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ADACA Discourse Workshop at COLING 2012

W1: Advances in discourse analysis and its computational aspects

Workshop general chair: Eva Hajičová, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
e-mail: hajicova at ufal.mff.cuni.cz
Technical co-organizers: Jiří Mírovský and Lucie Poláková
Workshop date: December 15th, 2012 (Saturday)

Brief description of the workshop

The aim of the workshop is twofold:

  1. to bring together and to spread an up-to-date information on advanced computationally oriented studies in discourse analysis, and
  2. to provoke a discussion on hot issues in the domain of the study in discourse, especially with respect to modern methodology and to computationally and corpus oriented research and its possible applications. Thus, the workshop may attract a rather broad (and cross-section) audience: those who are just starting their research in the given area will get enough stuff for thought how to proceed, and those who are in an advanced stage of their research will get a stimulating feedback from the floor and the discussion will make it possible for them to sharpen their ideas and plans.

To fulfil the workshop aims specified above, the workshop will attempt to provide a forum free of the conventional shape of unrelated presentations on the topic.

Important Dates

Please note that the deadline for paper submission will NOT be extended!

  September 30th, 2012 (11:59pm Cetral European time, GMT+2): Paper submission deadline
  October 31st, 2012: Paper accept/reject notification
  November 15th, 2012: Camera ready paper due

Call for papers

Both long (up to 14 A5 pages + references) and short papers (up to 8 A5 pages + references) are possible, please follow the instructions for the formats of submissions for papers for the main conference (see COLING website).

Submission and reviewing will be online, managed by the START system. The only accepted format of submitted papers is PDF. Submissions must be uploaded on the START system before the submission deadline, which is September 30th, 2012 (11:59pm Central European time, GTM+2). To submit a paper, go to the paper submission page. Do not forget to anonymize your submissions, the reviewing process will be double-blind.

The programme of the workshop will contain

  1. brief position papers given by prominent researchers who have had significant contributions to the field (see the list of invited speakers below), and
  2. contributions by workshop participants submitted and accepted (on the basis of a review procedure)

We believe that this procedure will help to concentrate on an intensive interaction and discussion of all the participants of the workshop.

The abstracts of the statements of the invited speakers will be published on this web page before September 30th, 2012.

The invitation to present a position paper (with a provisional topics as given below) has already been accepted by

Prof. Katheleen McKeown, Columbia University, New York, USA
What is needed and what can help for people who want to use discourse relations in tasks such as NL generation or text summarization. (abstract)
Prof. Kristiina Jokinen, Helsinki University, Finland
New Information in Wikitalk - story telling for information presentation
Nianwen (Bert) Xue, Assistant Professor Brandeis University. USA
Explicit and implicit discourse relations from a cross-lingual perspective – from experience in working on Chinese discourse annotation (abstract)
Prof. Aravind Joshi, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
(title to be announced) (abstract)
Massimo Poesio, University of Essex, Great Britain
Empirical methods in the study of anaphora: lessons learned, remaining problems

Among the issues proposed to be discussed there are

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