This is an old revision of the document!
Preliminary program
13:30 Lunch
14:30 short personal and project presentation
15:30 (approx.) coffee break
15:45 short personal and project presentations
16:30 accreditation
18:30 Dinner
19:30 UFAL Best Paper Award
8-9 Breakfast
9:30 Loganathan
10:15 Jarmila Panevová: PDT 3.0
10:35 Lucie Poláková: Genre annotation in PDT 3.0
10:55 Patrice Pognan: Definition of the Linguistic System of the West Slavonic Languages as the basis for their Description and Comparison
11:20 Jana Straková: A New State-Of-The-Art Czech Named Entity Recognizer
11:50 Natalia Kljueva: Machine Translation between Czech and Russian
12:30 Lunch followed by a short trip (walk, bike, … depending on weather)
15:30 coffee
16:00 Patrice Pognan: Classification of Polish Morphology
16:30 accreditation, web
18:30 Small banquet
photos / slides from your trips ?
8-9 Breakfast
9:30 Silvie Cinková
10:00 Petra Barančíková: Lexical Paraphrasing for Improvement of MT Evaluation
10:30 Kateřina Rysová: On Contextual Boundness in PDT
11:00 Matěj Korvas: Česká lingvistická olympiáda
12:30 Lunch
trip - depending on weather (walk, bike, …)
Arrival, accommodation, meals, and other practical issues
Venue: Hotel Příchovice
Arrival: Thursday September 19, before lunch
Departure: Sunday September 22, 2013
Working days: Thu, Fri, Sat morning
As usual, the institute covers accommodation and meals (lunch Thu - lunch Sat; tap water with each meal) for all employees and students.
CHANGED: Unless otherwise stated, the institute will cover the hotel invoice (the accommodation and meals for all participants) for the whole period (lunch Thu - lunch Sun).
You are not supposed to pay the accommodation and meals for you and your family members on site. Instead, Ms. Brdickova will kindly ask you for reimbursement for your family members (and for your longer stay).