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Semantic Parsing Freebase: Towards Open-doamin Semantic Parsing

1- What does CCG stand for?
2- Using following CCG grammar rules and lexicons, try to parse and represent the following sentence: (optional)

Sentence for parsing: “Pennsylvania neighbors New York.”

New York ˫ NP : new _york
Pennsylvania ˫ NP : pennsylvania
neighbors ˫ S\NP/NP : λ x λy.neighbors(x, y)
X/Y : f Y : g =⇒ X : f(g)
Y : g X\Y : f =⇒ X : f(g)

3- What is the function of “relation-count” attribute in Sentence Retrieval Engine algorithm and how it does manage to do that function?

4- What are two criteria for Assessor algorithm in assessing sentences?
5- What are feasible and infeasible questions? Explain how infeasible questions affect the performance of FreeParser.

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