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Table of Contents
NPFL094, Morphological and Syntactic Analysis
This wiki page is intended as a communication means for students of the NPFL094 course (Morphological and Syntactic Analysis). To be able to edit the page, you need login name and password. If you don't have it, please register here.
Student Projects
Each student should work on a different language. If you have chosen your language, please add your name and the name of the language to the following list so that others know (I've put myself as a sample entry to the beginning). Click on the “Upravit stránku” button in the upper right corner in order to start editing. When done, click on “Uložit” (Save). Beneath the list, you can create a section for your project, e.g. if you want to put there links to existing resources for your language.
- Dan Zeman: Czech, English
- Bushra Jawaid: Urdu
- Michal Hrušecký: French
- Septina Dian Larasati: Bahasa Indonesia
- Miroslav Týnovský: Bulgarian
- Radoslav Klíč: Latin
- Josef Čech: Hungarian
- Rudolf Rosa: Slovio (?)
- Jan Hajič: Any! (Unsupervised methods)
SVN Repository for the Projects
For the first checkout of a working copy of the repository, you need a login name and a password for the ÚFAL svn server. If you previously participated on a project at ÚFAL (including some student projects, e.g. those accompanying the SMT seminar), chances are that you already have an account there. Otherwise, ask Dan Zeman.
svn --username $USER checkout # Everything, including other people's projects svn --username $USER co$PROJECT # Obtain just files of project named $PROJECT