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Czech-English Dependency-based Machine Translation
je to Magenta pipeline, jen generovani je rule-based misto statistikeho tree-to-tree transducing a pak LM
1. determining contextual boundness
povazuji v CZ od slovesa vlevo jako CB → definite article
od slovesa vpravo nezapojene → indefinite article
2. reordering of constituents
podle CB se z ACT|PAT|ADDR vyberou Sb
declarative sentence: CB adjuncts + Sb + V + direct/indirect Obj + UB adjuncts
3. generation of verb forms
pasivum/aktivum se dela podle Sb funktoru
4. insertion of prepositions and articles
preps: podle české a podle EN nounu
articles: definite při postmodified NP, premodified by superlative or ordinal num
article prevented: uncountable + proper nouns nebo predetermination by possessive a demonstrative pronouns
5. morphology
asi ne morpha
hledaji v tabulce
word form | morphological tag | lemma |