The Second TextLink training school is taking place in February 6th to 10th in Prague. The programme is almost ready, see, with the exception of Thursday.
Following the wishes of the attendees of the First TextLink training school in Valencia compiled from the questionnaires, we plan to focus on practical tasks and make it a core of the week. Apart from complementing theoretical morning classes with practical afternoon follow-ups, we want to dedicate a whole day (namely Thursday) to practical lab sessions, aiming at presenting tools that linguists really use for annotation and/or research.
Now we are looking for tool presenters. If you know a tool for performing tasks related to the topics of the Second TextLink training school (see also and/or general TextLink fields of interest, if you have a good experience with the tool, if you think that it would be useful for a broader audience and if you are also willing to present it at the school (in a 1.5 hour slot), please let us know asap (let's say within a week).
We rely on your help!
Looking forward to your suggestions!
Best regards,
Jiří Mírovský
Charles University
Prague, Czech Republic