | upirajo | upirati | Verb | <nowiki>Verb-main</nowiki<nowiki>VForm=indicative|Tense=present|Person=third|Number=plural|Negative=no</nowiki| 7 | Obj | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| + <trees> 
-| 10 | oči | oči | Noun | <nowiki>Noun-common</nowiki<nowiki>Gender=feminine|Number=plural|Case=accusative</nowiki| 9 | Obj | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +  <LM id="a-.b"
-| 11 | v | v | Adposition | <nowiki>Adposition-preposition</nowiki<nowiki>Formation=simple|Case=accusative</nowiki| 9 | AuxP | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +   <s.rf>m#m-.b</s.rf> 
-| 12 | njegov | njegov | Pronoun | <nowiki>Pronoun-possessive</nowiki<nowiki>Person=third|Gender=masculine|Number=singular|Case=accusative|Owner-Number=singular|Owner-Gender=masculine|Syntactic-Type=adjectival|Animate=no</nowiki| 14 | Atr <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +   <ord>0</ord> 
-| 13 | modri | moder | Adjective | <nowiki>Adjective-qualificative</nowiki<nowiki>Degree=positive|Gender=masculine|Number=singular|Case=accusative|Definiteness=yes|Animate=no</nowiki| 14 | Atr <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +   <children> 
-| 14 | kombinezon | kombinezon | Noun | <nowiki>Noun-common</nowiki<nowiki>Gender=masculine|Number=singular|Case=accusative|Animate=no</nowiki11 | Adv | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki| +    <LM id="a-.b.1"> 
-| 15 | <nowiki>.</nowiki<nowiki>.</nowiki| PUNC | PUNC | <nowiki>_</nowiki| 0 | AuxK | <nowiki>_</nowiki<nowiki>_</nowiki|+     <m.rf>m#m-.b.1</m.rf> 
 +     <afun>Coord</afun
 +     <ord>3</ord> 
 +     <children> 
 +      <LM id="a-.b.2"> 
 +       <m.rf>m#m-.b.2</m.rf> 
 +       <afun>ExD</afun> 
 +       <is_member>1</is_member> 
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 ==== Parsing ==== ==== Parsing ====

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