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Sedlec-Prčice, September 2014

place: Sedlec - Prčice, penzion Dalmo, http://www.dalmo.cz/
dates: Saturday, September 13 - Tuesday, September 16
working days: Monday (starting in the morning) - Tuesday (including afternoon)
The “official” program starts with dinner on Sunday evening.

Preliminary Program


6 p.m. Welcome dinner
8 p.m. UFAL BEST Award 2014


9:00 Loganathan Parsing under-resourced languages: Cross-lingual transfer strategies for Indian languages
9:45 Milan Straka MorphoDiTa and NameTag: Tagging Now and in the Future
10:15 Martin Holub Verb context analysis for lexical disambiguation
10:45 coffee
11:00 personal slides
12:30 lunch
16:00 tred, pml-tq, treex … a co dal
17:00 round table Do we need parsing?
18:30 dinner


9:00 David Klusáček Zpětné vazby ve sluchových drahách
9:45 Jindřich Libovický Possible Approaches to String Decoding in Scene Text Recognition
10:15 Jan Hajič et al. JHU Workshop
10:45 Jozef Mišutka, Michal Josífko Lindat/CLARIN repository
10:45 coffee
11:00 Jan Hajič, Filip Jurčíček Podané projekty - na co se můžeme těšit
11:30 personal slides
12:30 lunch


As usual, UFAL will cover accommodation and meals (diner on Sunday - lunch on Tuesday) for employees and students. However, we will appreciate if you can help us to lower the cost and use your grant money.
Feel free to invite your family members (on your own costs).

- tips on the UFAL award … September 1
- suggestions for presentations … September 1
- 1-5 min. personal or project slides … September 12

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