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MEd - editor of interlinked multi-layered linearly-structured linguistic annotations
Warning: This wiki page is obsolete. Please go to https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/editor_med instead.
MEd is an annotation tool in which linearly-structured annotations
of text or audio data in can be created and edited. The tool supports multiple stacked layers of annotations that can be interconnected by links. MEd can also be used for other purposes, such as word-to-word alignment of parallel corpora.
MEd is the main annotation tool for the project
Prague Dependency Treebank of Spoken Czech (PDTSC)
The tool works with the PML format.
Petr Pajas, David Mareček
The development of this tool is supported by:
- Centrum komputační lingvistiky (LC536, 2005-2009)
- GAČR (GA405/06/0589, 2006-2008)
- GAUK 375/2005 (2005-2006)
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2 (See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html).
Installation (MS Windows)
Step 1: Download and install ActivePerl
- go to http://www.activestate.com/store/activeperl/ (the following instructions may be inacurate due to changes on ActiveState? site)
- under the Download Now icon find a small link to “Other systems and versions” and click it
- find section labeled ActivePerl 5.8.xxxx and under it click the link to “Windows (x86) - Windows Installer (MSI)”
- Download the .msi file and then open it. This will start the ActivePerl installer. During the installation, leave every option at its default value and proceed by pressing the buttons “Next >” and “Finish” (or similar)
Step 2: Install Tortoise SubVersion
- go to http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads (the site seems slow, so be patient)
- In the “Downlad Application” section select a 32 Bit msi Installer file (it is named something like TortoiseSVN-
- Download the .msi file and then open it. This will start the Tortoise SVN installer. During the installation, leave every option at its default and proceed by pressing the buttons “Next >” and “Finish” (or similar)
- Restart the computer
Step 3: Install Med
- Open “My Computer” and open the “C:\” folder
- right-click somewhere on the white space between files and folders. A context menu that appears should contain an item “SVN Checkout”. Select it.
- In the SVN Checkout dialog fill the following press OK:
Repository URL: svn://svn.ms.mff.cuni.cz/pdtsc-med Checkout directory: C:\pdtsc-med
- If asked, confirm that the folder C:\pdtsc-med is to be created
- When prompted, use 'anonymous' as u s e r n a m e and 'guest' as p a s s w o r d.
- After this, Tortoise SVN will install Med into the folder C:\pdtsc-med
Step 4: install Med dependencies (Perl modules)
- open the folder C:\pdtsc-med and find a file install_win32_deps.bat (note that the .bat suffix may be hidden but it should be stated in the description that it is a Batch file or something like that). Double-click this file.
- At this point a black window of the command-console should appear and you should be able to see the installer fetch data from several Perl repositories and then install various Perl modules required by Med. During the process you will be asked several questions which you may answer by simply pressing Enter.
Step 5: install codecs
Fetch K-Lite Codec Pack from
Start the installer and either install all components (which is not necessary), or (better) from the drop-down list select an option to “uncheck all components” and then go through the list of components and check all that contain the word “ogg” or “vorbis”. There should be about 3 of them. Then let the installer proceed.
Finally, when all described above is done, try double-clicking the med.pl file in C:\pdtsc-med. This should start the application. You may create a shortcut on the desktop by right-clicking on med.pl and using 'Send to desktop'.
Sample audio OGG/Vorbis file to test the editor
The examples/data directory of the instalation contains a sample annotation file with three annotation layers. The annotation refers to an audio file which, for its size, is not included, but which can be download from here:
[http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~pajas/medit/27638_04.ogg 27628_04.ogg (17.7MB)]
Place the ogg file to the examples/data directory.
Petr Pajas © 2007-2008
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