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Some differences in the reading of natural language expressions need to be represented by the distinction of whether a node at the preextensional level is to be considered a (var)iable or a (con)stant.

This distinction is specified by means of the attribute VARIA.

Its values have the following meanings:

VARIA = con – The node represents a fixed element that does not change depending on the variation of other conceptual representatives.

VARIA = var – The node represents an element that has to be considered a variable.

[VARIA = varia] – Generic concepts obtain the value[VARIA = varia] as their primary specification (under specification of the attribute).

Consider the following sentences

      “There is a book [VARIA = con], which has been read by every student. [VARIA = var] ”

The extensional of “a book” in the above sentence, is a fixed representative with [VARIA = con] which is independent of the student doing the reading.

      “Every student [VARIA = var] bought a new suit.” [VARIA = var]

In the above sentence, “Every student” is a parameterized individual running over the set of all students [VARIA = var].

In addition to the value of variability, this dependence is expressed by the nonsymmetric relation DPND at the preextensional level of MultiNet.

Since every student buys another suit, the extensional of this concept bears the attribute value [VARIA = var] and is connected by the DPND relation to the extensional of the node representing every single student.

MultiNet (Multilayered Extended Semantic Networks) is developed and maintained
by Intelligent Information and Communication Systems Department of FernUniversität in Hagen.

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