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rokytnice-n.-jizerou-2022 [2022/09/14 19:04]
rokytnice-n.-jizerou-2022 [2022/09/24 23:42] (current)
mnovak [Programme]
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 We are also discussing the programme on the ÚFAL Slack, contact [[mailto:kasner@ufal.mff.cuni.cz | Zdeněk K.]] if you're not there yet. We are also discussing the programme on the ÚFAL Slack, contact [[mailto:kasner@ufal.mff.cuni.cz | Zdeněk K.]] if you're not there yet.
 +=== Program overview ===
 +^ Topic owner ^ Topic ^ Links ^
 +| Barbora Hladká  | ÚFAL Head's Report | {{ :user:hladka:september.slides.pdf |Slides}} |
 +| Stanislava Gráf | ÚFAL project stats and funding | {{ :user:hladka:ufal-2022-09-19-rokytnice.pdf |Slides}} |
 +| Michal Novák    | ÚFAL Publishing House | {{ :2022-rokytnice-books-slides.pdf |Slides}} |
 +| Martin Popel    | U4U | [[ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OO88hhfEFhFL3AsjdkRzSOyrsxHEa2NDhc7zzI0st5k | Slides ]] |
 +| Silvie Cinková  | H2020 Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure | |
 +| Jindřich Libovický | ÚFAL Twitter | [[ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xOCP7_YHzXK7V-hhZ82vCAnL4vwXBs2jua9avcgvHmE/edit?usp=sharing | Slides ]], [[ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eGc_7ct71cmjJraP9AH_u0xCAKUtOAZ-7XgmYNXyvwI/edit?usp=sharing | ÚFAL Twitter Stats ]]  |
 +| Milan Fučík | ÚFAL cluster updates | |
 +| Pavel Pecina    | ÚFAL projects | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1D75YZCamVnHnGbJNKXjEebVgQ0OIhZqKv7k8YNkSo-U/edit?usp=sharing | Slides]] |
 +| Jan Hajič   | Publications and projects | |
 +| Tomasz Limisiewicz, Ondřej Plátek | Reading group | |
 +| Rudolf Rosa | THEaiTRE | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSBj5xQrBE0PWADUpTZKQN414qeaktCnve3gELodwelWJ7h2iO7GNN8eKUj34nlJ4z1SbJoCHuNrw8Y/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000 | Slides]] |
 +| Matyas Kopp | LINDAT stats | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yizz605oUhfwzgmaSPyi14pqEu07fwoPD-bKyIenKiQ/edit?usp=sharing | Slides]] |
 +| various people | Internships and stays abroad | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DyzQhPYy7dgfzQLqlSlsuw-NCTFyBPNUuDAjuAGW-us/edit?usp=sharing | Slides]] |
 +| Zdeněk Kasner   | PhD studies - feedback | [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19Vw0UiXfDzMrNT0kLG9UhE8KMNWHPzPRKhQRXW9Pc6I/edit?usp=sharing | Slides]], [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1t7NJHtGmihZW-H8Q63hzOJTLbD-Qm3Niy75ZSDyzd8I/edit?usp=sharing | Form]] |
 +| Jindra Helcl    | Tips and tricks, cool tools | |
 +=== PhD studies feedback –  Discussion outcomes ===
 +  * doing an onboarding course twice a year
 +  * creating a wiki page for linguists coming to ÚFAL
 +  * people from MS can work in Troja (when needed) since there are many desks.
 +  * assigning a cosupervisor (or another PhD student) to PhD students? possible, but it is preferred to do it informally
 +  * add Slack registeration procedure to wiki.
 +  * GDPR issues with Slack.
 +  * There is an [[https://overleaf.ufal.mff.cuni.cz/ | Overleaf server for ufal]]!
 ==== How to get there ==== ==== How to get there ====

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